Alexander Graham Bell said that “America is a country of inventors, and the greatest of inventors are the newspaper men." Now that we have the internet lets see how we can reinvent ourselves. Here are just a few of the ways that Maize Voice News has started:
Our Maize Voice Page was designed to be a place where you can post directly to our Page through our Visitor Posts section, about your Busine
ss, Event or just what is on your Heart. (Our Maize Voice "Page”" is not to be confused with our "Profile" or “Group” as we are trying to transition from our "Profile" to our "Group" and we would appreciate your “LIKE” and “SHARE”. "Maize West Wichita Online Garage Sales" is where you can post your gently used item. We prefer that businesses use our "Maize Voice" Group. There are only 2 Main Rules:
1. Do to others as you would want them to do to you. Otherwise post directly to our Timeline about your business, event or just what is on your heart.
2. When a business posts about their business, event or offer DO NOT 'reply" or "comment" so as to take business away from them. This means do not say things like, "I can do it better/cheaper", "Buyer Beware", or anything that would be considered trying to take that customer away from the business that posted. If you do this I WILL contact you and ask that you remove the post, if you do not then you will be banned. Please do not make me follow through with this, it makes me irritated. If you have a question, an accomplishment or just a great pic go ahead and post it. This is your "Voice" Maize.
***As a "Friend" you could receive solicitation from us and businesses through posts on our Timeline to offer their services, discounts, sales or brag a little on their business. You could also received a PM from us and them and "Like" requests. We also send out "Like" requests and add you to our other "Groups". If you do not want to be apart of our "Groups", simply unjoin. You could also be ask to become a "Friend" of our other Voice Products. Thanks for being apart of us!