Flannel Mark Down. I’m creating new designs and need to make room for new!!!!
All in store Flannels are now 40% OFF
5️⃣5️⃣ NOW 3️⃣3️⃣
We absolutely LOVE this season! We want to launch it with you. The Boutique is stocked with Fall clothing collections, pumpkins, home decor and ready to help you kick off the gifting season.
Come in and see us tomorrow from 2-5
She’s DONE! Goshes I love this so much. 2️⃣9️⃣5️⃣
If you’ve seen the latest project in the boutique you’re definitely going to want to come see it finished! Not done yet but…. Before and during are always fun.
The Real Milk Paint Co.
Coming to a store near YOU🥰
I am working on a website! I’m blessed to have many friends and supporters that aren’t local so this will be a place for you to shop from the comfort of your home. I have some really exciting news that I will share soon. It’s something I have been trying to do for about 15 years and I just got the God wink❤️ His plans are always good, it’s the waiting for HIS PERFECT TIME. thankful for my bestie Stacy Keimig - Graves for always pushing me to do my best.
Stacy Keimig - GravesSoul and Grace Clothing Boutique VIP GROUPTessie ReyesGracefully Seated
Oooo I have some BLING BLING coming #soulandgraceclothingboutique #gracefullyseated #tessmae Tessie Reyes
New Fewthers have arrived Soul and Grace Clothing Boutique VIP GROUP go getcha some hair flair!
12-5 today and tomorrow
10-3 Saturday Stacy Keimig - Graves
It’s beginning to look like FALL in Soul and Grace Clothing Boutique VIP GROUP! Stacy Keimig - Graves JoDeen OglesbySoul and Grace Clothing Boutique VIP GROUP