We had a blast talking with Rod from @bigsprinkler this past Tuesday. Episode 80, check it out!
What did ya think of the episode??
#irrigation #sprinklers #lawncare #lawncarebusiness #landscapers #landscaping #gardening #contractors #propertymanagement #turf #turfgrassmanagement #turfmanagement #greenskeeper
Beers and grass every Tuesday!
#lawncare #lawncarelife #kotg #keepoffthegrass #keepoffthegrasslivecast
We had @thelawnsauce join us live from his lawn in Hawaii last night. It was only right we welcomed him in Hawaiian shirts! 😂
#lawncare #lawncarecommunity #kotg #keepoffthegrasslivecast
Who has gophers and ground hogs on their property?
#lawncare #kotg #keepoffthegrass #keepoffthegrasslivecast
Cody tried half @mountaindew and half @buschbeer on Episode 75.
Have you tried it? Would you?
#lawncare #beer #keepoffthegrass #kotg
Does hose size matter?
#lawncare #lawncarelife #lawngoals #irrigation #irrigationsystem #sprinkler #kotg #keepoffthegrass #keepoffthegrasslivecast
Milorganite VS MOORGANITE - clip from Episode 73 with @earthscienceco
#lawncare #gardening #landscaping #soilhealth #keepoffthegrass
Tuesday we had @_yardhard_ join us for the discussion of Fungus / Disease. He won the guest wheel spin the previous week!
Do you have a lawn account? How did you come up with your name??? Let us know!
#lawncare #lawncarelife #lawncarecommunity #lawnstripes #lawn #yard #grass #diylawncare #diylawncarecommunity #keepoffthegrasslivecast #kotg
Heat DOME?? Disease weather is here! Has it hit you??
#lawncare #lawncarelife #lawncarecommunity #diylawncare #diylawncarecommunity #kotg #keepoffthegrass #keepoffthegrasslivecast
Wipes or toilet paper? 😂
Did you catch episode 71 where we spotlighted @meister_of_my_lawn ?? Be sure to check it out!
#kotg #keepoffthegrass #kotglawnoftheweek #lawncare #diylawn #lawncarecommunity
How do you stripe around trees?
#lawnstripes #lawncare #lawnmowing #enjoythemow #kotg #keepoffthegrasslivecast
First, second and third place get a nice prize pack! Who will the top 3 be??
We had a blast looking at all of the amazing stripes last night! We will be dropping a YT video soon of the top 5 entries we narrowed it down to and then it’s up to you to decide/vote!
Check out last nights episode if you want to see some beautiful lawns!
#lawncare #lawnstripes #lawncarecommunity #kotg #keepoffthegrass