City On Lock Online Radio

City On Lock Online Radio C.O.L.O.R. 940, is an urban internet radio station from North Texas catering to unsigned and local ra


If you knew like i knew
you'd do like i do!

The Odell Barnes story is one story  that cuts not only eastside deep but it impales the city of Wichita Falls. I have p...

The Odell Barnes story is one story that cuts not only eastside deep but it impales the city of Wichita Falls. I have personally watched this at least 6-10 times over the past several years.... hey it is what it is.

Here are  26 significant bills and policies passed by the Republican Party in the last 12 years, along with the actual w...

Here are 26 significant bills and policies passed by the Republican Party in the last 12 years, along with the actual web addresses:

Tax Cuts and Jobs Act (2017) - Reduced individual and corporate tax rates.

Web Address:
Born-Alive Abortion Survivors Protection Act (2023) - Ensures medical care for infants born alive after an abortion.

Web Address:
Repealing Net Neutrality (2017) - Overturned regulations on internet service providers.

Web Address:
Reforming Dodd-Frank (2018) - Scaled back regulations on smaller lenders.

Web Address:
Protecting America’s Strategic Petroleum Reserve from China Act (2023) - Prohibits sending petroleum from reserves to China.

Web Address:
Family and Small Business Taxpayer Protection Act (2023) - Rescinds funding for new IRS agents.

Web Address:
Eliminating the Individual Mandate (2017) - Repealed the requirement to purchase health insurance.

Web Address:
Expanding Short-Term Health Plans (2018) - Increased availability of short-term health plans.

Web Address:
Encouraging Association Health Plans (2018) - Allowed small businesses to band together for health plans.

Web Address:
Estate Tax Relief (2017) - Withdrew a rule that would have increased taxes on family businesses.

Web Address:
Strategic Competition Between the U.S. and the Chinese Communist Party (2023) - Established a select committee on strategic competition with China.

Web Address:
Education Accountability Restoration (2017) - Repealed a Department of Education rule on school performance.

Web Address:
Waters of the United States (WOTUS) Repeal (2017) - Proposed repeal of broad water regulations.

Web Address:
Opening Federal Waters for Drilling (2018) - Proposed leasing of offshore waters for oil and gas exploration.

Web Address:
Restoring Local Control in Education (2017) - Allowed more local control over education standards.

Web Address:
Defense and Labor-HHS-Education Minibus (2019) - Funded major government departments, including the Defense Department.

Web Address:
Medicare Cost Reduction (2018) - Reduced administrative burdens in Medicare.

Web Address:
Short-Term, Limited-Duration Insurance Rule (2018) - Expanded the use of short-term insurance plans.

Web Address:
Strategic Production Response Act (2023) - Tied non-emergency drawdowns of the Strategic Petroleum Reserve to increased energy production.

Web Address:
Prosecutors Need to Prosecute Act (2023) - Increased transparency in criminal justice prosecutions.

Web Address:
Supporting Law Enforcement Agencies (2023) - Expressed support for law enforcement agencies.

Web Address:
Illegal Alien NICS Alert Act (2023) - Required notification to ICE when illegal immigrants attempt to purchase fi****ms.

Web Address:
No Taxpayer Funding for Abortion and Abortion Insurance Full Disclosure Act (2023) - Prohibited federal funding for abortion.

Web Address:
Enhancing Career and Technical Education (2018) - Updated federal law to support technical education programs.

Web Address:
Streamlining Purchase of Commercial Items (2018) - Simplified military purchases from commercial vendors.

Web Address:
Simplifying Small Business Subcontracting (2018) - Made it easier for businesses to manage subcontracting plans.

Web Address:

Search, browse and learn about the Federal Register. Federal Register 2.0 is the unofficial daily publication for rules, proposed rules, and notices of Federal agencies and organizations, as well as executive orders and other presidential documents.


Over the past four years, the Democratic Party, particularly under the Biden administration and Democratic-controlled Congress, has passed several significant bills and policies. Here are some key accomplishments and the corresponding legislation:

1. American Rescue Plan Act (2021)
Summary: A $1.9 trillion COVID-19 relief package that provided direct payments to Americans, extended unemployment benefits, increased funding for vaccine distribution, expanded the Child Tax Credit, and supported schools and small businesses.

Link: American Rescue Plan Act of 2021

2. Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act (2021)
Summary: A $1.2 trillion bipartisan infrastructure bill that invests in roads, bridges, public transit, water systems, broadband internet, and clean energy. It's considered a major investment in
the nation's infrastructure.

Link: Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act

3. Inflation Reduction Act (2022)
Summary: A bill focused on reducing inflation by lowering prescription drug costs, extending Affordable Care Act subsidies, investing in clean energy, and increasing corporate taxes.

Link: Inflation Reduction Act of 2022

4. Bipartisan Safer Communities Act (2022)
Summary: A bipartisan gun safety bill that enhances background checks for buyers under 21, funds mental health programs, and closes the "boyfriend loophole" to prevent domestic abusers from purchasing fi****ms.

Link: Bipartisan Safer Communities Act

5. CHIPS and Science Act (2022)
Summary: A bill to bolster American semiconductor manufacturing, scientific research, and technological innovation to enhance the U.S.'s global competitiveness, especially in relation to China.

Link: CHIPS and Science Act

6. Executive Order on Promoting Competition in the American Economy (2021)
Summary: An executive order aimed at increasing competition across various sectors of the economy, addressing labor practices, promoting internet access, and regulating Big Tech.

Link: Executive Order on Promoting Competition

7. Ending the U.S. involvement in Afghanistan (2021)
Summary: The Biden administration completed the withdrawal of U.S. troops from Afghanistan, ending the longest war in U.S. history. This decision has been widely debated and marked a significant shift in U.S. foreign policy.

Link: Fact Sheet on Afghanistan Withdrawal

8. American Families Plan (Proposed)
Summary: While not passed as a single bill, parts of the American Families Plan, which focuses on expanding access to education, child care, and paid family leave, were incorporated into other legislation, including the American Rescue Plan and budget proposals.
Link: American Families Plan Fact Sheet

9. Juneteenth National Independence Day Act (2021)
Summary: This legislation established Juneteenth (June 19th) as a federal holiday, commemorating the end of slavery in the United States.
Link: Juneteenth National Independence Day Act

10. COVID-19 Hate Crimes Act (2021)
Summary: A law aimed at addressing the rise in hate crimes, particularly against Asian Americans, during the COVID-19 pandemic. The act expedites the review of hate crimes and provides guidance on reporting such crimes.
Link: COVID-19 Hate Crimes Act

11. Postal Service Reform Act (2022)
Summary: A bipartisan effort to address the financial troubles of the U.S. Postal Service by eliminating the requirement to pre-fund retiree health benefits and enhancing transparency in postal operations.
Link: Postal Service Reform Act of 2022

12. Expansion of the Affordable Care Act (ACA)
Summary: Through the American Rescue Plan and other legislative actions, the Biden administration expanded access to affordable health care by increasing subsidies for ACA marketplace plans, making coverage more affordable for millions of Americans.
Link: Affordable Care Act Enhancements

13. Executive Actions on Climate Change
Summary: President Biden signed several executive orders and rejoined the Paris Climate Agreement, prioritizing climate change by setting ambitious targets for carbon reduction and promoting clean energy.
Link: Paris Climate Agreement Rejoining

14. Student Loan Relief and Forgiveness Efforts
Summary: The Biden administration paused federal student loan payments multiple times during the COVID-19 pandemic, and attempted broader student loan forgiveness, though it faced legal challenges.
Link: Student Loan Relief Information

15. Diversity and Inclusion Efforts
Summary: Through executive orders and policy changes, the administration has promoted diversity, equity, and inclusion across federal agencies and in federal hiring practices.
Link: Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Accessibility in the Federal Workforce

16. Executive Order on Advancing Racial Equity (2021)
Summary: This order directed the federal government to advance equity for all, focusing on underserved communities, and to identify and address systemic barriers in federal policies and programs.
Link: Executive Order on Advancing Racial Equity

17. Veterans Health Care and Benefits Improvements Act (2020)
Summary: This legislation includes a variety of provisions to improve benefits and healthcare services for veterans, including expanded support for mental health care, homelessness prevention, and access to education benefits.
Link: Veterans Health Care and Benefits Improvements Act

18. PACT Act (Honoring Our PACT Act of 2022)
Summary: A comprehensive bill addressing health care for veterans exposed to toxic substances during military service, including burn pits. The act expands eligibility for VA health care and presumes exposure to toxins for many veterans.
Link: Honoring Our PACT Act

19. Violence Against Women Act (VAWA) Reauthorization (2022)
Summary: The reauthorization of VAWA strengthens protections for survivors of domestic violence, dating violence, sexual assault, and stalking. It also expands access to legal services and housing for survivors.
Link: Violence Against Women Act Reauthorization

20. COVID-19 Economic Relief Packages (2020-2021)
Summary: Multiple relief packages were passed under both the Trump and Biden administrations, with strong support from Democrats. These packages provided financial relief to individuals, small businesses, and state and local governments during the pandemic.
Link: CARES Act and Consolidated Appropriations Act, 2021

21. Executive Order on Protecting Worker Health and Safety (2021)
Summary: This order directs the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) to protect workers from COVID-19 by issuing updated guidance on workplace safety and increasing enforcement.
Link: Executive Order on Protecting Worker Health and Safety

22. Biden Administration's Commitment to Addressing the Climate Crisis (2021)
Summary: Through a series of executive orders, the Biden administration committed to achieving a carbon pollution-free power sector by 2035 and a net-zero emissions economy by 2050. This includes pausing new oil and gas leases on public lands and offshore waters.
Link: Executive Order on Tackling the Climate Crisis

23. Executive Order on Improving Public Safety and Criminal Justice for Native Americans and Addressing Missing or Murdered Indigenous People (2021)
Summary: This order aims to improve public safety and criminal justice for Native Americans, address the crisis of missing or murdered Indigenous people, and enhance federal investigations into these cases.
Link: Executive Order on Native American Public Safety

24. Emmett Till Antilynching Act (2022)
Summary: This law designates lynching as a federal hate crime, finally enacting legislation that had been pursued for over a century. It symbolizes a significant step toward addressing historical racial violence.
Link: Emmett Till Antilynching Act

25. Bipartisan Infrastructure Law – Broadband Expansion (2021)
Summary: Part of the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act, this initiative focuses on expanding broadband internet access to underserved areas, aiming to close the digital divide across the country.
Link: Broadband Infrastructure Program

26. Executive Order on Advancing LGBTQI+ Equality (2021)
Summary: This order directs the federal government to combat discrimination based on sexual orientation and gender identity and promotes inclusivity in policies ranging from health care to education.
Link: Executive Order on LGBTQI+ Equality

NO EXPERIENCE NEEDEDEMPLOYERS SUPPLY ALL EQUIPMENT NEEDEDHere are  work-from-home jobs with the direct web links to appl...


Here are work-from-home jobs with the direct web links to apply:

Customer Service & Support
Amazon Customer Service Representative
Apple At-Home Advisor
VIPKid Online English Teacher
Concentrix Customer Service Agent
Sitel Customer Service Representative
Liveops Call Center Representative
Alorica At-Home Customer Support
TTEC Customer Service Associate
Data Entry & Administrative
Lionbridge Data Entry
DionData Solutions Data Entry Clerk
Xerox Work-From-Home Data Entry
Belay Virtual Assistant Virtual Receptionist
ModSquad Moderation & Support Agent
Online Tutoring & Teaching
Qkids Online English Tutor
Magic Ears ESL Teacher
Cambly Online English Tutor Transcriptionist
Sales & Marketing
American Express Virtual Travel Consultant
Working Solutions Sales Representative
NexRep Inbound Sales
Tech Support Technical Support Specialist
Dell Work-from-Home Tech Support
Appen Search Engine Evaluator
UserTesting Website Tester

Learn how to make money online with side hustles with our Get Paid to Test program. One of the easiest ways to earn money if you're looking for side hustle ideas

Ready to vibe with the best local talent? Join us on City On Lock Online Radio via the Live 365 app for an unforgettable...

Ready to vibe with the best local talent? Join us on City On Lock Online Radio via the Live 365 app for an unforgettable evening of the hottest slowed and throwed tracks, expertly curated by DJ Dandy!

🕕 Fun kicks off at 6 PM Central – Don’t be late!

📲 Download the Live 365 app now, and make sure you’re locked in for the freshest sounds straight from the streets. It's time to turn up and feel the beat! Jim DandyAce Boogy




Democrats believe we need to overhaul the criminal justice system from top to bottom. Police brutality is a stain on the...

Democrats believe we need to overhaul the criminal justice system from top to bottom. Police brutality is a stain on the soul of our nation. It is unacceptable that millions of people in our country have good reason to fear they may lose their lives in a routine traffic stop, or while standing on a street corner, or while playing with a toy in a public park. It is unacceptable that Black parents must have “the talk” with their children, to try to protect them from the very police officers who are supposed to be sworn to protect and serve them. It is unacceptable that more than 1,000 people, a quarter of them Black, have been killed by police every year since 2015. Democrats also recognize that all too often, systematic cuts to public services have left police officers on the front lines of responding to social challenges for which they have not been trained, from homelessness to mental health crises to the opioid epidemic. We can and must do better for our communities.

Instead of making evidence-based investments in education, jobs, health care, and housing that are proven to keep communities safe and prevent crime from occurring in the first place, our system has criminalized poverty, overpoliced and underserved Black and Latino communities, and cut public services. Instead of offering the incarcerated the opportunity to turn their lives around, our prisons are overcrowded and continue to rely on inhumane methods of punishment. Instead of treating those who have served their time as full citizens upon their return to society, too many of our laws continue to punish the formerly incarcerated, erecting barriers to housing, employment, and voting rights for millions of Americans.

We must start by preventing people from entering the criminal justice system in the first place. Democrats believe we must break the school-to-prison pipeline that too often relies on arrests and law enforcement to address misbehavior that ought to be handled and deescalated within the school. We support re-issuing federal guidance from the Department of Education and the Department of Justice to prevent the disparate disciplinary treatment of children of color and children with disabilities in school and educational settings. Democrats believe every school should have sufficient funding to employ guidance counselors, social workers, nurses, or school psychologists to help guarantee age-appropriate and racially equitable student disciplinary practices, rather than turning to police to resolve these issues.

Democrats believe we must ensure real accountability for individual and systemic misconduct in our police departments, prevent law enforcement from becoming unnecessarily entangled in the everyday lives of Americans, and reimagine policing for the benefit and safety of the American people. In recent years, some innovative police departments have enacted evidence-based reforms to change their approach by investing in robust training and putting in place—and, even more crucially, enforcing—strong standards governing conflict resolution, de-escalation, and use of force. We must build on these evidence-based approaches and implement them nationwide.

Democrats will establish strict national standards governing the use of force, including banning the use of chokeholds and carotid holds and permitting deadly force only when necessary and a last resort to prevent an imminent threat to life. Americans must feel safe when they are asleep in their own homes. We will work to establish “no-knock warrants” standards. The risk of mistakes and unintended consequences is too great. We will require immediate application of these standards to all federal law enforcement agencies and condition federal grants on their adoption at the state and local level. We will require officer training in effective nonviolent tactics, appropriate use of force, implicit bias, and peer intervention, both at the academy and on the job. And we will ban racial and religious profiling in law enforcement.

Democrats will support measures to improve training and education for judges, corrections officers, prosecutors, public defenders, and police officers to ensure transgender and gender non-conforming people receive fair and equitable treatment in the criminal justice system.

It is past time to end the failed “War on Drugs,” which has imprisoned millions of Americans—disproportionately Black people and Latinos—and hasn’t been effective in reducing drug use. Democrats support policies that will reorient our public safety approach toward prevention, and away from over-policing—including by making evidence-based investments in jobs, housing, education, and the arts that will make our nation fairer, freer, and more prosperous.

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SOOOOOO this is a Mommy and Daughter photo shoot?    cute or mute?

SOOOOOO this is a Mommy and Daughter photo shoot? cute or mute?




wow..... i was today yrs old when i found out caucasians are NOT white ppl.

this man has been on the run as a convicted ra**st for 30 years he lied to them .... they never cuffed him....gave him c...

this man has been on the run as a convicted ra**st for 30 years he lied to them .... they never cuffed him....gave him ci******es and treated him damn near like family.....look how they treat their own..... im just saying......?
imagine if that was a black man. IJS

Convicted Ra**st Wanted for 30 Years Arrested After One Simple MistakeWest Des Moines Police arrested George Hartleroad on June 26. He was homeless and livin...

THE VERY LAST SENTENCE is how they finna get rid of alot folk[1] Offenses under 18 U.S.C. § 924(c) involve the use or ca...

THE VERY LAST SENTENCE is how they finna get rid of alot folk

[1] Offenses under 18 U.S.C. § 924(c) involve the use or carrying of a firearm during and in relation to a crime of violence or drug trafficking crime, or the possession of a firearm in furtherance of those crimes

Section 924(c) Fi****ms

United States Sentencing Commission (.gov) › research › quick-facts › section-...
Mandatory Minimum Penalties for 18 U.S.C. § 924(c) · 100% were sentenced to prison. · The average sentence for all section 924(c) individuals was 145 months.

He was previously charged with possession of a firearm as a felon in interstate commerce, but the case was dismissed earlier this month due to a recent federal court precedent that found the law unconstitutional as it applies to those convicted of non-violent crimes.

Eminem’s album takes No. 1, ending Taylor Swift’s historic reign
According to the new indictment, federal prosecutors are reasserting the allegations against Hatch at the center of his previous case to seek court-mandated forfeiture of “all fi****ms and ammunition involved in the commission of the offenses.”

He could also face a maximum prison sentence of 10 years if convicted on the second charge of unlawful possession while dealing with substance abuse.

Rapper Torrence “Boosie” Hatch Jr. is facing new charges in connection to his arrest in San Diego last year, less than two weeks after a federal judge threw out the previous case agains…

after her death...this is what Big league politics  had to say about Sheila  Jackson Lee  (click tap link or pic to read...

after her death...this is what Big league politics had to say about Sheila Jackson Lee (click tap link or pic to read the article) ....she wanted to pass legislation that would help end white supremacy....Big League Politics said they are glad shes gone. smmfh ....and they said Obama caused racial division

Jackson Lee will not be missed

🎧🔥 Dive into the vibes with DJ Dandy's latest  mix, exclusively on City on Lock Online Radio via Live365! 🎶 Set your ala...

🎧🔥 Dive into the vibes with DJ Dandy's latest mix, exclusively on City on Lock Online Radio via Live365! 🎶 Set your alarms for 5PM Central Time, because this is a party you don't want to miss! Download the Live365 app now for FREE to tune in and groove along.
But wait, there's more! After the mix, we're showcasing unsigned independent artists from Texas and beyond. 🌟🎤 Discover new talent and support the underground scene with us. It's all happening live, and it's all FREE!
Tap the link below to join the party and unlock the beats:
Jim Dandy
Let's turn up the volume and make some memories together! 🎉🔊 Jim Dandy


I predict Ray J and Tyrese will be implicated in this Diddy investigation


The US Federal Government has approved the new $2600 Stimulus Checks in July 2024 for Seniors. This stimulus check will be paid to those people who are of the age of 65 years or above, disabled, or blind

The status of your payment can be tracked on the IRS’ “Get My Payment” portal. Additional updates will be posted on the IRS website, along with a fact sheet that answers common questions.


i read this and shock fear and tears came to me

Black ppl are one of the main targets in their agenda
and we are the ones who are not gonna read this .

excerpt from Project 2025

Today, the American family is in crisis. Forty percent of all children are born
to unmarried mothers, including more than 70 percent of black children. There
is no government program that can replace the hole in a child’s soul cut out by
the absence of a father. Fatherlessness is one of the principal sources of American poverty, crime, mental illness, teen su***de, substance abuse, rejection of the
church, and high school dropouts. So many of the problems government programs
are designed to solve—but can’t—are ultimately problems created by the crisis of
marriage and the family. The world has never seen a thriving, healthy, free, and
prosperous society where most children grow up without their married parents.
If current trends continue, we are heading toward social implosion.


THE HERITAGE FOUNDATION IS ALL OVER THIS but if you want to know who is removing your rights and re-writing history in real time check out the list .

contributors listed below generously volunteered their time and effort
to assist the authors in the development and writing of this volume’s 30
chapters. The policy views and reform proposals herein are not an all-inclusive catalogue of conservative ideas for the next President, nor is there unanimity
among the contributors or the organizations with which they are affiliated with
regard to the recommendations.
Mark Albrecht
Chris Anderson, Office of Senator Steve Daines
Jeff Anderson, The American Main Street Initiative
Michael Anton, Hillsdale College
EJ Antoni, The Heritage Foundation
Andrew “Art” Arthur, Center for Immigration Studies
Paul Atkins, Patomak Global Partners
Julie Axelrod, Center for Immigration Studies
James Bacon
James Baehr
Stewart Baker, Steptoe and Johnson LLP
Erik Baptist, Alliance Defending Freedom
Brent Bennett, Texas Public Policy Foundation
John Berlau, Competitive Enterprise Institute
Russell Berman, Hoover Institution
Sanjai Bhagat, University of Colorado Boulder
Stephen Billy, Susan B. Anthony Pro-Life America
Brad Bishop, American Cornerstone Institute
Willis Bixby, WWBX, LLC
Josh Blackman, South Texas College of Law
Jim Blew, Defense of Freedom Institute for Policy Studies
Robert Bortins, Classical Conversations
Rachel Bovard, Conservative Partnership Institute
Robert Bowes
Matt Bowman, Alliance Defending Freedom
Steven G. Bradbury, The Heritage Foundation
Preston Brashers, The Heritage Foundation
Jonathan Bronitsky, ATHOS
Kyle Brosnan, The Heritage Foundation

Patrick T. Brown, Ethics and Public Policy Center
Robert Burkett, ACLJ Action
Michael Burley, American Cornerstone Institute
David R. Burton, The Heritage Foundation
Jonathan Butcher, The Heritage Foundation
Mark Buzby, Buzby Maritime Associates, LLC
Margaret Byfield, American Stewards of Liberty
David Byrd, Korn Ferry
Anthony Campau, Center for Renewing America
James Jay Carafano, The Heritage Foundation
Frank Carroll, Professional Forest Management
Oren Cass, American Compass
Brian J. Cavanaugh, American Global Strategies
Spencer Chretien, The Heritage Foundation
Claire Christensen, American Cornerstone Institute
Victoria Coates, The Heritage Foundation
Ellie Cohanim, Independent Women’s Forum
Ezra Cohen
Elbridge Colby, Marathon Initiative
Earl Comstock, White & Case LLP
Lisa Correnti, Center for Family and Human Rights (C-Fam)
Monica Crowley, The Nixon Seminar
Laura Cunliffe, Independent Women’s Forum
Tom Dans, Amberwave Partners
Sohan Dasgupta, Taft Stettinius & Hollister LLP
Sergio de la Peña
Chris De Ruyter, National Center for Urban Operations
Corey DeAngelis, American Federation for Children
Caroline DeBerry, Paragon Health Institute
Arielle Del Turco, Family Research Council
Irv Dennis, American Cornerstone Institute
David Deptula, Mitchell Institute for Aerospace Studies
Donald Devine, The Fund for American Studies
Chuck DeVore, Texas Public Policy Foundation
C. Wallace DeWitt, Allen & Overy LLP
James Di Pane, The Heritage Foundation
Matthew Dickerson, The Heritage Foundation
Michael Ding, America First Legal Foundation
David Ditch, The Heritage Foundation
Natalie Dodson, Ethics and Public Policy Center
Dave Dorey, The Fairness Center
Max Eden, American Enterprise Institute

Troy Edgar, IBM Consulting
Joseph Edlow, The Heritage Foundation
Jen Ehlinger, Booz Allen Hamilton
John Ehrett, Office of Senator Josh Hawley
Kristen Eichamer, The Heritage Foundation
Robert S. Eitel, Defense of Freedom Institute for Policy Studies
Will Estrada, Parents Rights Foundation
Jon Feere, Center for Immigration Studies
Baruch Feigenbaum, Reason Foundation
Travis Fisher, The Heritage Foundation
George Fishman, Center for Immigration Studies
Leslie Ford, The Heritage Foundation
Aharon Friedman, Federal Policy Group
Bruce Frohnen, Ohio Northern University College of Law
Joel Frushone
Finch Fulton
Diana Furchtgott-Roth, The Heritage Foundation
Caleigh Gabel, American Cornerstone Institute
Christopher Gacek, Family Research Council
Alexandra Gaiser, River Financial Inc.
Mario Garza
Patty-Jane Geller, The Heritage Foundation
Andrew Gillen, Texas Public Policy Foundation
James S. Gilmore III, Gilmore Global Group LLC
Vance Ginn, Economic Consulting, LLC
Alma Golden, The Institute for Women’s Health
Mike Gonzalez, The Heritage Foundation
Chadwick R. Gore, Defense Forum Foundation
David Gortler, Ethics and Public Policy Center
Brian Gottstein, The Heritage Foundation
Dan Greenberg, Competitive Enterprise Institute
Rob Greenway, Hudson Institute
Rachel Greszler, The Heritage Foundation
DJ Gribbin, Madrus Consulting
Garrison Grisedale, American Cornerstone Institute
Joseph Grogan, USC Schaeffer School for Health Policy and Economics
Andrew Guernsey
Jeffrey Gunter, Republican Jewish Coalition
Joe Guy, Club for Growth
Joseph Guzman
Amalia Halikias, The Heritage Foundation
Gene Hamilton, America First Legal Foundation

Richard Hanania, Center for the Study of Partisanship and Ideology
Simon Hankinson, The Heritage Foundation
David Harlow
Derek Harvey, Office of Congressman Devin Nunes
Jason Hayes, Mackinac Center for Public Policy
Jennifer Hazelton
Lou Heinzer
Edie Heipel
Troup Hemenway, Personnel Policy Operations
Nathan Hitchen, Equal Rights Institute
Pete Hoekstra
Gabriella Hoffman, Independent Women’s Forum
Tom Homan, The Heritage Foundation
Chris Horner
Mike Howell, The Heritage Foundation
Valerie Huber, The Institute for Women’s Health
Andrew Hughes, American Cornerstone Institute
Joseph Humire, Center for a Secure Free Society
Christopher Iacovella, American Securities Association
Melanie Israel, The Heritage Foundation
Ken Ivory, Utah House of Representatives
Roman Jankowski, The Heritage Foundation
Abby Jones
Emilie Kao, Alliance Defending Freedom
Jared M. Kelson, Boyden Gray & Associates
Aaron Kheriaty, Ethics and Public Policy Center
Ali Kilmartin, Alliance Defending Freedom
Julie Kirchner, Federation for American Immigration Reform
Dan Kish, Institute for Energy Research
Kenneth A. Klukowski
Adam Korzeniewski, American Principles Project
Kathy Nuebel Kovarik, Sagitta Solutions, LLC
Bethany Kozma, Keystone Policy
Matthew Kozma
Julius Krein, American Affairs
Stanley Kurtz, Ethics and Public Policy Center
David LaCerte, Baker Botts, LLP
Paul J. Larkin, The Heritage Foundation
Kent Lassman, Competitive Enterprise Institute
James R. Lawrence III, Envisage Law
Paul Lawrence, Lawrence Consulting
Nathan Leamer, Targeted Victory

David Legates, University of Delaware (Ret.)
Marlo Lewis, Competitive Enterprise Institute
Ben Lieberman, Competitive Enterprise Institute
John Ligon
Evelyn Lim, American Cornerstone Institute
Mario Loyola, Competitive Enterprise Institute
John G. Malcolm, The Heritage Foundation
Joseph Masterman, Cooper & Kirk, PLLC
Earl Matthews, The Vandenberg Coalition
Dan Mauler, Heritage Action for America
Drew McCall, American Cornerstone Institute
Trent McCotter, Boyden Gray & Associates
Micah Meadowcroft, The American Conservative
Edwin Meese III, The Heritage Foundation
Jessica Melugin, Competitive Enterprise Institute
Frank Mermoud, Orpheus International
Mark Miller, Office of Governor Kristi Noem
Cleta Mitchell, Conservative Partnership Institute
Kevin E. Moley
Caitlin Moon, American Center for Law & Justice
David Moore, Brigham Young University Law School
Clare Morell, Ethics and Public Policy Center
Mark Morgan, The Heritage Foundation
Hunter Morgen, American Cornerstone Institute
Rachel Morrison, Ethics and Public Policy Center
Jonathan Moy, The Heritage Foundation
Iain Murray, Competitive Enterprise Institute
Ryan Nabil, National Taxpayers Union
Michael Nasi, Jackson Walker LLP
Lucien Niemeyer, The Niemeyer Group, LLC
Nazak Nikakhtar, Wiley Rein LLP
Milan “Mitch” Nikolich
Matt O’Brien, Immigration Reform Law Institute
Caleb Orr, Boyden Gray & Associates
Michael Pack
Leah Pedersen
Michael Pillsbury, The Heritage Foundation
Patrick Pizzella, Leadership Institute
Robert Poole, Reason Foundation
Christopher B. Porter
Kevin Preskenis, Allymar Health Solutions
Pam Pryor, National Committee for Religious Freedom

Thomas Pyle, Institute for Energy Research
John Ratcliffe, American Global Strategies
Paul Ray, The Heritage Foundation
Joseph Reddan, Flexilis Forestry, LLC
Jay W. Richards, The Heritage Foundation
Jordan Richardson, Heise Suarez Melville, P.A.
Jason Richwine, Center for Immigration Studies
Shaun Rieley, The American Conservative
Lora Ries, The Heritage Foundation
Leo Rios
Mark Robeck, Energy Evolution Consulting LLC
James Rockas, ACLJ Action
Mark Royce, NOVA-Annandale College
Reed Rubinstein, America First Legal Foundation
William R***r, American Institute for Economic Research
Austin Ruse, Center for Family and Human Rights (C-Fam)
Brent D. Sadler, The Heritage Foundation
Alexander William Salter, Texas Tech University
Jon Sanders, John Locke Foundation
Carla Sands, America First Policy Institute
Robby Stephany Saunders, Coalition for a Prosperous America
David Sauve
Brett D. Schaefer, The Heritage Foundation
Nina Owcharenko Schaefer, The Heritage Foundation
Matt Schuck, American Cornerstone Institute
Justin Schwab, CGCN Law
Jon Schweppe, American Principles Project
Marc Scribner, Reason Foundation
Darin Selnick, Selnick Consulting
Josh Sewell, Taxpayers for Common Sense
Kathleen Sgamma, Western Energy Alliance
Matt Sharp, Alliance Defending Freedom
Judy Shelton, Independent Institute
Nathan Simington
Loren Smith, Skyline Policy Risk Group
Zack Smith, The Heritage Foundation
Jack Spencer, The Heritage Foundation
Adrienne Spero, U.S. House Committee on Homeland Security
Thomas W. Spoehr, The Heritage Foundation
Peter St Onge, The Heritage Foundation
Chris Stanley, Functional Government Initiative
Paula M. Stannard

Parker Stathatos, Texas Public Policy Foundation
William Steiger, Independent Consultant
Kenny Stein, Institute for Energy Research
Corey Stewart, Stewart PLLC
Mari Stull
Katharine T. Sullivan, 1792 Exchange
Brett Swearingen, Miller Johnson
Michael Sweeney
Robert Swope
Aaron Szabo, CGCN Group
Katy Talento, AllBetter Health
Tony Tata, Tata Leadership Group, LLC
Farnaz Farkish Thompson
Todd Thurman, American Cornerstone Institute
Brett Tolman, Tolman Group
Kayla M. Tonnessen, Recovery for America Now Foundation
Joe Trotter, American Legislative Exchange Council
Tevi Troy, Mercatus Center
Clayton Tufts
Erin Valdez, Texas Public Policy Foundation
Mark Vandroff
Jessica M. Vaughan, Center for Immigration Studies
John “JV” Venable, The Heritage Foundation
Morgan Lorraine Viña, Jewish Institute for National Security of America
Andrew N. Vollmer, Mercatus Center
Hans A. von Spakovsky, The Heritage Foundation
Greg Walcher, Natural Resources Group, LLC
David M. Walsh, Takota Group
Erin Walsh, The Heritage Foundation
Jacklyn Ward, American Cornerstone Institute
Emma Waters, The Heritage Foundation
Michael Williams, American Cornerstone Institute
Aaron Wolff
Jonathan Wolfson
Alexei Woltornist, ATHOS
Frank Wuco
Cesar Ybarra, FreedomWorks
John Zadrozny, America First Legal Foundation
Laura Zorc, FreedomWorks


Wichita Falls, TX


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