“The Age of Aging…Its Passions and Possibilities” is a non-fiction collection of experiences, stories, and essays chronicling my 87 years of life experiences and the values that I discovered to be crucial to healthy aging. The book is organized in seven chapters of life lessons written over nine years and published as a monthly column by Montana Woman Magazine. Over the years, I explored how the values of love, connection, health, spirituality, integrity, compassion, and forgiveness influence my later years. I intend to defy the theory that growing old is a downward slide and assert that aging is not a disease but a process that requires us to recognize that we are living longer and stronger—nearly 30 years longer than our ancestor. These additional years can be used to expand our health, creativity, personality, relationships, and more.
Each section ends with an opportunity for the reader to journal her responses to the material. I ask What If? these were your stories? Would you respond differently? Take a different path?
My intention is that “The Age of Aging” is helpful, thought provoking, entertaining, and inspiring to readers as we face the fear and negative attitudes about aging that are so prevalent in our culture.
Creating ourselves as wise elders is the challenge of our later years. I offer my experiences as an invitation to make the most of them.
We are the carriers of the culture.
We need to become the elders of the tribe
Best thoughts and blessings, Ina