All Access - 101.5 WLCB LP-FM

All Access - 101.5 WLCB LP-FM "All Access" is a unique radio show that crosses musical genres and decades to follow specific themes, or to just create an enjoyable playlist.

Tune in Wednesdays, 6-8 PM Central time to 101.5 WLCB-LP FM!


...and, that's a wrap.

Thank you, one and all, for an amazing three years. It truly was an honor to bring the show to you - and, perhaps, we turned you on to a few artists whose catalog you might not have been familiar with.

We now return you to your regularly scheduled programming.


Ever get the feeling that the powers that be were against you?

Well, we're forced to postpone the final episode of "All Access" again - this time, because both Christopher and Dawn are down with COVID (Dawn's second run-in with it).

Stay tuned... we have a special farewell show planned. We just have to wait a little longer to deliver it to you.


Good grief, it never ends... a member of Christopher's household tested positive for COVID this morning. Out of precaution, we have postponed tonight's farewell broadcast of "All Access" for at least one week. We'll keep everyone posted here on FB when we've rescheduled the show.

All good things must eventually come to an end... and, we're sorry to tell you, the rumors and constant on-air reminders...

All good things must eventually come to an end... and, we're sorry to tell you, the rumors and constant on-air reminders are true. This upcoming Wednesday marks the final broadcast for "All Access".

There's no behind-the-scenes drama, no sordid tales, no scoffing at the powers that be. It's very simple: Christopher is wanting to put his focus on his still-developing music career. Carolyn is remaining on staff at WLCB (and Christopher will still be helping out with the automated music library), so you can't get rid of us that easily.

Please join us one last time this Wednesday, starting at 6 pm Central time, for "The Grand Finale" on "All Access". If you're in the Slades Corners, Wisconsin area, you can tune in at WLCB 101.5FM - Lakes Community Broadcasting. Or, you can listen online at, via the TuneIn Radio app, or by telling your Alexa device "101.5 WLCB".

And, if we haven't said it enough... THANK YOU to everyone who has supported the show over the past three years. You made all this possible. This isn't "goodbye"; this is "until we see each other again".

WLCB is a low power FM radio station that covers portions of Kenosha, Walworth and Racine Counties in Wisconsin and Lake and McHenry Counties in Illinois. Learn more about LPFM...


If you've listened to the show for any period of time, you'll know it's obvious that Christopher and Carolyn are huge music fans. But, that doesn't mean they like EVERYTHING... and this Wednesday, they're stepping out of their comfort zones.

That's right, kids... this week on "All Access," we're featuring songs that make someone in the studio go into the fetal position, begging for the music to stop. They're songs that make us hit the "skip" button on the CD player faster than a caffeinated monkey... only this time, we can't skip 'em, so - for us - this is going to suck. (Meanwhile, Dawn likes damn near everything we play, so she'll be in heaven while we're being tortured... except, maybe, for one song. Chances are, you all will be enjoying the sets as well.)

Our pain is your pleasure this time around, so grab your popcorn and prepare the whips and chains, because "The Torture Chamber" is being readied for "All Access" this week! The punishment (at least for two DJs) begins at 6 pm Central time on Wednesday. If you're in the Slades Corners, Wisconsin area, you can tune in at WLCB 101.5FM - Lakes Community Broadcasting. Or, you can stream online at, via the TuneIn Radio app, or by telling your Alexa device "101.5 WLCB".


Tonight, "All Access" travels back in time and location to Bethel, New York in August 1969. That's right, kids... pull out your bell bottoms and patchouli oil, because we're featuring music from the original Woodstock Music And Art Festival. From Richie Havens to Jimi Hendrix, we'll try to cram as many performances from the artists who were there into two hours. (Sadly, that means we had to cut Ravi Shankar... a shame, because Christopher actually likes his music.) Even our "Are You Smarter Than A DJ" question will revolve around Woodstock.

So, tune in, turn on but don't drop out, as "All Access" pays tribute to Woodstock this evening. The fun begins tonight at 6 p.m. Central time. If you live in the Slades Corners, Wisconsin area, you can tune in at WLCB 101.5FM - Lakes Community Broadcasting. Or, you can listen online at, via the TuneIn Radio app or by telling your Alexa device, "101.5 WLCB".

Tonight, "All Access" pays tribute to the life and music of Olivia Newton-John. Few artists left as big a mark on the mu...

Tonight, "All Access" pays tribute to the life and music of Olivia Newton-John. Few artists left as big a mark on the music world in the 1970s and 1980s as she did, straddling both the country and popular music genres. As is our tradition, we'll not only touch on some of her best-known songs, but we'll dig deep into her catalog to present some tracks you might not be as familiar with.

Join us for a special episode of "All Access" tonight, beginning at 6 pm Central time. If you're in the Slades Corners, Wisconsin area, you can tune in at WLCB 101.5FM - Lakes Community Broadcasting. Or, you can listen online at, via the TuneIn Radio app, or by telling your Alexa device "101.5 WLCB".

WLCB is a low power FM radio station that covers portions of Kenosha, Walworth and Racine Counties in Wisconsin and Lake and McHenry Counties in Illinois. Learn more about LPFM...

Tonight on "All Access," Christopher and Carolyn are most definitely kickin' it old school... as we turn back the clock ...

Tonight on "All Access," Christopher and Carolyn are most definitely kickin' it old school... as we turn back the clock to the 1970s and explore a genre of music we don't often play on this show - funk!

From songs we're certain you know (and hopefully love) to others you might be marginally familiar with, and to even others that you could be discovering for the very first time, we'll be bringing the funk home, so you can tear the roof off the sucker! (Sorry, Bootsy... your solo work didn't make the cut this time, but we wanted to feature you in some manner.)

So, grab your star bass and a refreshing beverage of your choice, because "We Got The Funk" tonight on "All Access"! The fun begins at 6 pm Central time. If you're in the Slades Corners, Wisconsin area, you can tune in at WLCB 101.5FM - Lakes Community Broadcasting. Or, you can listen online at, via the TuneIn Radio app, or by telling your Alexa device, "101.5 WLCB".

After an unexpected week off due to car issues and repairs, "All Access" returns this week... and what a show we have fo...

After an unexpected week off due to car issues and repairs, "All Access" returns this week... and what a show we have for you!

For four decades, Metallica has not only paved new ground in the world of heavy metal, they've paved the road for hundreds - if not thousands - of bands who have followed in their footsteps. Through triumph and tragedy, they've released some music which will be listened to for generations to come... and we're going to take a look at some of those tracks.

From songs you know well to the occasional hidden nugget, we're going to cover all of Metallica's studio albums (with the exception of their collaboration with Lou Reed... the less said about that, the better). And, to station management... don't worry, we got the clean versions of certain songs. :-)

So, get your lighters ready to hoist into the air tonight, because "All Access" is paying tribute to Metallica! The fun starts at 6 pm Central time. If you're in the Slades Corners, Wisconsin area, you can listen at WLCB 101.5FM - Lakes Community Broadcasting. Or, you can listen online at, via the TuneIn Radio app, or by telling your Alexa device, "101.5 WLCB".


Very sorry, gang, but due to car troubles here, I'm not going to be able to make it to the studio tonight, so "All Access" will not air this evening. We will return next Wednesday with our tribute to the almighty Metallica, so be sure not to miss that!


So... it's been a month of Sundays since we last posted here. (Bad social media manager! No donut!) But "All Access" is indeed back on the air after a month of COVID, travel and more COVID, and we've been hitting the ground running since we returned two weeks ago.

This week, we put on our multi-colored best as we celebrate a selection of artists who happen to be LGBTQ. Covering nearly a 60-year span, you'll hear some artists you recognize, and possibly a few that will be new to your ears.

So, get ready, because "All Access" is challenging you to "Have Some Pride" this week. The festivities begin tonight at 6 pm Central time. If you're in the Slades Corners, Wisconsin area, you can tune in at WLCB 101.5FM - Lakes Community Broadcasting. Or, you can listen online at, via the TuneIn Radio app, or by telling your Alexa device "101.5 WLCB".


Hey, all... CT here. So, it's been a few weeks since we've been on the air with the show. First week, Dawn was sick with COVID, then I was out of the country on a business trip. We were supposed to be returning this week.

Uh, yeah... about that...

Another member of our household has tested positive for COVID. (No, not me... though I'm questioning how much longer my luck is going to run.) We cannot, in good conscience, potentially expose any of our fellow WLCB broadcasters to COVID, so we're going to be off the air again this week.

We're really sorry for the continued delays in the show's returning, but we're certain you understand the reasons. And, when we return, we'll have had plenty of time to prepare an absolutely kick-ass show! (Not that any of our shows suck...)

Thanks for your understanding... stay safe!


Hey, all... CT here. Last week, "All Access" was not on the air due to a planned break, and we anticipated returning this week. However, our plans have been shelved.

Dawn tested positive for COVID on May 2, and has not received the all-clear yet. Meanwhile, a second member of our household tested positive early Saturday morning. (I have tested negative, and feel absolutely fine.)

Need to stress that Dawn was not in the studio on April 27, so there should be absolutely zero risk to any of my fellow WLCB broadcasters.

Out of an abundance of caution, this week's "All Access" has been postponed... and, since I'll be in Amsterdam next Wednesday, we will not return to the airwaves until May 25.

I'm very sorry to share this news, but I'm certain everyone understands why I'd rather err on the side of caution and safety. Until we meet on the air again, take care of those you love and continue to stay safe!


Okay, this was supposed to air a few weeks ago... but not only have we had more time to work on it, but we get a friend of the show (and fellow DJ) to join us!

That's right, kids... "All Access" finally is ready to air "Altered States" - a show featuring songs related to the use of alcohol and drugs. We don't advocate the use of any such substances... but they do make for entertaining music covering multiple genres.

Joining Carolyn, Christopher and Dawn in studio is the one and only Tony Young from "The Mix". And when you get the four of us in one studio, you never quite know what to expect!

So, get ready to expand your mind in the safest legal manner this Wednesday, as "All Access" dives into the world of "Altered States"! The fun begins at 6 pm Central time. If you're in the Slades Corners, Wisconsin area, you can tune in at WLCB 101.5FM - Lakes Community Broadcasting. Or, you can listen online at, via the TuneIn Radio app, or by telling your Alexa device "101.5 WLCB".


FINALLY... after a couple weeks off, "All Access" returns to the airwaves this evening!

While Carolyn is off celebrating her birthday (which we'll mark in a few weeks with a show dedicated to her musical selections), this left Christopher in charge of picking all the music.

Oh. And, uh-oh.

That's right, boys and girls, you're in for a musical trip that's going to have you driving back and forth on the map... and who knows, you just might hear something you've never heard before!

So, grab your lasso and mount your horse, because "All Access" is back in the saddle tonight. Join Christopher and Dawn for what promises to be an unforgettable evening of music. The fun begins at 6 pm Central time. If you're in the Slades Corners, Wisconsin area, you can tune in at WLCB 101.5FM - Lakes Community Broadcasting. Or, you can listen online at, via the TuneIn Radio app, or by telling your Alexa device "101.5 WLCB".


Folks, we're very sorry, but due to circumstances out of our control, "All Access" will not be airing this evening. The "Altered States" show will be heard in a few weeks, but will probably not be the show we air when we return to the airwaves on March 30.

Any suggestions for the show? Song title should mention the name of an offending substance (and let's keep the lyrics cl...

Any suggestions for the show? Song title should mention the name of an offending substance (and let's keep the lyrics clean). Send 'em in no later than 2 pm Tuesday! Just leave a comment on this post.


For four decades, the Canadian trio Rush produced some of rock's most memorable music. This week, on "All Access," we attempt in vain to try and boil down their essence into just two hours.

Christopher and Carolyn are both drooling Rush fans, so this week's show promises to not only feature some of their best-known songs, but also some chestnuts buried deep within the albums that have special meaning to each of them. While there's no way we can feature every song we want to (or that you might want to hear), we promise that it will be an entertaining show.

So, hold your fire and get ready to roll the bones, because this week's "All Access" is ready to fly by night. The fun begins Wednesday at 6 pm Central time. If you're in the Slades Corners, Wisconsin area, you can tune in at WLCB 101.5FM - Lakes Community Broadcasting. Or, you can stream online at, via the TuneIn Radio app, or by telling your Alexa device "101.5 WLCB".


Once upon a time, boys and girls, if we wanted to listen to music, we couldn't hop onto the Internet and listen to streaming audio. No, we had to hie ourselves down to a special store, where we paid a couple of bucks for a twelve-inch black disk. We took it home, placed it on a special device called a turntable, and listened to the music that way through a stereo system.

Sounds antiquated? Well, with vinyl making a comeback, this week's "All Access" focuses on music pulled directly from the scratched-to-hell discs that Christopher and Carolyn have in their collections. This week, "Spin The Black Circle" will feature music pulled directly from records - warts and all. It's going to be all across the board genre-wise, so you're definitely in for a special treat!

So, get ready to step back in time, as "All Access" prepares to "Spin The Black Circle" this week, beginning at 6 pm Central time on Wednesday. If you're in the Slades Corners, Wisconsin area, you can tune in at WLCB 101.5FM - Lakes Community Broadcasting. Or, you can listen online at, via the TuneIn Radio app, or by telling your Alexa device "101.5 WLCB".


This week on "All Access," we dare to tackle a subject which could be fairly controversial - or, at least, cause potential audio duress to our listeners.

That's right, kids... we're going to feature Earworms. You know, those songs that, once you hear just a few notes, you want to hit yourself over the head with a large brick just to get them out. (Not that all earworms are necessarily bad - we'll talk about that, for sure.)

Featuring lots of listener suggestions (as well as ripping open a few musical scars of our own), it promises to be an interesting show. Gird your loins and grab a stiff drink of your choice, 'cause Earworms are invading "All Access"! The fun (if you choose to call it that) starts Wednesday at 6 pm Central time. If you're in the Slades Corners, Wisconsin area, you can tune in at WLCB 101.5FM - Lakes Community Broadcasting. Or, you can listen online at, via the TuneIn Radio app, or by telling your Alexa device "WLCB 101.5".

Normally, we write some corny bits here to attract attention to an upcoming edition of "All Access"... but tonight's pro...

Normally, we write some corny bits here to attract attention to an upcoming edition of "All Access"... but tonight's program doesn't call for any of that. The subject matter?

One word: Vietnam.

It's a personal topic for more than one of us, as we had family members who served in that war. So tonight, we'll not only take a look at some songs which were popular during the time the US was involved, but also songs that have become intertwined with that era, as well as songs dealing with the emotions of the time and the fallout our soldiers faced upon returning home. (Don't worry, we'll still have some levity in the show... just not going to use it to sell the program to you.)

Please join us for a special edition of "All Access" tonight, beginning at 6 pm Central time. If you're in the Slades Corners, Wisconsin area, you can tune in at WLCB 101.5FM - Lakes Community Broadcasting. Or, you can listen online at, via the TuneIn Radio app, or by telling your Alexa device "101.5 WLCB".

WLCB is a low power FM radio station that covers portions of Kenosha, Walworth and Racine Counties in Wisconsin and Lake and McHenry Counties in Illinois. Learn more about LPFM...


Last week's "potluck" of music - that is, a show without a theme - was so enjoyable, it left us licking our lips wanting more. And, since leftovers can be just as enjoyable the next time around, we decided to throw another collection of songs we like into the cast iron to see what we could come up with.

And, wouldn't you know it? This week's show is just as tasty, with even more surprises in store for you, the listener. (Don't worry, we're not done with themed shows... have several of those irons in the fire.)

What are you waiting for? Grab a bowl and a spoon, and get ready to curl up to the radio for another edition of "All Access". Dinner is served beginning at 6 pm Central time tonight. If you're in the Slades Corners, Wisconsin area, you can find us at WLCB 101.5FM - Lakes Community Broadcasting. Or, you can stream online at, via the TuneIn Radio app, or by telling your Alexa device "101.5 WLCB".


Putting together a radio show is a lot like cooking... you take a wide variety of ingredients from many sources, throw them into a pot, and hope that the end result is palatable.

Tonight, after a week's vacation, "All Access" steps back up to the musical stove. Theme? We don't need no stinkin' theme tonight. We just grabbed two hours' worth of music we enjoy, threw it together into eight sets, and are now letting it simmer until it's airtime. Will you enjoy it? We're putting our money on "yes".

So, grab a bowl and don't forget to tip your server well. "All Access" returns tonight at 6 pm Central time! If you're in the Slades Corners, Wisconsin area, you can tune in at WLCB 101.5FM - Lakes Community Broadcasting. Or, you can stream online at, via the TuneIn Radio app, or by telling Alexa "101.5 WLCB".

Macaroni and cheese. Bacon and eggs. Suspenders and a belt.Okay, not *everything* goes well together. But in terms of mu...

Macaroni and cheese. Bacon and eggs. Suspenders and a belt.

Okay, not *everything* goes well together. But in terms of music, duets help to show how well two different singers - often from unique genres - can gel together. And tonight, "All Access" is going to celebrate a selection of those special pairings. (We're even bringing back "Are You Smarter Than A DJ" with a question tailor made for this theme!)

So, grab a mug of Throat-Coat tea and prepare to join us for "Duets" tonight on "All Access"! The fun begins at 6 pm Central time. If you're in the Slades Corners, Wisconsin area, you can tune in at WLCB 101.5FM - Lakes Community Broadcasting. Or, you can stream online at, via the TuneIn Radio app, or by telling your Alexa device "101.5 WLCB".

It's a new year, a new beginning, a new world of opportunities... so let's start it by picking up where we left off some...

It's a new year, a new beginning, a new world of opportunities... so let's start it by picking up where we left off some time ago.

Continuing our occasional exploration of the musical alphabet, this week "All Access" arrives at the letter "C". (And, no, that doesn't mean that the album pictured below will be played. Sorry.) Tonight's show will be the musical equivalent of walking into an Old Country Buffet (do those even EXIST anymore?!?), where you'll get a sampling of many genres of music - all from artists and bands starting with the letter C - leaving your musical palate satisfied.

So, crank up a chair, open a can of Coca-Cola, and grab a bag of Cheetos, because "C Is For..." is this week's theme on "All Access"! The fun begins tonight at 6 pm Central time. If you live in the Slades Corners, Wisconsin area, you can tune in at WLCB 101.5FM - Lakes Community Broadcasting. Or, you can listen online at, via the TuneIn Radio app, or by telling your Alexa device "101.5 WLCB".

The clock is ticking on the year 2021... and "All Access" is ready to kick its ass right out the door.A show that has be...

The clock is ticking on the year 2021... and "All Access" is ready to kick its ass right out the door.

A show that has been prepared now for a year (and would have been aired last year had it not been for a family member of Christopher's getting COVID in 2020), we've got two hours' worth of songs that should get you ready to ring out the old year and welcome in 2022 with open arms. (And, unlike the watering holes you might be attending parties at, we don't have a two-drink minimum.)

So, dust off those cardboard hats, noisemaking horns and goofy glasses, and prepare to celebrate as we go "Out With The Auld" this week on "All Access"! The fun begins tonight at 6 pm Central time. If you're in the Slades Corners, Wisconsin area, you can tune in at WLCB 101.5FM - Lakes Community Broadcasting. Or, you can stream online at, via the TuneIn Radio app, or by telling your Alexa device "101.5 WLCB".


What?!? You don't have your holiday shopping done yet? Well... that's okay. You still have a few days to do it, and we just finished ours a day or so ago.

What else?!? You haven't submitted your listener request for "An All Access Christmas (part two)"?!? Well, Grinchy, you'd best get on that toot sweet, as we're asking for submissions to be made by today (Tuesday) at noon Central time. (That gives us plenty of time to get everything logged and properly attributed.)

This week, Dawn returns to the show with an hour of her favorite Christmas songs. Then, we turn the reins over to you, the listeners, before wrapping up the show with what we humbly believe is the perfect lead-in to Christmas. Trust us... you're not going to want to miss this.

So, froth up another mug of hot chocolate, try to figure out just how you're going to wrap that decorative planter for Mom, and listen to "An All Access Christmas (Part Two)" this week on "All Access," airing Wednesday from 6-8 pm Central time. If you're in the Slades Corners, Wisconsin area, you can tune in at WLCB 101.5FM - Lakes Community Broadcasting. Or, you can listen online at, via the TuneIn Radio app, or by telling your Alexa device, "101.5 WLCB".


As we gear up for next week's second half of "An All Access Christmas," we want to offer you, our faithful listeners, a chance to shape the playlist!

The second hour of next Wednesday's show will feature your requests. All you need to do it let us know what your favorite holiday song is (and the artist), and why the song means so much to you. We'll fit in as many as we can during the hour.

So, please get your requests to us here by replying to this post by 12 pm Tuesday, December 21. We can't wait to see what you come up with!


After two unexpected breaks due to health issues in Christopher's family, "All Access" is FINALLY returning to the airwaves... and we're doing so in style, by bringing you a two-part special featuring Christmas music.

Oh, don't roll your eyes, it's not THAT kind of a show. This week, Christopher and Carolyn will each present an hour's worth of festive holiday music that holds special meaning to them - meaning you can expect not only a few songs you're probably tired of hearing by now, but some tracks that just might be new to your ears.

Dawn won't be able to join us this week, so she'll present an hour of her favorite Christmas songs next week... and then, we open up the floor to YOU, our faithful listeners! If there are any songs by specific artists that warm your heart during the Christmas season, please reply to this post and share your memories. (Warning: they will be read online next week!)

So, grab a mug of cocoa and work on wrapping those last-minute gifts, because part one of "An All Access Christmas" airs this Wednesday at 6 PM Central time! If you're in the Slades Corners, Wisconsin area, you can tune in at WLCB 101.5FM - Lakes Community Broadcasting. Or, you can listen online at, via the TuneIn Radio app, or by telling your Alexa device "101.5 WLCB".


Folks... I have to be the bearer of bad news again.

First, an update: my son is doing much better following an appendectomy last week. He's at home, recovering nicely - and he was actually upset with me that we cancelled last week's show because of him.

However... last week, I was notified that my wife's oldest daughter, who had been in our house on Thanksgiving cooking dinner, tested positive for COVID-19. (She is on the mend as well.)

Out of caution for not only other family members but all airstaff and managers at WLCB, Dawn and I have been following the CDC guidelines of isolating for 14 days following possible exposure to COVID, retroactive to November 25. As a result, tonight's "All Access" program has to be cancelled... again.

We have both tested negative and feel absolutely fine, but with the constant ebbs and flows of infection rates, we could not potentially put any other staff member at risk by coming into the studios to do a show tonight. (The last time we saw Carolyn was the night before Thanksgiving, so she thankfully was not impacted by this.)

Barring any more health crises, we WILL be back next Wednesday, for the first of two shows featuring holiday music. While you patiently wait for our return, won't you consider sharing a Christmas song (with artist) that means a lot to you during this holiday season? We hope to dedicate a whole hour of one of the shows exclusively to your selections, so get them in as soon as possible!

Thanks for your continued understanding and patience. We'll be back next week... promise!


Wheatland, WI


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