ProInstaller Magazine is your comprehensive resource to reach commercial / residential flooring contractors and leading flooring/installation supplies distributors nationwide. Every issue of ProInstaller Magazine contains installation tips, techniques, visuals, new product introductions, plus other information that professional installers (beginner to advanced) can use daily for completing residen
tial and commercial carpet, resilient, hardwood, laminate, ceramic tile, stone and concrete jobs! As a result, our readers look forward to each quarterly issue. ProInstaller Magazine’s Editorial Advisory Board is composed of distinguished professionals and associations serving the North American flooring industry. Possessing expertise for flooring, wall, and countertop surfaces, they provide valuable assistance to the magazine’s efforts. Also, ProInstaller Magazines’s website,, enables our manufacturer partners to showcase their installation videos, store MSDS product sheets, and upload their own product releases to receive immediate industry visibility. Industry professionals are also able to submit technical related questions and receive answers from industry experts on our website as well. We did our research — listened to manufacturers, flooring/installation supplies distributors and professional installers nationwide. Join us in our efforts to bring knowledge and training to the installation community. By combining all of our efforts, we can raise the level of every installer, contractor and retailer in the industry and reduce the number of callbacks on residential and commercial jobs!