From battling vampires to fighting to save London from a terrorist onslaught, this self-titled mini-series is Mission Impossible meets Knights of Pendragon!
Seek us out under the Field of Geeks umbrella wherever you podcast, YouTube, or www.fieldofgeeks.com.
We are also available on Facebook and Gmail under The Number 1 Comics Podcast.
Huge thanks to Raven Xavier for crafting our awesome theme. Check Raven out at https://ravexmusic.bandcamp.com/).
#unionjack #captainamerica #bravenewwolrd #vampire #missionimpossible #marvel #marvelcomics #comicbook #comics #chrisgage #mikeperkins #theinvaders #mi5
#1 COMICS! – GUARDIANS of the GALAXY ‘1990
The heroes of tomorrow, today! This week we take a look at Jim Valentino’s Guardians of the Galaxy as our team of heroes go up against the one and only Taserface! No really, that’s his name!
Seek us out under the Field of Geeks umbrella wherever you podcast, YouTube, or www.fieldofgeeks.com.
We are also available on Facebook and Gmail under The Number 1 Comics Podcast.
Huge thanks to Raven Xavier for crafting our awesome theme. Check Raven out at https://ravexmusic.bandcamp.com/).
#marvelcomics #comics #comicbooks #guardiansofthegalaxy #starlord #rocketraccoon #jimvalentino #guardians
FIELD of GEEK 226 - DOWN in FRONT 4 the LOVE of...
Join us for some FANTASTIC news! Josh, Jonah, and Bill are talking: Grammy's, Superman, Fantastic Four, Sinners, Scream 7, Oscar's, and more!
Please show your love for: Steve’s: Living Quest Podcast Dave’s: Johns Wicks (https://johnswicks.co/shop/) Bill’s: Billy Creston Gaming ( / @billycreston ) Jonah and Bill’s: #1 Comics Podcast (here on the FOG Network)
Field of Geeks can be found wherever you download/stream podcasts, YouTube or www.fieldofgeeks.com.
Special thanks to Raven Xavier (https://ravexmusic.bandcamp.com/) Mr. Xavier crafted our very-rocking theme.
#grammys #fantasticfour #superman #vampires #scream #oscars
#1 COMICS! - DOOMS IV '1994
Four unlikely allies find themselves hunted by the evil corporation that gave them their extraordinary powers. Can Brick, Burn, Slyder and Grimm survive the evil Blood-Bots attacking them? As well as survive each other?
Seek us out under the Field of Geeks umbrella wherever you podcast, YouTube, or www.fieldofgeeks.com.
We are also available on Facebook and Gmail under The Number 1 Comics Podcast.
Huge thanks to Raven Xavier for crafting our awesome theme. Check Raven out at https://ravexmusic.bandcamp.com/).
#robliefeld #stevenspielberg #liefeld #imagecomics #comicbooks #comics #comicbookmovies #fantasticfour
They’re not just comics first super team, they’re a family. And like any family, it isn’t without its share of drama and super villains. Join us as we discuss the introduction to this ever expanding family of heroes with the first issue of 2007’s Justice Society of America!
Seek us out under the Field of Geeks umbrella wherever you podcast, YouTube, or www.fieldofgeeks.com.We are also available on Facebook and Gmail under The Number 1 Comics Podcast.
Huge thanks to Raven Xavier for crafting our awesome theme. Check Raven out at https://ravexmusic.bandcamp.com/).
#dccomics #comicbook #comics #justiceleague #jsa #justicesociety #justicesocietyofamerica #greenlantern #flash #superman #geoffjohns
#1 COMICS! – WILD C.A.T.S: Covert-Action-Teams ‘1992
WildCATs, created by industry legend Jim Lee and Brandon Choi, follows a clandestine battle between two warring alien races with the fate of humankind in the balance. Does this first issue live up to Lee’s previous work on one of the best-selling number one’s of all time?
Seek us out under the Field of Geeks umbrella wherever you podcast, YouTube, or www.fieldofgeeks.com.
We are also available on Facebook and Gmail under The Number 1 Comics Podcast.
Huge thanks to Raven Xavier for crafting our awesome theme. Check Raven out at https://ravexmusic.bandcamp.com/).
#imagecomics #Wildstorm #Wildstormcomics #dccomics #x-men #xmencomics #wildcats #jimlee #x-mennumber 1 #firstappearance #comicbookreview #comicreview #comicbooks #comics
FIELD of GEEKS 225 - DUCK HUNT The Movie
Join Josh, Bill, and Steve as they discuss: California Wildfires, Fallen Stars, The Flash, Alien, Thunderbolts, Captain America, Ahsoka, Micronauts, Lego, and much more!
Please show your love for: Steve’s: Living Quest Podcast Dave’s: Johns Wicks (https://johnswicks.co/shop/) Bill’s: Billy Creston Gaming ( / @billycreston ) Jonah and Bill’s: #1 Comics Podcast (here on the FOG Network)
Field of Geeks can be found wherever you download/stream podcasts, YouTube or www.fieldofgeeks.com.
Special thanks to Raven Xavier (https://ravexmusic.bandcamp.com/) Mr. Xavier crafted our very-rocking theme.
#wildfires #lego #hollywood #podcasts
Best comic of 2024?! DC kicks off their Absolute Universe with a bold new vision of the Dark knight, but is it worth the hype?
Seek us out under the Field of Geeks umbrella wherever you podcast, YouTube, or www.fieldofgeeks.com.
We are also available on Facebook and Gmail under The Number 1 Comics Podcast.
Huge thanks to Raven Xavier for crafting our awesome theme. Check Raven out at https://ravexmusic.bandcamp.com/).#dccomics #absolutecomics #absolutebatman #dc #comicbooks #batman
What’s it take to stop an army of bloodsuckers bent on war with humans? Wildstorm’s own Team 7 operators and gold goo! Let’s dive into a vat of fun as we look at issue one of Whilce Portacio’s Wetworks #1.
Seek us out under the Field of Geeks umbrella wherever you podcast, YouTube, or www.fieldofgeeks.com.
We are also available on Facebook and Gmail under The Number 1 Comics Podcast.
Huge thanks to Raven Xavier for crafting our awesome theme. Check Raven out at https://ravexmusic.bandcamp.com/).#imagecomics #Mcfarlanetoys #wetworkscomic #wetworks #team7 #wildstormcomics #dccomics #comicbook #comics
This show is packed full like Santa’s bag of toys! Join Josh, Billy, and Jonah, as they sing Christmas Carols and talk: Holiday Gifts and Films, Sonic 3, Superman, Clayface, The Mummy, He-Man, 28 Years Later, Karate Kid, and much more!
Please show your love for:Steve’s: Comic Blog (http://www.stevescomicblog.com/) and Living Quest Podcast
Dave’s: Johns Wicks (https://johnswicks.co/shop/)Bill’s: Billy Creston Gaming (@billycreston) Jonah and Bill’s: #1 Comics Podcast (here on the FOG Network)
Field of Geeks can be found wherever you download/stream podcasts, YouTube or www.fieldofgeeks.com.
Special thanks to Raven Xavier (https://ravexmusic.bandcamp.com/) Mr. Xavier crafted our very-rocking theme.
#superman # nosferatu #christmas #boxoffice #toys
Monarch, Mercenary, hero, anti-hero. This week we take a look at 90’s Marvel bad girl, Silver Sable, in her first ongoing title!
Seek us out under the Field of Geeks umbrella, wherever you podcast, YouTube, or www.fieldofgeeks.com.
We are also available on Facebook and Gmail under The Number 1 Comics Podcast.
Huge thanks to Raven Xavier for crafting our awesome theme. Check Raven out at https://ravexmusic.bandcamp.com/).
#marvel #marvelcomics #comicbook #comics #spider-man #spiderman #amazingspiderman #silversable #sandman