Long ago, in a village not very far away, there lived a family who produced a remarkable number of grocers and postmasters. I did not turn out to be one of them. I took after the other side of the family, more often peopled with auctioneers, sheriffs, elected officials and other show-offs. But I grew up in a grocery store and the post office next door. And some part of me always wanted one of my
own. I've opened my own little shop right here and selling my own hand or head-made products and shipping them from my own little P.O. (it's actually a card table, but close enough). First thing I offered was a holiday CD, not of music, bot the spoken word, and made of selections from holiday-themed episodes from my radio series, "These Ozarks Hills." And it's not just the holidays nearby. There's also Groundhog Day, April Fool's Day, Equinoxes, Solstices and several versions of Halloween, Christmas and Thanksgiving. Several of you seemed to like it. And I have a few left. Then there was the handmade, hand-stitched book of some of my earliest work. It's a pretty thing, and there are a few of those still hanging around, too - most of them still unstitched, but I can fire up the sailcloth needle and h**p cord as needed. Music CDs produced over the years and all still available include Blackberry Winter Band's "In These Ozarks Hills" and "Still Standing," the album of songs written by me and Robin Frederick, called "Empty Doors" and the technically out-of-print soundtrack from the 4-time Oscar nominated movie, "Winter's Bone." In addition, I dug up from the ashes a single track recording of the original Ozarks band, the Davis Creek Rounders, that played Ozarks music to the Winter's Bone crew. The recording is from their performance at the West Plains Old Time Music Ozark Heritage Festival - the same year that crew came to town scouting a film location. A new CD, "Front Porch Songs and Stories" is set for release in October, features the story of the American Front Porch, where it came from, what went on there and how it was central to American country life - and what caused its drop in prominence in our culture. The songs are performed by me along with singer Mary Alexander, accompanied by Bo Brown, David Wilson and George Horne (three-fifths of the legendary Undergrass Boys). The recording is accompanied by the written narrative. The second volume is now available of the text versions of "These Ozarks Hills" radio series broadcast on KSMU Regional Public Radio since May, 2007. The series is now in its 14th year. Volume 1 covers years 1-5. Volume 2 contains the best of years 6-10. You'll have to wait until next year for Volume 3. Volumes 1 and 2can be found in the online store, and will soon be available in audio form as podcasts and on CDs. See the store for more information. Lots to look and and listen to. Come by and visit with me, won't you? Set a spell. Tell me your stories of the Ozarks. And sample my wares. Marideth Ann Gentry Sisco, proprietor
Order your copies in time for the Holidays. Look for Yarnspinner Media on Facebook to find our store.