Making Today Matter

Making Today Matter Encouraging and Mentoring others in their Christian Life. 💫 Business Launch: 2024!!!

Because of the pain in Psalm 22, we are given God’s presence in Psalm 23. 🤎 Thank you, Jesus!

Because of the pain in Psalm 22, we are given God’s presence in Psalm 23. 🤎 Thank you, Jesus!

This Christ whom we see crying out in pain in Psalm 22 now leads us, restores us, and is with us always in Psalm 23. Because of the bloody and painful death depicted in Psalm 22, we are able to experience the peace and pastures of Psalm 23. He drank the cup dry so that our cups now overflow. We are able to experience intimacy with this Shepherd because on the cross, Jesus functioned as the spotless sacrifice.

So often, we think that God is so far away that He isn’t accessible, whether it be because we lack faith or because we b...

So often, we think that God is so far away that He isn’t accessible, whether it be because we lack faith or because we believe that we are too far gone and somehow God wouldn’t want to even meet us where we are…

The more you study the Bible and the more you study God’s heart, you will see that His heart is “meek and lowly”. His heart is drawn towards the sinners and sufferers, towards those who have done wrong, towards the imperfect, towards those who are in need of a Physician.

He longs to save you. He longs to have a relationship with you. But the choice is really up to you. He cannot choose for you.

So friend, are you willing to come to Jesus as you are, whether you are saved or not? (Those who are saved are not exempted from coming to Jesus. We all still need Him as much when we’re saved than when we’re not saved).

The Christian life is not one where you go to Him once and that’s it. It’s a lifelong process. But in order to start that relationship, you’ve gotta understand that He loves and accepts you as you are. He is not willing that any should perish but that all should come to repentance.



"If we’re the same as the world with its rebellion and its broken covenants and its anger and its bitterness and its harshness, we’re not going to win or attract the world to the gospel of Christ. Nor will we attract the world by being self-righteous moralists devoid of the Spirit and life...

We need to pray "Lord, I desire to honor You by living a counter-cultural life that reflects the beauty of Christ and His gospel to the world."" —Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth'


To listen to today's episode of Revive Our Hearts, "God Makes Himself Known," click here:

If there is anything I’ve learned in my time of being a follower of Jesus, it’s this: I can do things my way and possibl...

If there is anything I’ve learned in my time of being a follower of Jesus, it’s this:

I can do things my way and possibly get to my destination or I can do things God’s way and learn, grow, and be formed into the person He purposed me to be and get to my destination with God’s favor and blessings on my life.

Doing life with Jesus may not be easy or popular but it is well worth it!

What do you do when you’ve messed up? When you’ve done wrong? Well, what does a children do when they mess up? Do they r...

What do you do when you’ve messed up? When you’ve done wrong?

Well, what does a children do when they mess up? Do they run away from their father or mother? Some might but they shouldn’t.

Usually, a child runs to the parent, because they know that their mother or father will accept them, embrace them, and love on them, regardless of what they’ve done.

In other words they have the mindset of: “I’ve messed up, I need to go to my father” rather than, “Oh no, I’ve messed up. I can’t tell my father.”

Both of these scenarios happen everyday but a relationship that is rooted and grounded in true love will not shame, put down, or embarrass the one who has fallen short.

When we think about Jesus, what did He do when everybody wanted to stone the woman caught in adultery? He said that the one without sin can cast the first stone.

Nobody cast the first stone because we’ve all sinned. We’ve all fallen short.

This verse in Matthew 11:29 talks about Jesus’ heart. It is meek and lowly. This means that He is humble and accessible. He is not too far that we can’t access Him, even and especially when we’ve done wrong.

Another thing to note is that Jesus was drawn to the sinners, to those who needed help, and to those who were suffering.

When we come to a point in our lives where we aren’t seeking God for help, that is not a good place to be in, because we are drawing Him away from us. We are thinking we no longer need Him. But God forbid that we ever believe that we don’t need Him because every second of every day, we are in great need of Him.

So friend, if you are needing rest for yourself, if you’ve been weighed down by sin or a burden, go to Him because He is meek and lowly in heart.

70% will lose their faith in college80% will lose their faith by age 29.There is a great necessity to not just talk abou...

70% will lose their faith in college
80% will lose their faith by age 29.

There is a great necessity to not just talk about truth but live it out and defend it.

What an honor to be a guest on the Tradition First Foundation podcast and share how knowing Christ intimately and personally has allowed me to navigate through life’s ups and downs.

Many young adults lose their faith because it was NEVER their faith to begin with but rather the faith of their parents, grandparents, or pastor.

Many of the questions we tackled on this episode are questions that need to be had and I am sure it will encourage you!

Happy Tuesday!! 🙌🏾🎉🎊

Ready to lift your spirit?

Episode 7 of our Podcast: “Let’s Talk Apologetics” welcomes JudyLynn Cabal

In this riveting episode of "Let's Talk Apologetics," host K'Dia sits down with Judy Lynn, a dedicated Christian living and ministering in San Diego, California. Despite the challenges of living in a state often criticized for its secularism, Judy passionately discusses her commitment to her community, her faith journey, and the importance of staying rooted where God has planted her.

Judy shares her inspiring story of transformation from a young girl with no religious background to a devoted follower of Christ, and how she and her husband have navigated the ups and downs of ministry. She offers profound insights into the struggles and triumphs of working in youth and children's ministries and the importance of making faith personal.

With heartfelt anecdotes and practical advice, Judy emphasizes the power of Apologetics in strengthening faith and the critical need for intellectual engagement with Christianity in today's world. This episode is a powerful testament to resilience, faith, and the impact of living out the gospel in challenging environments.

Listen Here:

You can also listen on Spotify, Amazon, Apple, Youtube, and so much more!


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Thankful for the Heart of our Savior. He never gets tired of us.And to think that the Perfect Son of God would make Hims...

Thankful for the Heart of our Savior.
He never gets tired of us.

And to think that the Perfect Son of God would make Himself so “lowly” and accessible to us sinners is beyond what I could fathom.

Thank you, Jesus for meeting us in our place of need and CHOOSING to live in our place of need.



"And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose." Romans 8:28

Jesus — the same yesterday, today and forever! My God is unchanging! Taken from Dane Ortlund’s Book: Gentle and Lowly   ...

Jesus — the same yesterday, today and forever!
My God is unchanging!

Taken from Dane Ortlund’s Book: Gentle and Lowly



Join our GIVEAWAY! You will connect with some women who love the Lord and seek to help others grow in their walk with Hi...

Join our GIVEAWAY!
You will connect with some women who love the Lord and seek to help others grow in their walk with Him!

The heart of Christ can be found in one verse: Matthew 11:29 Take my yoke upon you, and learn of me; FOR I AM MEEK AND L...

The heart of Christ can be found in one verse:

Matthew 11:29
Take my yoke upon you, and learn of me; FOR I AM MEEK AND LOWLY IN HEART: and ye shall find rest unto your souls.

Out of the four Gospel accounts — Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John (89 chapters of biblical text), this is the only place where Jesus tells us about his own heart.

What comes to your mind when you think of God’s heart?



If we submit to His process and walk at His pace, we’ll get where we need to go in His perfect timing. There is grace and a pace for your race. You don’t need to rush – only to seek God above everything else. 💛 “A person’s heart plans his way, but the Lord determines his steps.” Proverbs 16:9

So good!

So good!

This may sound harsh, but as parents, we must consider what we teach our children. If we aren’t careful, we could unintentionally lead our children to believe that the outward appearance of things matters more than the inward heart.

What do we focus on throughout the day? The month? The year?

1️⃣ Are we teaching our kids how to engage with God?
2️⃣ Do they know how to find intimacy with their Creator?
3️⃣ Or are we teaching them to say please and thank you and “look like” good Christians?

The truth is if we want our children to grow in a relationship with their Creator, we need to focus on more than behavior modification.

To get lasting change and genuine transformation in our children’s lives, we must consider what’s in our kids’ hearts.

How do you focus on the heart while raising your kids? Tell us! 🤍

Did a study on a few names of God a while back and want to do another one because He is so much more!

Did a study on a few names of God a while back and want to do another one because He is so much more!

We are used to calling God “God.” But did you know that the Bible calls Him many other names as well?

Names like…
🙌 Abba
🙌 Elohim
🙌 Immanuel
🙌 Jehovah-Rapha
🙌 Living Water
🙌 Wonderful Counselor
🙌 I AM

Encourage your worship of God today by meditating on His many names throughout Scripture! Want a resource to help? We have one!

The Names of God is a quiet-time companion that goes through 50 different names of God found in Scripture. Each entry is designed to deepen your knowledge about God’s character and purposes, and teach you how to apply these truths to your daily life. Click over to our website to shop now 🤍

Fearing God is not a burden but a blessing. The more you study and pursue it, the more you will treasure it.

Fearing God is not a burden but a blessing.
The more you study and pursue it, the more you will treasure it.



this is for someone tonight…🤍

Wouldn’t you like to have an inside scoop on what God knows? I SURE WOULD! God may not reveal everything to us but to be...

Wouldn’t you like to have an inside scoop on what God knows? I SURE WOULD!

God may not reveal everything to us but to be so close to Him that He could let you in on His secrets or things others wouldn’t know — that is a great place to be…and it is possible if you have the fear of God in your life.



Hi Ladies, I value your input on which of these two webinar titles best resonates with you:

Here are the choices:

1. Summit Title: "Cultivating Reverence: The Key to God's Favor for Millennial Women"
- Subheadline: "Discovering Timeless Truths and Blessings through a Heart Aligned with God's Will"

2. Summit Title: "Reverence Reimagined: The Fear of God in the Lives of Millennial Christian Women"
- Subheadline: "Balancing Modernity and Faith to Achieve God's Wisdom and Favor"

God has been taking me on a journey of fearing Him and it has been the transformative truth that I can honestly say has been missing or lacking in my life as I am sure it has been for many others.

Thank you all in advance for your input and/or suggestions.

When we fear God, it means that we trust God and have nothing to hide. Whereas when we don’t fear God (which means we la...

When we fear God, it means that we trust God and have nothing to hide. Whereas when we don’t fear God (which means we lack godly fear & posses ungodly fear instead), we have something to hide.

When you are in close relationship to someone, you wouldn’t want to hide anything from them, but rather reveal even the dirtiest and messiest parts of you, not to make them look better but to say, “I love & trust you so much that I am trusting that the ugliest parts of me that I am about to reveal won’t draw you farther away from me but bring you closer to me.”

God already knows everything about us — the good and the bad. Yet, He still desires to be in relationship with us.

The one thing we forget is that WE ARE THE ONES who determine when God will draw near to us.

James 4:8
Draw nigh to God, and he will draw nigh to you. Cleanse your hands, ye sinners; and purify your hearts, ye double minded.

We draw near to God AND THEN He will draw near to us.

Do you fear God enough to say, “I love you and I trust you even with the worse parts of me”?

If we feared God the way we ought to, how would our lives be different?

If we feared God the way we ought to, how would our lives be different?



Moms—biological, spiritual, adoptive, and foster moms:

Your sacrifice is seen and honored by God, our Father. The late nights, the early mornings, the pull-your-hair-out moments, and the blissfully snuggly moments. They matter, because the work you are doing matters to the God of eternity.

We rise up and call you blessed, moms, not because you're perfect, but because you are participating in the life-giving mission of Jesus Christ.

Keep persevering.
Keep praying.
Keep opening your Bible whenever you discover a spare moment.
Keep answering God's invitation to experience freedom and joy in Him.

Your children are watching, and they are blessed by your faithful legacy.
Depend on God's grace. He'll never let you down.

Happy Mother's Day from Revive Our Hearts. 💐

True confidence, you know, the one that isn’t prideful, that is from the Lord. We cannot boast of ourselves or from ours...

True confidence, you know, the one that isn’t prideful, that is from the Lord.

We cannot boast of ourselves or from ourselves because without Christ, we are absolutely nothing.

We can have confidence when we confide in the Only Person who has never failed, the Only Perfect One, and the One who knows us better than anybody else.

Put your confidence in the Lord. He will never fail you.

Would you be interested in learning how to obtain the Fear of the Lord and knowing the benefits of it?

Would you be interested in learning how to obtain the Fear of the Lord and knowing the benefits of it?

This can serve as a warning or a blessing. You get to choose how “FEARING GOD” is translated into your life. Psalm 111:1...

This can serve as a warning or a blessing. You get to choose how “FEARING GOD” is translated into your life.

Psalm 111:10
The fear of the LORD is the beginning of wisdom: a good understanding have all they that do his commandments: his praise endureth for ever.

Proverbs 1:7
The fear of the LORD is the beginning of knowledge: but fools despise wisdom and instruction.

Proverbs 8:13
The fear of the LORD is to hate evil: pride, and arrogancy, and the evil way, and the froward mouth, do I hate.

Proverbs 10:27
The fear of the LORD prolongeth days: but the years of the wicked shall be shortened.

Proverbs 14:26
In the fear of the LORD is strong confidence: and his children shall have a place of refuge.

Proverbs 14:27
The fear of the LORD is a fountain of life, to depart from the snares of death.

Proverbs 15:33
The fear of the LORD is the instruction of wisdom; and before honour is humility.


"The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom. You start by getting to know God, by fearing Him, by honoring Him, by reverencing Him, by letting Him be central in your life, and by orienting your life around Him. That’s the starting place for wisdom.

You and I need wisdom for whatever it is that God has called us to do, and what that looks like in this season may be different than what it looks like in another season. We need wisdom for dealing with issues in the workplace, in the church, in your ministry, in your neighborhood, in your family...wisdom comes from God and we need to be intentional and earnest about seeking it." —Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth

To hear more about being full of wisdom, click here to listen to today's episode of Revive Our Hearts:

Because we fear God so much, we will love Him so much. On the other hand, when we fear God so little, it will be evident...

Because we fear God so much, we will love Him so much. On the other hand, when we fear God so little, it will be evident in how little we genuinely love Him.

Anytime you feel forced to love something or someone (because of fear), it will not end well.

When we revere God, love will automatically flow because of that holy and godly fear.

Anybody can say they love God… but it takes a true disciple or apprentice of Jesus to say, “I fear God.”

If there is anything I have noticed that has been lacking in my life and maybe many Christians, it’s the Fear of God. Ma...

If there is anything I have noticed that has been lacking in my life and maybe many Christians, it’s the Fear of God.

Many can love God, serve Him, and do many things for Him, but Fearing Him takes more intentionality.

Have you ever wondered why some marriages don’t work out? Or why people fall into sin? Or why many of our lives can often feel empty? Or why we feel so far from the Lord, even when we go to church, read our Bibles, pray, and serve?

I don’t think it’s because we don’t love God, but rather we don’t fear Him as we ought.

If you’re like me, I’m sure you can say, “I don’t fear God enough.”

And may today be the day when you start to seek God and Fear Him (not be afraid of Him) because when you have the fear of God in your life, you will fear nothing else.


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West Hollywood, CA


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