Pokemon is CRACKED! Holeee!
10k Master Set
Some ebay orders shipped out today.
Figured I'd take a lil video before packing them up!
Will be printing new pokeballs and minis for next week's live on Whatnot!
Going to do a pull game/ auction.
Our 1st Master set. Crown Zenith
So much fun, so much fire!
Came into the hobby with my wife about 2yrs ago now and we chased every card together.
A few trades but 95% pulled.
Pokemon is wonderful!
Moonbreon 2.0
So nice!
Japanese - Terastal Festival
It's Frosty Gengar! ⛄️
Will update as he's completed. Multiple parts that will have to be glued together.
Slugma Mini Pokemon figures 🔥
Will get these up on ebay tonight.
2.99 each
Buyer Giveaway for tonight's stream! Activates once we sellout (30 more pulls)
Combined Powers Premium Collection Box! 11 Packs, Promos & more.
Everyone who buys in goes up on the Wheel spin at the end of the stream for a chance at this Box! 🔥
Thank you! 😊
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Live Break Saturday on facebook! 📹 🎥
$5 per pull 100 total (35 left)
9PM est on facebook @savage pokemon Rips!
#pokemontcg #savageripper #allmymoneygoestopokemon #pokemonrips #pokemon #surgingsparkspokemon #pokemonpulls #pokemoncommunity #pokemoncards #savagerippers #pikachu #surgingsparks #pokemontcgpocket #charizard
Pack Rip Spotlight -Shiny Treasure EX Japanese
So many hits! 🌟
10 packs per booster box, up to 4 holos per pack.