Here’s some work by video/sound/installation artist Toby Kaufman-Buhler, Sawing Sound study (18); see it full length at! Toby is one of the applicants in our 2024 Studio Break Pro Competition, juried this year by Marc Mitchell @methan18, Curator and Director of exhibitions at the University of Arkansas. Please make sure to follow @tkbuhler to see more work and check out more works linked in the linktree Thanks for submitting to this year’s competition Toby!
#studiobreak #art #visualart #contemporaryart #professional #pro #competition #2d #3d #painting #drawing #printmaking #photography #mixedmedia #sculpture #installation #interview #podcast
There’s still time to apply for Studio Break’s 2024 Professional Competition,juried by Marc Mitchell @methan18; Deadline is Nov 15th! Marc is a Visual Artist and the Curator/Director of Exhibitions at the University of Arkansas. Marc will be selecting 5 artists to be featured on Studio Break and interviewed by host @davidlinneweh , this includes an online gallery of work and podcast covering their studio practice. In addition, he will be selecting artists for future exhibitions at Studio Break Gallery in West Chicago (IL), awarding 1 artist with a solo exhibition & selecting 4 artists for 2 Two-Person Exhibitions. The competition is open to emerging, mid-career, established and outsider artists; students are ineligible and should apply in the spring of 25’. Find a link in the linktree for more info or go to for all the details on how to apply. Please help spread the word by sharing & tagging this post with any artists interested in being featured on the podcast and exhibiting at Studio Break Gallery!! Deadline has once again been extended to November 15th!
#studiobreak #marcmitchell #art #visualart #contemporaryart #competition #professional #artists
#winners #2-d #3-d #painting
#sculpture #installation #drawing
#ceramics #metals #glass
#mixedmedia #exhibition #gallery
#soloexhibition #twopersonexhibition
#interview #podcast
Sharing this from @davidlinneweh…
Had a great time painting with @michaelwille22 and his drawing class at ISU @isufinearts in downtown normal! Of course I had to sneak off and paint a dumpster but had a lot of fun, a very talented crew in this class
Dan Oliver @dan_oliver_artist
Bound Spirit (no2)
For the Trees
Bound Spirit (no1)
Invisible Man
A Work in Progress
6” x 6” (10” x 10” framed
Acrylic on mat board
These drawings are currently in the exhibition “Transformation”, recent works by Dan Oliver at Studio Break Gallery in West Chicago! To see a full gallery of available works in the show, click the link in the linktree. For inquiries about works or to set up an appointment to see the show please send a dm or email to [email protected].
#danoliver #danoliverartist #paint #painter #paintings #house #home #realestate #fire #contemporaryart #art #visualart #westchicago #exhibiton #contemporaryart #studiobreakgallery
Check out our new show “Transformation”, recent works by Dan Oliver @dan_oliver_artist, now open Saturday September 7th till 9PM at Studio Break Gallery in West Chicago! For more info about the exhibition please click the link in the linktree swing by, please dm for appointments to see the show, a gallery of available works will be in the linktree tomorrow!
#danoliver #danoliverartist #paint #painter #paintings #house #home #realestate #fire #contemporaryart #art #visualart #westchicago #exhibiton #contemporaryart #studiobreakgallery
Have you heard our podcast with Dan Oliver @dan_oliver_artist from last year? Click the link in the linktree to give a listen on and check out the gallery of work and artist info from episode #297 on Studio Break @studio_break. In the podcast we talk about early art making experiences and Dans current studio practice. We hope that you join us for the opening reception of
Transformation”, recent works by Dan Oliver on September 7th from 5PM-9PM at Studio Break Gallery in West Chicago; exhibition runs 9/7-9/28. Links for podcast #297 and exhibition info is linked in the linktree, we hope to see you at the opening on September 7th from 5-9PM!
#danoliver #danoliverartist #paint #painter #paintings #house #home #realestate #fire #contemporaryart #art #visualart #westchicago #exhibiton #contemporaryart #studiobreakgallery
“Transformation”, recent works by Dan Oliver @dan_oliver_artist opens Saturday September 7th from 5PM-9PM at Studio Break Gallery in West Chicago; exhibition runs 9/7-9/28. For more info about the exhibition please click the link in the linktree and we hope to see you at the opening on September 7th from 5-9PM!
#danoliver #danoliverartist #paint #painter #paintings #house #home #realestate #fire #contemporaryart #art #visualart #westchicago #exhibiton #contemporaryart #studiobreakgallery
Here’s a piece by Elliot Bowers @shane_elliotb “Who Are You Calling A Tranny”, resin, flock, engraving, mirror, 9” x 12.5” from 2023; currently in “Correlations” at Studio Break Gallery. Please join us on Aug 24th for our closing from 5-8PM, the show features works by: Abraham @abrahamseven, Morgan Adler @m0rgtr0n , Ann Blaas @annblaas, Elliot Bowers, Johnny Disco @johnny.disco, Diana Gabriel @dianapgabriel, Joshua Jay Johnson @joshuajayjohnson, Katherine Jost @katherine.jost, David Linneweh @davidlinneweh, Dan Meinhart, Eric Ockrassa @ericockrassa, Natalie Pivoney @nrpart, Buddy Plumlee @plumleebuddy, Gary Schirmer & Anastasia Sitnikov @stacy_sitnikov. You can find a full gallery of available works in the linktree and gallery info!
#correlations #art #visualart #westchicago #exhibiton #contemporaryart #studiobreakgallery
Here are some pic’s from the opening of Turf, our current exhibition at Studio Break Gallery with paintings by Brooke P. Alexander @brookepalexander, Hans Habeger @hanshabeger, Brian Frink @brianfrinkart, David Linneweh @davidlinneweh and Natalie Pivoney @nrpart !! You can find a full gallery of available works in the show starting at $250, click the link in the linktree to check it out and dm with any inquiries as there’s lots of great work. You may also arrange an appointment to see the exhibition by sending a dm, please check out the work, thanks to the artists, and all those that came out to make it a special night!!