Take your posts to the next level and use these CTAs! A CTA aka Call To Action is a way to give your audience an actionable task and a vital part of your post that you NEED to use to convert your followers to customers! Don't forget to save this post for later 😉#business #entrepreneurship #entrepreneurlife #hustle #businessowner #startup#businessgrowth #businessadvice #businessstrategy #businessgoals#smallbusinesstips #smallbiztips #smallbusinessideas #smallbusinessgrowth#socialmediagrowth #socialmediahelp #instagramengagement #socialmediatips #instagramhacks #instagramtipsandtricks
Having a social media strategy is just as important as having a business strategy when you're a business. You can't have one without the other and expect to have success. What is a social media strategy? this is when you outline the goals you have for your social media and how you will obtain these goals based on your current analytics. This can be changed quarterly as you start to meet your goals! Here are a few things to include in your strategy:1. Which platform you plan to focus on2. What your quarterly goal is3. Your current analytics and how you plan to achieve this goal based on where you are now. 4. A place to record what went well and what didn't go well so you can study and change your strategy accordingly!Need help with this or don't know where to start? Fill out my contact form in my bio and let me help!#socialmediatips #socialmediastrategy #socialmediamanagement #socialmediamarketing #socialmediaagency #socialmediahelp#socialmediagrowth #instagramengagement #instagramtipsandtricks #instagramhacks #instagrammanager #instagramexpert