"Splitting wood is a nostalgic practice for me. In high school, we had no fireplace, but my good friend Kerry’s folks did. Kerry was comfortable with a chainsaw — his father a contractor and builder — and so I learned my way around a chainsaw and we would cut and split for his parents. The time in the woods left an imprint on me. Now, after 30 years with a fireplace, I still look forward to working with trees that end up in our fireplace: cutting trees and logs, hauling them to a place flat enough for splitting, stacking and carrying the wood, building fires."
It’s Jan. 6, 2025, and my mind was on established routines and rituals. The warm frenzy of the holidays is now behind us. Time now for my wife, Lori, and me to re-establish some of that routine. It’s a cold 27 degrees with a gusting wind. It was only 4:30 p.m. or thereabouts when l left th...