What would you do if you’d built a successful career, rising to be a Chief People Officer but found that perhaps you were possibly chasing the wrong dream?
For one woman, the choice was simple. After all, Vinni Taneja was subconsciously preparing herself for this her entire life. But society had pushed back her choice.
“Here I was, waking up at 4:30 every morning, going to the gym, coming back home, taking the bus to the city for work, then after a long day there I’d still be checking emails long into the night. The stress was there, and there was no off switch. But the universe was still sending me all these dreams and messages that I was called to do something else.”
Yet she knew that this was a decision that wouldn’t be as easy as it was necessary.
Now, she blends her Eastern spirituality with Western pragmatism as a Certified Reiki Master, 700 Hours Yoga Teacher, Sound Healing Practitioner, Qi Gong Instructor, and Mind-Body Intuitive Coach. When she meets with clients, she seeks to provide therapy to the things that are causing them spiritual distress. Her Caldwell studio is filled with spiritual things she’s gathered from her travels, to Nepal, to Bali, all available to her community to enjoy. She even has some “soul shopping” available there as well.
The way she describes it is that she’s found her Spiritual Guruness™. And she’s particularly proud of the work that she’s done for women to help them empower themselves spiritually.
To find out more about how Vinni can help you on your overall wellness journey, reach out to her at her Chakra Wellness studio in Caldwell via her website, chakrawellness.io