"ITS NOT ABOUT THE SIZE OF THE DOG IN THE FIGHT, ITS THE SIZE OF THE FIGHT IN THE DOG." She in charge or making sure that posters get distributed, Merchandise sales are correct, any concerns or issues fans/customers may have with the merchandise. She will also deliver merchandise, and tickets to customers. She is 1st contact with the street team. You will see her at events helping the managers wit
h selling merchandise & supporting the artist!! EMAIL: [email protected]
PHONE: (207)616-1157
Loreli (LILI) is the Team Managers. She is the Street Team page editor. She handles the page artist/event promotions, distributing merchandise & posters. She will deliver tickets to local fans, and local merchandise customers. Loreli will handle all questions pertain to the merchandise or tickets. You will see her at events selling merchandise!! EMAIL: [email protected]
PHONE: (207)716-6710
Jasmine (O.G.J) is one of the Team members.. She Handles the distribution of merchandise & posters. Jasmine van handle all questions pertaining to the merchandise or tickets. EMAIL: [email protected]
Randy (RJ) is one of our Team Members. He a lot of our web page design. He also handles promoting the artist and events with the school age demographic. He does a lot of the leg work with distributing the event flyers to local business and towns. You will see him walking around town in merchandise!! EMAIL: [email protected]