A beautiful landing on a beautiful evening in a Maule M7-A custom built by my friends at God's Country Aviation.
Stretched Pacers out stretching the wings…
A Glacier Flight
Some views from a local flight around local glaciers few mornings ago. The creation truly declares the glory of the creator! We really do have a GREAT BACKYARD! (Sound on)
#iflyalaska #stretchedpacer #flyingalaska #superpacer #matsuvalley
A few good friends met up for an impromptu bon fire along Alaska’s Knik River. Two stretched Pacers (bushmasters)and a PA-22 made it possible. Alaska flying fun!
On a beautiful October afternoon a few friends met up for an impromptu bonfire on one of Alaska’s Kink River gravel bars. Big tires, big fires, good friends, and enjoying the majesty of God’s creation. We really do have a great backyard!
The heavens declare the glory of God
A recent flight to take friends to honor their father. It was his final wish to rest upon the peaks.
This is a fun little video of a recent Alaska flying adventure.