The first Democratic Presidential primary ad of 2019 is here!
Act Now on Climate makes an early ad buy in Iowa to support Washington Governor Jay Inslee in his Presidential bid.
Majority Forward gets an early start to the 2020 Senate race
Majority Forward is the first outside group to jump into the fray of the 2020 senate races with buys in AZ, CO, IA, GA, ME, and NC. Take a look!
The San Francisco Police Officers Association invokes global t...
This new ad from the San Francisco Police Officers Association shows the close ties between internaional events and local policy. With the upcoming protests in San Francisco, it is clear police groups are using new media forms to spread awareness.
The #GreatAmericaPAC, which supports #Trump, has bought Spanish Language TV advertising:
The Honorable Choice for a Change: Purple PAC for Gary Johnson
Purple PAC hopes their new ad in support of Gary Johnson will help the Libertarian nominee gain traction against the major party front runners.
CMAG Ad Watch:
CMAG Ad Watch: is on the air with a member-generated ad calling for President Obama to end the Bush-era tax cuts or the "Millionaire Bailouts"
Rahm Emanuel's first campaign ad for Chicago mayor
CMAG News Alert: In his first ad for mayor, Rahm Emanuel calls Chicago "a great city" and details the "big challenges" the city faces
CMAG in the News: CNN
CMAG in the News: On CNN today, CMAG's Evan Tracey highlights ads, many sponsored by Democrats, targeting women's fears -- ranging from healthcare concerns to safety to economic security. Evan says this tactic often motivates voters to get to the polls.
CMAG in the News: CNN
CMAG in the News: CMAG's Evan Tracey and CNN's Senior Political Editor Mark Preston discuss the "off the charts" ad spending and how these ads pay off come Election Day.
CMAG in the News - CNN Politics
CMAG in the News: CMAG's Evan Tracey visits CNN to explain about how independent expenditures, especially from conservative groups, are dominating this year's political campaigns.
CMAG in the News: CNN's State of the Union
CMAG in the News: On CNN's State of the Union, CMAG's Evan Tracey follows the money (Democrats and Republicans) and says viewers can expect to see a record $3 billion in ad spending. With independent groups' pockets full and ready to battle on the airwaves, lots of spending is still to come!
CMAG in the News: CNN's American Morning
CMAG in the News: CMAG’s Evan Tracey explains how the Citizen’s United decision has impacted this year’s midterm election on CNN's American Morning. Pro-GOP groups have outspent pro-Democratic groups almost three to one on the federal level.