NYE is just four days away! Don’t wait until the last minute to get your tickets to our epic 12 hour masquerade ball, VIP includes priority entry & a five hour open bar! I’m starting the night at 9pm and playing until just after the big midnight hour countdown when @joe_gauthreaux takes over into the early morning, then @jesusmontanez launches the first afters of 2024. Musically, I’m starting with a house vibe building to big vocal anthems and the biggest hits of 2023 and an explosive countdown experience. Masquerade mask & champagne toast included, ticket link in bio, get yours right now!
#TBT to 2:30am Monday morning on Halloween weekend in New Orleans. Work🎵. #gaydj #bigroomhouse #circuitparty #circuitdj
🎵🚨NEW MUSIC! Presenting TANNR Exclusives Vol 1, the first collection of 12 of my exclusive remixes, mashups, and original productions, plus a bonus “candlelight edit” of Eternal Flame coming soon on Swishcraft. Free download link in bio, for booking, contact [email protected]. #gaydj #circuitdj #circuitparty #circuitboys #bigroomhouse #internationaldj #circuitqueen #producer
And that’s a wrap! Happy Halloween New Orleans, and thank you for the fun times on the dance floor at @ozneworleans ! Big thanks to @mizzchichi for having me back, @heyyybeaux @the_andrew_john for everything, @djblacklow @dj_jwarren @orlandoricardostein @adamjosephmusic , fantastic time sharing the dj booth with you, and thank you to @matt.suave @joeywiththemustache & @djtwinofficial for hanging out! #gaydj #circuitparty #bigroomhouse
🎃🚨NEW MUSIC! My rework of @dollyparton & @mileycyrus new imagination of Wrecking Ball, featuring a mashed instrumental from Antony, @fabioslupie & @mauromozart Just in time for your Halloween parties, free DL link in bio. #gaydj #circuithouse #circuitparty #circuitdj #bigroomhouse #internationaldj #producer
Me: “What’s a big LA party like?” LA: “Hold my drink, and mic drop.” @ben_bakson @djalexacosta @gingereddie @paulnichollsent @findyourgps #circuitmusic #bigroomhouse ##circuitdj #arribamaricones
DJ @dawnamontell delivering a flawless set at the legendary @thechapelweho ! 🙌🪩🎧🙏
🎵🚨NEW MUSIC! My remix of Material Girl by the Queen of Pop. Free download link in linktree in bio. #gaydj #circuitparty #circuitdj #circuitqueen #circuitboys #bigroomhouse #producer
Halloween ‘23 at @ozneworleans !
Very fortunate to experience such fun & epic talent at @ozneworleans this holiday weekend. @djdannyverde brought the house down tonight for @officialsoutherndecadence , can’t remember the last time I stayed up this late on a Sunday. (Maybe I can, but it was at this exact same dance club last year 🏳️🌈🙌). One more night of #SD2023 with the resident talent bringing it home tomorrow @djtimboxer63 @adamjosephmusic #DJOrlandoRicardo @djjrb #ArribaMaricones !
DJ @guyscheiman slaying @ozneworleans last night for @officialsoutherndecadence ! ⚜️🏳️🌈🎧🪩🇺🇸🇮🇱