Wednesday, November 13th, 11 am-12 pm, ET
on We the People; WPFW 89.3FM, wpfwfm.org
Live streamed and archived
The Language of Climate Politics:
Fossil-Fuel Propaganda and How to Fight It
The climate debate is not, in fact, neatly polarized, partisans on the right and the left often repeat the same fossil-fuel talking points, and this repetition produces a centrist consensus upholding the status quo, even as global heating accelerates.
Guest: Genevieve Guenther is a former Renaissance scholar (trained in rhetoric and cultural politics) who turned to climate research and activism after having a child and becoming increasingly alarmed about the world her son could inherit. She is now an expert in climate communication. Guided by the conviction that our language for the climate crisis is largely inaccurate and misleading, she believes that fixing this problem requires us not just to reframe talking points, but to recognize how our speech itself reproduces fossil-fuel ideologies.
Dr. Guenther the founding director of End Climate Silence and affiliate faculty at The New School, where she sits on the board of the Tishman Environment and Design Center. She advises NGOs, corporations, and policymakers on fossil-fuel disinformation and climate communication, and she serves as Expert Reviewer for the United Nations Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change.
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