Weird Stuff

Weird Stuff All about Weird Stuff

At 40, Franz Kafka (1883-1924), who never married and had no children, was walking through a park one day in Berlin when...

At 40, Franz Kafka (1883-1924), who never married and had no children, was walking through a park one day in Berlin when he met a girl who was crying because she had lost her favourite doll. She and Kafka searched for the doll unsuccessfully.
Kafka told her to meet him there the next day and they would come back to look for her.
The next day, when they had not yet found the doll, Kafka gave the girl a letter "written" by the doll saying "please don't cry. I took a trip to see the world. I will write to you about my adventures."
Thus began a story which continued until the end of Kafka's life.
During their meetings, Kafka read the letters of the doll carefully written with adventures and conversations that the girl found adorable.
Finally, Kafka brought back the doll (he bought one) that had returned to Berlin.
"It doesn't look like my doll at all," said the girl.
Kafka handed her another letter in which the doll wrote: "my travels have changed me." The little girl hugged the new doll and brought the doll with her to her happy home.
A year later Kafka died.
Many years later, the now-adult girl found a letter inside the doll. In the tiny letter signed by Kafka it was written:
"Everything you love will probably be lost, but in the end, love will return in another way."
Embrace change. It's inevitable for growth. Together we can shift pain into wonder and love, but it is up to us to consciously and intentionally create that connection. ❤️

Bertha Benz and her husband Karl Benz had invented the first gasoline-powered automobile, but no one knew how to use it,...

Bertha Benz and her husband Karl Benz had invented the first gasoline-powered automobile, but no one knew how to use it, leaving the invention unused. Everyone called Karl a fool for creating what they considered a ridiculous tricycle
To make matters worse, Karl took refuge in alcohol to accompany his depression.
The Benz family lived in Mannheim with their five children, and Bertha had to visit her parents in Pforzheim, almost 100 kilometers to the south. To support her husband and make sure that his work was not in vain, Bertha took courage and decided to set off on the tricycle to visit them.
The journey took almost a full day, a reasonable amount of time considering the power of the vehicle in the late 19th century. Bertha had to stop several times at pharmacies to refuel with gasoline, which was sold there at the time. She visited two tanners to repair the brakes, thus inventing brake pads, and a blacksmith to fix the transmission chain. When a fuel line clogged, Bertha used a pin to repair it and insulated a wire with a makeshift tie.
After arriving at her destination, Bertha informed her husband of the success of the trip by telegram. The next day, she set off for Mannheim, completing the return journey.
The trip attracted a lot of attention, as Bertha met many curious people along the way. It was then that people began to understand that the automobile was not just a curious toy, but a practical and fast means of transportation.
Karl became instantly famous and soon everyone wanted a replica of his car, leading to numerous orders. Bertha's trip was also an opportunity for her to test the vehicle from a user's perspective, identifying potential improvements.
She suggested adding a gear to the transmission to increase speed, thus reducing travel time and allowing it to overtake wagons, adding a fourth wheel for greater stability, improving the brakes, and installing a fuel filter. From there, what would become a large automobile empire, known to this day, was born.
Credit Goes To The Respective Owner

"Today, I decided to fill up someone’s car with gas. I stopped at the first gas station near my coffee shop – but for so...

"Today, I decided to fill up someone’s car with gas. I stopped at the first gas station near my coffee shop – but for some reason no one showed up. I decided to pick up my coffee and then stop at the gas station near my house.
This gas station has 12 pumps – I stopped at the first pump and waited for a bit but everyone was already filling up their car with gas. Then I decided to drive my car to a different pump and I said I’ll wait for a minute and see what happens.
Then…..this beautiful soul…parked her car behind mine. I looked at her and smiled – she smiled back. I thought: That’s a good sign 🙂 - she seems nice.
Then I went to her and here’s how the conversation went:
'Hi Ma’am……(the lady was surprised to see someone by her car so she kind of panicked…then smiled)
Then I said to her: 'I know I sound so weird….but can I buy your gas?'
'What? Why???' (her eyes grew wide)
Me 'I just want to be kind…I’m dedicating this month to kindness.'
Woman: 'are you sure???'
Then the lady brought both of her hands into prayer and looked up to the sky and said: 'THANK YOU GOD! THANK YOU GOD!' and she began crying at the gas station….then she moved from hugging me to crying …back and forth….so many times….
She said, 'I just called the bank and I only had 10 dollars in my account. I have been helping my mother out because she's sick and it’s been so hard for me financially.'
We kept hugging, crying and laughing…..I was her miracle and she was mine. She opened my heart and gave more meaning to my life."
(Below is a picture of me with Loris)
Story and Photo courtesy of CynthiaBelmer ( respect 🫡)

Jim Meads was a photographer living in Hatfield, Hertfordshire near the Hatfield aerodrome in 1962. A pilot friend notif...

Jim Meads was a photographer living in Hatfield, Hertfordshire near the Hatfield aerodrome in 1962. A pilot friend notified him on September 13th of that year that he would be test flying an English Electric Lightning F1 XG332 if he would like to come take some photos. Happy to get shots of the only British built fighter capable of Mach 2 speeds, he set out toward the airfield hoping to get photos of his children with the F1 landing in the background. The photo he ended up getting would become famous.— with Wow Scenery and Tasty Besty Food 1M.
As he and his family walked up, a grounds keeper for the airfield approached them in a tractor to tell them to leave the area. That’s when the plane went out of control at a very low altitude with the pilot ejecting at the last possible moment, setting up an incredible, one of kind shot (especially for the time). As it turns out, the pilot was not Mead’s friend, but another test pilot named George Aird. He landed on a tomato greenhouse nearby, crashing through the roof and breaking both legs on the way down. The story is well documented by Aird, Meads, and Mike Sutterby, the tractor bound groundskeeper who was only 23 at the time.
Details from Just history Pag

This is a great tip for a storm coming that could cause power outages. Go to Walmart or a dollar store pick up 20.00 wor...

This is a great tip for a storm coming that could cause power outages.
Go to Walmart or a dollar store pick up 20.00 worth of cheap outside solar lights put them outside in the sun to charge. When the power goes out they work better than a candle and much safer!!

“This is my dad, mowing my mom’s lawn. They’ve been divorced 28 years. My mom has bad knees, and my step dad works out o...

“This is my dad, mowing my mom’s lawn. They’ve been divorced 28 years. My mom has bad knees, and my step dad works out of town. When my younger siblings questioned “Why is your dad mowing moms lawn?” I told them “Because, She needed help, and he knew she couldn’t get out here to do it, so he did” This is co parenting. This is how lucky I am to have 4 parents who respect each other, and know that at the end of the day, the only thing that matters is showing your children (Even ones that are 32 years old) how to treat people, and how to love your family, no matter how it came together. Edit: My dad is humored at how many people have seen this. He wants everyone to know “I’m no saint”, He just wants to show others that you don’t need to act like an angelic pastor on lent, but that we should all choose kindness whenever we can.”

Credit: Codie LaChelle Upp-McPhate

Today while at the gas station I overheard a lady in her late 20's telling 2 other men to leave her alone so I decided t...

Today while at the gas station I overheard a lady in her late 20's telling 2 other men to leave her alone so I decided to walk over to them and I asked her " how was the meeting today darlin? " she looked at me and said " it was good, I'll tell you more about it when we get home in a few ". I replied with " wonderful I'll pick up your favorite for dinner".
The two guys left in a hurry and she told me " you have no idea how much that meant to me .... thank you." I said "you're very welcome ma'am .... you can never be too careful. "
I made sure the guys left before I walked back to my car and as I was walking back all I could do was think " I hope a man does that for my future daughter one day".
~ Cody Bret

$250,000/acre.That is the current worth of my farm to a developer.We are in this pocket of what they call a "land shorta...

That is the current worth of my farm to a developer.
We are in this pocket of what they call a "land shortage" or a "housing shortage" with a "high demand for commercial space." The open space that this farm sits on is in high demand to builders and developers. Sometimes I feel they visit me more than my neighbors do to shop for their groceries.
The large tracts of land that still remain around here are mostly privately owned and many that fill that category are "working farms." Those working farms around here are mostly orchard, specialty crops, small livestock, some cattle and very few dairy. Many of which are open to the public. Some seasonally. Some year 'round. But in reality there are not nearly as many as there once were and the number that we claim each year will dwindle by one or two when we have this discussion again next year. And I have this discussion every year in some way or another.
I personally have been approached by three different developers in just the last six months. It is not uncommon. I am sure my friends that do the same thing I do get the same thing. My farm is no different than the next when it is looked at by the number of lots one can get in. They are waiting to catch us in a weak moment; a bad season, a stressful month, a day of struggle. We own 52.25 acres here. Most cultivated. Some dormant and awaiting the reclamation process when the funds allow for it to get completed.
I have said it before and I will say it again...this way of life can be really hard. It can test you mentally, physically and emotionally. But it is the only life I know and no matter how hard it can get, I truly love being the caretaker of this 313 year old working landscape. I am only the fourth family to ever call it home and to call it my farm since 1710. I feel lucky to be on it! I love to grow and produce crops from it that help nourish and feed not only my family but the community members that support it in their daily routines. If you are lucky this year, you can make an honest living. But next year, Mother Nature may swoop in and kick you down just like she did this year. And at the end of that year, no matter how good or bad, you will always lace up your work boots and look forward to the growing season that lies in the year ahead.
As we close out the 92nd year of my family farming here and look forward to the incoming New Year, I sit back and wonder how much further this little piece of ground will make it. It has withstood a lot through time. And pondering the future of it is always a common thought as I close out my year and eagerly await the new one.
As you make resolutions for the New Year, please add LOCAL FARMS to your list.
- Cook at home more in 2024 and let the Farm Stands inspire your next meal.
- Consider a Farm Share
- Choose the Local Milk
- Shop the Farmers Market near your work
There are less than a half dozen here in Littleton alone. Maybe less in the Town you are from if you are reading this beyond the community of Littleton.
Once land is gone, it is gone forever. The future of your working landscapes, farms and pastures relies on the community just as much as the owner and caretaker.
Farms will stand strong against development pressure as long as their neighbors support them.
You have the distinct opportunity to vote with your food dollars. Put those votes toward LOCAL FARMS, YOUR NEIGHBOR THAT CULTIVATES FOOD & THE FARMER THAT KEEPS LAND TILLED RATHER THAN BUILT ON.
Let's work together ❤

“I think money is s**t. You know… how much you spend on a thing… If I spend a couple thousand dollars on sushi for two, ...

“I think money is s**t. You know… how much you spend on a thing… If I spend a couple thousand dollars on sushi for two, I don’t feel guilty about that. I do find that my happiest moments on the road are not standing on the balcony of a really nice hotel. That’s a sort of bittersweet—if not melancholy—alienating experience, at best. My happiest moments on the road are always off-camera, generally with my crew, coming back from shooting a scene and finding ourselves in this sort of absurdly beautiful moment, you know, laying on a flatbed on those things that go on the railroad track, with a putt-putt motor, goin’ across like, the rice paddies in Cambodia with headphones on… this is luxury, because I could never have imagined having the freedom or the ability to find myself in such a place, looking at such things.
To sit alone or with a few friends, half-drunk under a full moon, you just understand how lucky you are; it’s a story you can’t tell. It’s a story you almost by definition, can’t share. I’ve learned in real time to look at those things and realize: I just had a really good moment.”
–Anthony Bourdain

Wia-based wildlife photographer Mithun H captured the pair in the perfect position, as if the panther is the leopard's s...

Wia-based wildlife photographer Mithun H captured the pair in the perfect position, as if the panther is the leopard's shadow. The pair are a couple, which Mithun named "The Eternal Couple." He waited for six days in the same spot to capture the moment.
Mithun H was shooting in the Kabini Forest Reserve in Karnataka, India, which is considered one of the country’s best wildlife parks.
“Saaya and Cleopatra have been courting since 4 years now and whenever they are together it’s a sight to behold,” Mithun writes about the photo, which he titled The Eternal Couple. “The forest comes alive as they trot nonchalantly in his fabled kingdom.
“Usually in the courting pairs generally it is the male who takes charge and moves around with the female following close behind. But with this couple it was definitely Cleo who was in charge while the Panther followed.”
Mithun spent days trying to nail the perfect shot of the two leopards before a deer alarm caused them to both look in his direction at the same time.
Mithun specializes in tracking big cats, and he previously worked on the show “The Real Black Panther”

Today it happened. Today was the day. Had a little time. Force my mom had to be at an appointment so we stopped in a thr...

Today it happened. Today was the day. Had a little time. Force my mom had to be at an appointment so we stopped in a thrift along the way. It’s a local store that supports the surrounding community.
The price was 50 cents and it was written on the side with sharpie. It was dirty, dusty, and completely filthy.
Got her home and took an alcohol pad to get the sharpie off and it worked well. Only problem was there was what appeared to be something stuck under where the price was. When I felt it I got a closer look 👀 and realized it was supposed to be there. I grabbed my phone light and couldn’t believe my eyes.— with Wow Scenery.
I cleaned 🧼 her up and now I need to find a place for this lil beauty.
Y’all, it’s WATERFORD!!!! 50 cents and some TLC. You should see the light dance around her. She’s beautiful.
Thanks for reading my story. It was an exciting find!
Credit - original owner ( respect 🫡)

”The Girl in Blue is the True Epitome of what a Queen Truly Is! She was crowned Homecoming Queen By her Senior class.......

”The Girl in Blue is the True Epitome of what a Queen Truly Is! She was crowned Homecoming Queen By her Senior class....but took the crown off her head and placed it on the Girl in Pink (escorted by her Daddy) who lost her Mama to Cancer the Morning of Homecoming! It showed Marvelous Grace, Humbleness, Friendship, Beauty & Love!!! Way To Go Sweet Girl.....we could all take a lesson in “Loving Thy Neighbor” through you! 💕.”
📸 ✏️ Rick Karle WVTM 13 / Eleanor ONeil

Congratulations to Tara Dower for becoming the fastest person in history to complete the Appalachian Trail! The 31-year-...

Congratulations to Tara Dower for becoming the fastest person in history to complete the Appalachian Trail! The 31-year-old from Virginia completed the 2,168 mile (3,489 km) backcountry trail in 40 days, 18 hours, and five minutes, a distance usually covered by an A.T. thru-hiker in five to seven months.
To set the record, Dower ran and hiked an average of 54 miles each day on the often rocky and steep trail, which includes a total vertical gain of 465,000 feet as it runs through fourteen states. She started her daily runs at 3:30 am and continued for approximately 17 hours with several short breaks for meals and 90-second "dirt naps."
Dower used her record-setting run to raise money for Girls on the Run, saying that she hopes her feat will inspire girls and women. “I hope more women get out there,” she said. “It’s not about beating men, it’s about finding our true potential. And, you know, if you beat the men, that’s an extra bonus.” When she reached the trail's end on Saturday night, the exhausted but jubilant Dower fell to her knees and put her hands on the bronze plaque that reads, “A footpath for those who seek fellowship with the wilderness.”
Image credit: Tara Dower

I am praying this reaches this young mans parents!!!Tonight as I was leaving football practice with my three kiddos my 4...

I am praying this reaches this young mans parents!!!
Tonight as I was leaving football practice with my three kiddos my 4 year old was so tired he started crying and acting a fool as we were getting in the van. My 7 year old daughter started crying because I told her we were having red potatoes as a side for dinner and clearly she wasn’t a fan sooo I threw my hands up and said FORGET it - McDonald’s tonight!!
We go through the drive through order food all three kids are now crying for one reason or the other I go to pay - I LEFT MY PURSE AT HOME. Welp now I wanted to cry. I look at the young man with tears in my eyes just from being stressed and annoyed and say “hun I am so sorry but I have to cancel that order I left my purse at home when we went to football tonight” WITHOUT HESITATION he takes out his wallet and swipes his card before I could even say “no I will be right back!”
I was like wait no hun it’s ok I will come back through then he replies “no it’s totally fine, my pleasure”.
I snapped a quick picture and asked his name to which he replied Wyatt ma’am. I told him I would be right back with cash for him & he tried hard to talk me out of it.
I just want his parents to know how KIND & COMPASSIONATE your son was tonight! He made this stressed out momma pause for a moment and realize this is exactly what we parents are trying to do, raise great humans. Well Wyatt sir, you are an amazing human!!!
I went back and handed him cash and had to make him take it because he didn’t want to take more than he had paid but I wanted him to know that when you put good out in the world it comes back to you ten fold!
Wyatt, do not let this world change your kind heart young man for its people like YOU that will change this world for the better!
Credit: Brittany Reed

Bill Gates at Dick’s Burgers, Seattle, Washington waiting in line to place his order. When you’re worth $95 billion, cas...

Bill Gates at Dick’s Burgers, Seattle, Washington waiting in line to place his order. When you’re worth $95 billion, casually dressed, you don’t need ‘swag’ to prove you’re ridiculously rich. He runs the largest charity in the world, & still stand in line like the rest of us, for burger, fries & Coke...that’s how real winners behave.
Credit to the respective owner

In one of the most heartwarming moments in sports history, Sara Tucholsky of Western Oregon University stepped up to the...

In one of the most heartwarming moments in sports history, Sara Tucholsky of Western Oregon University stepped up to the plate with two runners on base, a strike against her, and a dream in her heart. What happened next was something she had never done in her entire high school or college career—she smashed her first-ever home run over the center field fence!
But the joy quickly turned into disaster. In the excitement, Sara missed first base, and as she turned to correct her mistake, she collapsed, writhing in pain from a knee injury. Crawling back to first base, she was unable to continue. Her team couldn’t assist her without disqualifying the home run, and a pinch-runner would mean it would only count as a single.
Then, something extraordinary happened.
In a remarkable display of sportsmanship, Mallory Holtman, the star first baseman of Central Washington University and her teammate Liz Wallace decided to do the unthinkable. They carried their injured opponent around the bases, ensuring her home run would count. These two players, whose team was competing in a crucial playoff game, sacrificed their own playoff hopes to make sure Sara’s moment of triumph wasn’t lost.
With Sara resting her arms on their shoulders and her teammates watching in awe, Holtman and Wallace guided her carefully around the diamond, stopping at each base so Sara could gently touch it with her good leg.
"It was the right thing to do," Holtman said, reflecting on her selfless act. "She hit it over the fence. She deserved the home run."
This moment wasn’t just a display of athletic skill—it was about compassion, integrity, and the true spirit of sportsmanship. Central Washington, the very team that helped Sara, was eliminated from the playoffs by the three-run homer, but Holtman and Wallace’s act of kindness resonated far beyond the field.
Tucholsky, whose season ended with a likely torn ACL, recalled, "The only thing I remember is Mallory asking which leg was injured. I said my right, and she said, 'Okay, we’ll drop you gently, and you’ll touch each base with your left.'"
As they reached home plate, both teams were in tears. Coach Gary Frederick of Central Washington, with over 14 years of coaching experience, said it was "unbelievable," while Western Oregon coach Pam Knox called it a moment of true character.
Sara’s home run sealed Western Oregon's 4-2 victory, but the day wasn’t defined by winning or losing—it was about humanity and the bonds we share through competition.
This legendary act of sportsmanship reminds us all that sometimes the greatest victories happen off the scoreboard.
Credit goes to the original owner

I was driving up 75 when I saw a trooper in the turnout. I quickly checked my speed—everything was good. A few minutes l...

I was driving up 75 when I saw a trooper in the turnout. I quickly checked my speed—everything was good. A few minutes later, I spotted a dog in the ditch by one of the signs for exit 20. She looked in bad shape.
I was in the left lane, heading to an appointment, and felt torn. But something told me I needed to help, so I decided to turn around and head back southbound, risking a ticket by going to the turnout.
When I got there, the trooper was still there! Relieved, I rolled down my window, and he greeted me with, "Yep! I'm here." I quickly explained about the dog, adding that I didn’t care if I got a ticket—I just wanted to help her.
Without hesitation, he asked where the dog was and took off to help. I followed him, and we found her still there, panting heavily like she was on the brink of collapse.
The trooper immediately grabbed his jug, fashioned a makeshift water bowl, and poured a couple of bottles of water for her. The dog was scared of him but too weak to move. At first, she just sniffed the water, but then she realized that this kindness was meant for her. She drank the water down in minutes! The trooper went back and got her some more, along with a Little Debbie snack.
She watched him warily, sniffing his hand but still unsure. Then, he went to his vehicle and brought out a chair and an umbrella. He told me he would stay there until she trusted him, so he could get her to a shelter or take her home himself.
I believe his presence at that moment was one of those little reminders of the goodness still present in our world.
Meet Trooper Tudors of the TN State Highway Patrol—one of the good guys for sure.

I don't usually post things like this up but this man stuck out to me more than anybody ever has. He gave all his change...

I don't usually post things like this up but this man stuck out to me more than anybody ever has. He gave all his change to a mother and her child so they could take the bus to their shelter. He was walking into Hook's Wings when the mother ask him for some money so her and her child could get home. He knew if he gave it to her he wouldn't have money to eat and yet he still gave it to her. He started walking away when I called him. I offered to pay for anything he wanted and he still remained humble enough to decline my offer. After a few words I finally got him to agree. Even though he agreed he still tried to pick the smallest order possible. He ended up ordering a 6 piece wings with fries and I ordered a 20 piece wings with fries and a drink. When we finally got the food I gave him my order and I took his. I thanked him for showing me that money doesn't mean anything if you aren't helping others. In tears he thanks me and hugged me. Some people are blessed more than other but that doesn't mean we're better than them. It's a test God gives us to see who we really are. Help others because you never know when you'll need help.
Credit: Fernando Herrera


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