My brain everytime I hear the term #occultation :
You've read the article in LNP + LancasterOnline. Here's what everyone is talking about! My night is this Saturday and it's the premiere of my new act, Clips Like Sugar: An Authentic 80s and 90s Alternative Video Dance Party (curated and mixed by me). Somehow, the universe made it coincidence with Millersville University Homecoming! See you at MU and then at night, The Village !
#80sAlternative #NewWave #PunkRock #PostPunk #Industrial #MusicVideos
This is what it sounds like when doves fly:
Every Thursday is an Alternative Thursday at The Renegade. Tonight it's another Renegade Mode, 80s and 90s alternative rock tunes and videos. No cover. Awesome food and drinks. 8pm start because we're old and work for a living. See you in Clarendon!
Every Thursday is alternative music night at The Renegade, either my nights (Renegade Mode, Rogue, & Archives) or Fascination. This Thursday we're doing another Mode by popular demand of those who couldn't make the first one this month. Music begins at 8pm because I'm old and have to adult in the morning.
Thursday nights are for alternative music at The Renegade! This week we're doing an early encore edition of Renegade Mode, an 80s and 90s alternative rock party, which was a smashing success the first week but a lot of personal friends couldn't make it. So they owe me (haha). Music and videos start at 8pm!
This Thursday is the night! The premiere of Renegade Mode at The Renegade, Clarendon, Arlington, VA.