Conservation Biology is a journal of the Society for Conservation Biology published six times a year (February, April, June, August, October, December) by Wiley-Blackwell. In 2014, its impact factor, a measure of the frequency with which the “average article” in a journal has been cited in a given period, was 4.16. According to the 2013 Journal Citation Report from Thomson Reuters, Conservation Bi
ology ranked 5th among 43 in journals that focus on biodiversity and conservation and 22nd among 141 in journals with an ecological focus. Such high rankings across multiple disciplines affirm Conservation Biology as one of the most respected scientific journals in the field and reflect the work of a dedicated and talented editorial board. Manuscript Submissions: Conservation Biology welcomes submissions that address the science and practice of conserving Earth's biological diversity. We encourage submissions that emphasize issues germane to any of Earth's ecosystems or geographic regions and that apply diverse approaches to analyses and problem solving. The conservation relevance of articles published in Conservation Biology transends the particular ecosystem, species, and situation described. Subscription Information: Members of the Society may subscribe to Conservation Biology at steeply discounted rates. Online subscriptions for members from developing countries are free with membership. Institutional subscriptions to Conservation Biology are managed by Wiley. Accessing Journal Content: SCB members who subscribe to Conservation Biology can access journal content online via their SCB member homepage. Subscription Questions: Please direct general questions about Conservation Biology [email protected]. General Questions: If you have general queries about the journal, please email Ellen Main, Senior Editor of Conservation Biology, at [email protected]