WXPN in Philadelphia is counting down its listeners' 885 greatest songs of the 21st century! Follow along by following their page.
Throughout the 885 Greatest Songs of the 21st Century countdown, we’re taking you into a deep dive of select songs that made the countdown each day. Today we're looking at "This Mess We're In" by PJ Harvey ft. Thom Yorke, which sits at no. 884 on the .
This song is not about a love song about long-term commitment, it’s about right now and likely never again, and it’s about finding the beauty in a fleeting connection before the next daylight breaks and the chapter turns. Between fervent minor chord guitar strums, an icily minimal hi-hat snare rhythm, and two beautiful voices intertwining in and around one another, the song is simple in its arrangement but packs a punch.
Learn more about the song, and the : https://xpn.org/2024/12/05/no-884-pj-harvey-thom-yorke-885-countdown/