Alexie Mae Brooks VS Ahtisa Manalo para sa MUPH 2024 #AlexieMaeBrooks #AhtisaManalo #MissIloilo2024 #MUPH #muph2024 #TagalogVlog
Ahtisa Manalo, Miss Universe Philippines Quezon Province #AhtisaManalo #MUPH #muph2024 #TagalogVlog
Miss Universe Reaction on Age Restriction #MissUniverseReaction #MissUniversePhilippines #MissUniversePhilippines2023 #MUP2023
LA Girl The Nudist Eye Palette X My Transgender Story
#grwmmakeup #grwmskincare #lagirleyeshadow #lagirleyeshadowpalette #transpinay #proudlgbt #translife #storytimemakeup #makeupstory
Eyeshadow Palette: @lagirlcosmetics The Nudist Eyeshadow Palette
Milani Gilded Jewel Eye Palette X Story Time
#eyemakeupvideo #grwmmakeup #grwmcosmetics #drugstorebeauty #drugstoreeyeshadow #milanieyeshadow #milanimakeup #transpinay #selflovequote #storytimes
Eyeshadow: @milanicosmetics Gilded Jewel Eye Palette
BH Cosmetics Eye Palette X Story Time
#makeupstorytime #eyemakeuplooks #eyemakeupoftheday #bhcosmeticspalette #bhcosmeticslaviedunprince #transpinay #proudtrans #proudlgbt #inspiringwomentoday #selflovereminder
Self Love Reminder X Eye Makeup using @maccosmetics Times Nine in Dusky Rose.
#selflovedaily #eyemakeupinspiration #eyemakeupinspo #grwmmakeup #getreadywithmemakeup #transpinay #proudtrans #maceyemakeup
Eyeshadow by @maccosmeticsusa in Times Nine Dusky Rose
Eyeliner by @maccosmetics in Costa Riche
Makeup X Life Quote #makeupinspirations #eyemakeupvideo #eyemakeupinspiration #transpinay #transwomanofinstagram #proudtrans #transmakeupartist #inspiringwomenquotes
Eye Makeup X Life Quotes, using @hudabeauty Topaz Obsessions Eyeshadow Palette.
#hudabeautypalette #makeupandmuas #makeupinspirations #selflovereminder #inspiringwomenquotes #inspiringwomentoday #grwmmakeup #grwmmakeuptutorial #transpinay #transpinays #transmakeupartist
GRWM Eye Makeup X Life Quotes. Eyeshadow Palette by @hipdot in Cenote. #grwmmakeup #grwmcosmetics #getreadywithme #eyemakeuplooks #eyemakeupvideo #eyemakeupvideos #transpinay #transmakeupartist #eyemakeupinspiration #womenover40rock
NYX Ultimate Edit Warm Neutrals Eyeshadow Palette @nyxcosmetics #simplemakeuptutorial #simplemakeuptips #drugstoremakeuptutorial #drugstorebeauty
Bottom Smokey Liner using DRUGSTORE PRODUCTS.
Eyeliner is @wetnwildbeauty
Eyeshadow is Nudes of New York by @maybelline
Brush is V200 by @morphebrushes
#easyeyemakeup #easyeyemakeuptutorial #simpleeyemakeup #simpleeye #simpleeyeliner