In order to be honored with the privilege of paying Facebook for promotional advertising space, I have sent in front and back copies of my state ID, 3 times.
I have received multiple single use pins, in the mail, that expire in 7 days. They sent multiples and I entered the wrong one, voiding both codes. Or, I didn't enter them in time.
Then, I had a month to get a notarized verification of ID letter, and send that in! I did all of those things. But, as a busy guy who works notary public hours, I was not able to abide by the Metaschedule.
I have now been banned from promotional advertising on ALL META platforms FOR LIFE.
Apparently, this is Fuhrer Zuck's final decision on the matter.
Until the day he dies, Trevor Childs will not be allowed to advertise any personal or business related endeavor on Facebook, Instagram, what, the Metaverse, I assume? I've been banned before I even participated?
Idk. Something like that. Anyway, idk if my IDs really weren't legible or if my news page was. Either way, I guess there's not much room for growth here.
Tiny, very sad 🎻