We know things are a little scary and crazy right now in the world, but if you are a part of the lGBTQIA+ here’s something to hopefully make you feel a little better
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Have y’all seen this video on Native Pet’s TikTok yet? Watch the whole video it’s only 20 seconds.
Adventures with Service Nutella
Interacting with the public
Based on a real interaction I had a while back. Not exactly but pretty darn close. They called me rude after I politely asked them not to mess with my dog.  I won’t lie. I got nasty real quick. There’s a difference between assertive and rude.  I can be assertive or I can be a bitch, your choice.
Another video from Feywild Dog Training TikTok account.
Some of you may remember that I did live in Illinois just north of Chicago for a while. And oh my God When I lived there I was terrified of all of the police dogs in the area because they were so god awful!
Personally how I handled this situation was to look for a different way to get around these teams if I could. I’ve only ever had to cross by one in close proximity once and luckily they were behind glass. But The dog lunged and hit the glass so hard I thought it was going to break. Scared the sh*t out of me luckily Jax wasn’t fazed and we went on our way.
The only other thing I can suggest is if you do have to cross in close proximity is to politely ask if they can step back so you can safely cross with your service dog. Whether or not they will do it is another story.
From TikTok. Feywild Dog Training
Remember that time a few years ago I took #ServiceNutella to the movies.
**Special thanks to the employees who put up with my shenanigans to make this video!
It might be unpopular but it’s true. Our dogs should be just one of MANY “tools” we use to mitigate our disabilities.
Our #service dogs do give us our independence and there’s many things our service dogs do that no other device or human helper can but we can’t rely on them 24/7. They are living breathing creatures that deserve time off and can get sick or injured. They are our best friends and team mate. They look out for us so we must look out for them.