Cold River Journal Established 1883

Cold River Journal Established 1883 Podcast: Local Culture, Lifestyle, & Business In The Cold River Area of Cheshire County In NH.


Looks like some of Trump's Republican friends are finally getting tired of losing because of his radical, selfish agenda. We officially recommend Ron Desantis inform Trump he will be on the ballet either as the Republican nominee or as an Independent if Trump runs again, assuming he is not under house arrest by then for being the biggest traitor our country has ever known. The GOP needs to be willing to throw the next election if they want to gain back their party from the bully whom they have followed for 6 years. Trump can't win enough votes from Independents to win anyway, but with Desantis on the ballot, he will lose at least 20% of the Republican vote. Trump only cares for Trump, not the party, not the country, not any of you. By 2024, I can see Joe Biden considered one of our greatest Presidents ever, and many of his biggest fans will deny they ever followed Trump, as he will go down in history as the worst President or American ever. Let's hope the spell is broken soon and the country returns to some level of normalcy once again.


Elon Musk should be working at Chick-fil-A this time next year.


We support Joe Levesque again for school board. Joe brings good ole common sense and a willingness to find consensus while being pragmatic.

If you want to support, here is how:1) Write to your politicians and government. Here is a consolidated vision of human ...

If you want to support, here is how:
1) Write to your politicians and government. Here is a consolidated vision of human rights defenders and peacebuilders. These demands will definitely help Ukraine more than "global concern."
2) Here you can start helping to gather evidence for a guaranteed tribunal for Putin and other international criminals. After Milosevic, the Hague is empty
3) Here you can send money to support Ukraine -
4) Here you can send money to support the Ukrainian Army through the National Bank of Ukraine:
5) Here is information that is reliable. If someone will talk about something else, and not everything is so clear, then feel free, to tell the truth. Because sometimes it's also hard
6) Follow UCC National - Ukrainian Canadian Congress for updates
Russians will run back through the bridge from Ukrainian Crimea and Putin will the in the Hague!
Thank you!
— feeling sad.

Stand with Ukraine, stay tuned for updates on Ukraine’s official sources and support Ukraine in its fight for freedom.


Putin like all tyrants, has launched the start of his undoing. He is now in the History books along side Hi**er and Stalin. Let us all send positive energy, and any money or supplies we can to Ukraine. These people are brave and tryin to be free. Nato will be weakened by not d**g more to defend them.

We are proud to support neighbor and friend Matt Saxton for Selectboard. He has been here for the the town of Alstead th...

We are proud to support neighbor and friend Matt Saxton for Selectboard. He has been here for the the town of Alstead through all the ups and downs and has the level headed reasoning that we need now more than ever.


It will soon be time to unmask and deal with the new wave of infections, and perhaps we will reach herd immunity at last since so many have gotten infected with the latest variant and vaccination rates continue to rise. I think by March 1st it will be time to rip off the band aide. There will likely be a new spike, sadly death rates will rise some, but everyone has had their chance to get vaccinated at this point. Natural infection seems to be slightly better than vaccines with this new variant, though it would be smarter to get the vaccine, since the unvaccinated have made up the majority of deaths so this is a risky way to agin immunity. I think we'll have to do this, as the new variant gives protection against the other variants thus far. Many doctors think this will stay dominant, and that it will be hard for a deadlier one at this point, though anything is possible. We should be prepared to mask up and even isolate should a deadlier variant emerge, but I think considering we are in year 3 now of this thing, people are willing to die rather than continue the isolation and masking. Hopefully numbers will shot down to low levels by May after periodic peaks due to unmasking in March. Right now only hospitalization numbers really matter, as so many home tests are being done now and not reported. It is time for vaccinated to feel no guilt for going maskless.


Happy Holidays.


We should see about 500,000 cases a few days after Christmas, and a million a day by New Year's. Mid January, 3-5 million a day, hopefully with a sharp drop about Valentine's Day. If you have the shots, odds are on your side. Those without will continue to die. In New York City, about 10% of the unprotected population is driving 80% of the cases. Protect yourself, your friends, neighbors, kids and family, get boosted now. Also, only the best masks seem to be working now, and symptoms start on day 3 usually. This is not a mild version for those unprotected and has already killed in the U.S. Stay safe this holiday.Remember, unvaccinated people are 30 times more likely to be infected.


Here is what I wrote to writer who had someone in their life putting them down and not respecting their work:
"Said Person" is toxic and unless they are a relative, I would get them out of my life asap. Who are they anyway? Are they a pro editor that has studied writing for years? What makes them an expert? I would call the agent, or send a inquiry, let them know you need to shop it around after such a long period unless they are still interested. be nice, polite, but it is not right for you to have just sitting there so long. They earn money by selling books. Sure, they are busy, but 11 months is too long to get back to someone on something, especially if it was requested. Please don't let others steal your dreams or loves. People like you mention are really unhappy with themselves and jealous you are trying to do something great with your life. There is nothing selfish about writing or trying to achieve a goal, and this one could eventually earn you some money too. Sure, if you stay home to write and miss your kids solo in the School pageant, that may be selfish, but taking some time each day to work on your goals, whatever they may be, is not. Sounds like a jealous , possessive lover to me. Anyone calling you a joke is not a caring person, they don't have your best interest at heart. I hope it is not a parent, but whoever it is is wrong. Nobody else is so smart they could even know this type of thing. As an English teacher, I heard many students tell me they had teachers over the years tell them such things, and I told them those teachers were fools and had no right or ability to make those judgements. Stephen King had his phone turned off at one point, J.K Rowling was on public assistance. I've survived on unemployment more than once in my life and in my 20's lived on turkey hot dogs and beer. I own my own house now and m launching an online class soon, have a new YT channel called Mythic Writer, and have done pretty well. We all struggle at some point, nobody starts on top unless maybe your dad is a famous rich person, and there are very few professions more noble than baring your soul through writing in order to connect with other people. And there are few things more disgusting than a person putting down someone for trying something new.


AN URGENT WARNING TO SCHOOLS: I have written spot on predictions for Cold River Journal during this pandemic. I urge the districts to consider going to a remote option for at least the month of January. Omicron will be the dominant variant by New Year's or earlier, plus after the two holidays will spread rapidly and deeply. While this variant may continue to prove to be slightly less deadly than Delta for vaccinated people, it will create at least 10 times more cases at a time. Since the majority of the students are not vaccinated, and Omicron will evade the vaccines, the chance for a widespread outbreak will be almost assured. Already we have seen high numbers from Delta, but Omicron is doubling every 2 or 3 days as you may know, while other covid variants took 2 weeks to achieve the same rate of spread. I am one of the staff who suffered through Covid obtained in the school from students not properly masking. Despite the efforts of staff, it is common for many students to be without masks in halls and during classes at some point, and at lunch, so stopping the spread will not be possible, as we have seen this fall. From the data I am seeing, I think it could possibly burn itself out fast with such rapid spread. I urge you to consider a temporary remote option to prevent staff and students from suffering a super spreader event that will most likely occur after the holidays.
If you would multiply our cases so far by 4 or more, I think you would agree this could easily leave the school in a massive staff shortage throughout the month, and possibly lead to more people at home sick or in isolation than in the buildings, which would surely cause a sudden close down. I think a planned remote option would be easier to institute, and more effective as less people would be sick at the same time. All the doctors and scientists including those in South Africa have already seen prior infection and even boosted fully vaccinated people have very little protection against Omicron. Even if the virus proves to be more mild, 10 day isolation will still be mandated. This will also leave many staff with little or no leave even with the allotted Covid extra days of leave, since many of us have already used up 5 days or more of the extra Covid leave. Omicron is still killing unvaccinated people too, and with so many still unvaccinated, this is worrisome. Early data suggest Omicron will infect as many people in one month as Delta has in 6. While those infected with Delta have infected 2 others, preliminary data from Africa suggests Omicron infected people will spread this variant to 50 people. Going remote through January, perhaps until as late as Winter break could stop a massive all at once outbreak. While students and staff may still get infected in their daily lives, this would prevent the school from being a super spreader location where perhaps half the building gets infected in one week.
While I understand the difficulties of remote learning, even a short 4-6 week remote schedule may help to prevent overloading the hospitals even more. Even more worrisome is the emergence of Flu in the past few days at the same time. I think upon returning, many of the students would have developed natural immunity after contracting the virus from family members and in the community, filling the buildings with many who are immune. If the infected students had mild illness, they could still attend remote classes and would have a more structured learning environment than just testing positive then being sent home. If we return in early January, very few will have any immunity, and the new variant will be peaking in numbers. The U.K, has already seen a rapid spread of this variant, the Holidays will only exacerbate this. In the U.S., in just the last week, the virus has grown by 6 times from .5% of cases to 3% of cases, and is expected to double about 2 or 3 times per week. It is expected to make up 50% of cases by Christmas, just as families are gathering.
As I am sure you know, colleges in Vermont, New Hampshire, New York and Massachusetts, and several others, have already moved to remote options. I believe a closing of the schools will happen either voluntarily in a planned fashion, or in an unplanned fashion when staffing levels dip too low. With an already major shortage of willing subs, only the truly desperate will be willing to sub in January. Alternate schedules and less than ideal options have been instituted many times already this year due to teaching staff shortages and lack of subs, Omicron will only make this much worse.
While in school learning is clearly the best option, given these circumstances I believe schools will find remote learning for January and probably February will actually be the best option for the students as staff shortages and huge numbers of students being out for quarantine is not a good situation for students. It will also have further negative effects for the long term viability of school staffing.
I know this is a difficult choice, and I do not make these suggestions lightly, but I feel obliged to share these concerns in the interest of everyone in the district and the community.


Omicron will be in all 50 states by December 15th. truth is, it is probably already there. The hope is is that it is less deadly, because it will spread even faster than Delta, and Delta now has hospitals in new Hampshire full and over capacity in some spots.
Delta appears to be killing about the same number of people than the first wave of Covid. Yesterday, 7 day death rates rose 127% to over 1,300. With under 100,000 cases, really under 80,000 cases for the past month, this clearly looks like 1.5-2% death rate for diagnosed cases, but most likely double that number go undiagnosed.
Surveying the stores this weekend, it's clear Covid with ravage our state throughout December, as only half of the people are wearing masks. Masks work best when everyone wears them. The new variant found it's way past my clothe mask, so I recommend going back to the N-95 mask.
Delta is strong enough to send vaccinate people to hospital, even though most people in the worst shape are unvaccinated.
It is time to recognize the unvaccinated are taking away OUR rights, to gather and work and shop safely, and making schools unsafe. Nearly every school in the area has been have from 4-12 covid cases a week for the past 2 months, sometimes 4 a day. Something has got to give. Either we go back to full remote, or people get vaccinated and wear masks. The Unvaccinated are also putting us all at risk by clogging up the hospitals when they get gravely ill. Funny, they are so sure of themselves when the refuse to participate as good citizen, but when they cannot breath from Covid, they want the new medicines, they want an ICU bed. People have died from treatable medical emergencies because the Covid patients had all the beds and resources used up. This is unfair and robbing the vaccinated of OUR rights. Wait until our insurance prices sky rocket because of all these conspiracy mongers. Moving forward, if you choose to go unprotected and to protect your community, the Covid bill should come out of your wallet, not mine or the insurance companies. Hospitals should turn away unvaccinated patients if they do not have room to manage other patients from other medical needs.
The hospitals in many towns will become overwhelmed any day now with the rising case rate. Let's hope Omicron does not have the same severity, for if it does, many hospitals will be turning away dozens of patients a day, maybe even you or a loved one suffering some kind of injury or health issue. There is nothing harmless about anti-vaxers. They pose a real threat to our national security and our health, as well as the economy.
What if this develops a kill rate like other SARS viruses, like 30%? Imagine 25 million dead Americans instead of 800,000.


Had the non-maskers gotten their way, The Fall Mountain School District would have had a major outbreak of Covid, as even with masks we tend to see at least one notice a day about a new case. If everyone will get their vaccine, we could probably get rid of the masks after Christmas. Time to be honest with people, it's time to grow up, take your medicine like a big person, and toughen up cupcake. Vaccines have ended many deadly diseases, but everyone got those vaccines. With hundreds of millions shots given, plus every living President vaccinated, including Trump, there is no logical reason to fear the vaccines. Phizer seems to be the best one to get. Since the vaccines became widespread in June, 99.5% of all Covid deaths have been among those without a vaccine. The numbers don't lie. We here at the Journal now personally know 9 people who have died of Covid, many others who were sick and unable to work for 4 weeks or more. we have a family member who refuse the vaccine and has been in bed for over 4 weeks now and still not back to work. How many people can survive without being able to work for a month or more?
There comes a time when you do what is best for your country and your neighbors, even if you think it may harm you. This is what our soldiers, fire fighters, nurses, teachers, police, and so many others do every day for their country. We all owe our country this.


Odds are 95% poor Gabby Petito is never coming home alive. Maybe the alligators will find her boyfriend murderer first.


The same people complaining about not be able to find enough low wage workers to fill their jobs are the same people complaining about low wage workers crossing the border.
Seems like we could solve both problems by placing the refugees in cities around the country that need workers. Since the Republicans theory about extended unemployment has proven wrong as I said it would be, clearly we need new people willing to fill these low wage jobs. Many of these people are fleeing horrible conditions. Instead, we deport them, and keep complaining about all the empty jobs.


200,000 cases per day by Sept 1. I predicted this 4 weeks ago. Now, it looks like it will come true. All we needed to do was geta simple shot to stop it all.


Well, we got to drive through the Flood Thursday night from Bennington to Alstead. What an experience. Many roads are still closed, but work has begun to repair them all. Our Selectmen and state are on it, and getting things done very quickly. We are glad to not have heard of any deaths due to this flood. Our town has seen worse. We were the ones who called in the missing road on 12A (Adams Hill). We almost drove right off the road. We urge everyone to be patient as the town and state work to repair the roads first so traffic can get moving again, then I am sure they will take on more projects. Joel McCarty has urged people to take pictures of any damage done right away to document it. We can hope that Congress passes the infrastructure bill and that our towns will have a chunk of change to fix the roads, and hopefully fix some of them with more permanent, and time consuming methods.


Get ready for a new wave of Covid Lockdowns. Thanks to all the conspiracy nuts who refused the vaccine, we now have a new wave upon us. Had our ancestors been like these people, we would still have Polio, smallpox, and Diphtheria killing people. Our Democracy has reached its end point, and now we are just watching the clock. Reason is dead, feelings and beliefs and memes now inform about 40% of our country. These folks now put us all at risk, as vaccines really need most of the population to participate to be effective. Prepare for more lockdowns, mask wearing, and we may not have reached the halfway marker of deaths yet either. If the virus mutates more to be even deadlier, and so far it keeps doing that, we could see a Winter of Woe ahead. Stock up on supplies now, don't wait until September. Prepare for the N***s to wage attacks, and continue their assault on our Democracy. This is 1932 Germany, if you think that is extreme, then find some History books and compare. I honestly think the best we could hope for at this point is to divide the nation into 2 countries, Dixie and the U.S. The worst is it becomes an all white homeland for the whites and works with Russia to thwart our European allies. This will be the outcome if Republicans take back the white house and congress. Look for news outlets to be shut down and political opponents to be killed or imprisoned (They already tried this on Jan 6th). I am sorry to report such dire things, but this is the course we are on. We have a chance to stop it, but we must admit it is happening first.

Sell your stuff for $10 per table. Great food for sale and Music. Help next year's 8th graders with their trip expenses.

Sell your stuff for $10 per table. Great food for sale and Music. Help next year's 8th graders with their trip expenses.

Community Day is this Saturday 9-2!! Come by and support our local craft vendors and maybe you’ll find a great deal at a yard sale! This is a fundraiser for the Vilas Middle School PTO!
There will also be hot dogs & hamburgers for sale to benefit the Vilas 8th grade class, music, and a bike safety event at the Alstead Police Station!


The Vaccines are working. Our kids got vaccinated and nearly everyone I know has. If you have not, there is still time before they start most of our vaccine to other countries. Covid will not vanish, and I predict a new surge this fall as the unvaccinated are exposed to more lethal new strains, and those who went maskless and got the virus lose their natural immunity and become reinfected. All the people who bravely wore their masks and protected the science deniers will no longer be wearing masks, and could become spreaders themselves, making it more likely this fall that the unvaccinated will get Covid. if you or someone you know refuses to get the shot for no apparent reason, make sure true science, facts, and observable data are being used when deciding. I am not sure why someone would want to have to keep wearing masks or risk getting a virus that could kill them or give them long term symptoms and serious problems. Some teens have died, many more are having 6 months or longer symptoms of extreme fatigue, and many are being hospitalized. Of those, nearly 5 % end up on ventilators, so it is quite serious. What is really alarming is that most often, the teens who get sick are not much different if at all from the ones who have mild symptoms. Don't play Russian Roulette with the life of your child or yourself. The technology use to make these vaccines has been used in other medicines and has been developing for about 20 years, so it is not some brand new, created in a mad dash vaccine, it is actually quite researched. And now over 300 million shots have safely been given in the U.S. alone. Don't let Social Media bull stories scare you away from the vaccine. Consider the odds: Without the vaccine, over 600,000 Americans have died so far. That's like 40 years worth of flu deaths all in one year. So far not one death has been attributed to the vaccine, so you do the math.


Scholastic Books Literacy Consultant, High School English Teacher, Author, Playwright, Radio Show Host, Book Publisher & Now Podcaster, I have a gift for being...


Republicans are now copying each other again and sharing mindless posts blaming Biden for rising gas prices. This really is an uninformed type of post for many reasons. I thought I would share my reply to one of these posts:

Gas prices are controlled by world markets, not U.S. markets. Gas first hit $4 a gallon under Republican george Bush. Even at $4, gas is still cheaper than shampoo. Gas went down last year partly in response to the failed U.S. Trump response to Covid. As people stayed home around the world, supply and demand lowered gas prices. Biden has tripled the vaccine numbers on some days already, gotten a rescue plan passed, and people are traveling more, gas prices will rise back to more normal prices. the assertion that somehow we are all worse off because Biden got elected and is the cause for rising gas prices is very disingenuous and ignorant of basic economics. Anyone wanting to slow climate change would wish for higher dirty energy prices, since that will drive innovation in clean energy and inspire more of us to move toward cheaper clean energy solutions. These type of post trying to portray Trump as some kind of dethroned savior seem to forget he led an uprising against our Democracy, and now wants all the money raised for the Republican party to go directly to him. Jeff Foxworthy may be a funny comedian, but he is not considered one of the country's top intellectual minds. Memes like this are only dividing our country further. I know none of the Democrats I know think plastic bottles are ok. This type of attitude will never produce anything but conflict.


People must accept the Republican Party now stands behind insurrectionists and want a Dictator. They are in it for power, not ideals. They invited trump and snubbed Nikki Haley at CPAC, this is a sign they have embraced N***sm and rejected the old ways of the old Republican Party. Only the Democrats and a few true blue Republicans remains between our liberty and the Fascist Trumpsters, many led by Qanon conspiracies made up by some disgruntled screenwriter. Any Liberals not worried, should remember that 95% of our mass shooters and terrorists are right wing conservatives. We must admit to ourselves we now have a party determined to overthrow our system of government. We must assemble and do what we need to do to stop them from ending our Democracy and Liberty.


The virus is still very dangerous and making mutants, while the numbers have come down, the numbers are still very high. We must wait until at least in May when most adults have been vaccinated to even consider opening up schools more. The hybrid model is the safest right now, with some still having the option to remain 100% at home. With the new variants taking hold in neighboring New York, April looks to be a month of growing infection, especially with Spring break and Easter holiday in there. In may we will see a large portion of the population vaccinated, and we may then consider that a more safe time to send more kids back to school, but with the layout of our buildings, we can never send more than 50% of students back at one time until fall 2021. It will be September until 12-18 year olds can be vaccinated. It will be 2022 until those under 12 get a green light, unless they decide to allow the testing to move faster.

Somehow, the new story line is that it was fine to be at a rally to overturn our election as long as you did not go insi...

Somehow, the new story line is that it was fine to be at a rally to overturn our election as long as you did not go inside. Do you buy this crap? So he is against the violence but was for overturning the results of our election and making Trump a dictator? And that is ok with Live Free or Die New Hampshire citizens? MY oh my, even NH is not what it used to be. /0

The chair of Troy’s Board of Selectmen is standing by the local police chief amid calls for his removal, after he attended President Trump’s “Save America”


I am shocked at all the fake news and pro trump conspiracy crap on the Cheshire Republican page. We should check out other RNC local pages to see if they are as radical. It is quite disheartening, I always thought of our state as more reasonable. Even the Gov apparently did not condemn the attacks at his swearing in I read, can anyone verify or deny this? Sounds like the N***s are planning to attack all of the state houses. You would think Sununu would have had enough of Trumpsters coming to his house.
Our country is really in a fragile state, we are seeing law enforcement members involved in all this, and government workers. I guess they all forgot what it's like to be attacked by a foreign adversary. Why can't this country be peaceful, instead we are one of the most violent countries in the world. What's even more insane is all the Evangelicals who support this hatred and darkness. Seeing some of the things people from my school years are saying is just heartbreaking. Luckily, most of my close friends are still reasonable people. Let's hope our country find a way to peace and be united.


Money and Jail. Put all the Traitors and would be killers in jail, INCLUDING ANY MEMBERS OF CONGRESS PARTICIPATING OR ENCOURAGING THE VIOLENCE.
Cut off all money from right wing nut jobs who voted to stop the votes from counting. Without money to run, they will be out of office. Without money buying ads on Fox News or OAN, etc. they won't be able to spread lies. Let's hold their sponsors accountable and start some boycotts if FOX, NEWS MAX AND OAN sponsors continue to buy ads there.


I see it came from Parlor. That is a rabbit hole platform full of the same kind of Traitors who attacked our Capitol, trying to stage a coups for Trump, and murdered a young capitol policeman and vandalized and stole to support a lie. I think that is 3 or 4 of the 10 Commandments broken all in one day. I had asked nicely for you not send us Quanon communists and fascist bu****it lies spread by that traitor Trump, they are the new N**i party as I said before. Many N**i tattoos, Holocaust supporting shirts, Confederate Flags, and no, they were not Antifa members. Most of them have already been placed as long time Trump supporters. If you continue to support Trump after all this, you are lost. The time to choose sides is upon us, we have chosen the side of light and love and truth. Trumpism is N***sm, and I swore an oath a long time ago to never tolerate N***s who killed my grandfather. You can put your faith in Trump, or in your family who have warned you about this tyrant. NEVER send me another Quanon, Pro Trump, or other N**i propaganda ever again. I am reporting any Trump sympathizers to the FBI as they pose a threat to our national security. Frankly, it worries me so many Trump sympathizers work at the A-Plant. I respect Republicans like Mitt Romney, John McCain, Colin Powell. I don’t expect everyone to be a Democrat, but I denounce Trumpzis, they are not Republicans and have the goal of overthrowing our government and a white nation. Our entire family is morally opposed to this agenda. Turn on some real news, think for yourself, stop drinking poison from OAN, Rush, FOX, these places are like N**i TV. I have disproven them from first hand knowledge, and this notion every paper, tv network in the world is in a conspiracy of ‘fake news “ is silly. You are in a cult, you need help. You think you are not, but you are. A false Prophet and an AntiChrist used your religious fanaticism to lure you in, now you are self identifying with this madness. This is not an opportunity for you to respond with a bunch of crazy s**t and made up innuendos. I hope you have seen the light, if not I would not respond, I would just never send me any of this crap that is so crazy it gets taken down by Social Media companies. They deleted Trump’s Twitter since he is a threat to our country. Considering the crazy things I have sen posted on SM, it takes a lot to get a post deleted. Spread truth, love, light, not lies, hatred, darkness. Do the right thing, if you know anyone who entered the Capitol building, report them to the FBI, I know I will. You need to know this is not a game anymore, we have N***s trying to overthrow our government. Trump lost fair and square, there is no doubt of that, 62 judges ruled that way, many of them appointed by Trump. Republican Governors have rebuked his lies. So has George W. Bush. We should always ask ourselves “Are my words, actions, and beliefs serving good and love or are they fueling hate.” Most of Trump’s current supporters will deny him someday soon, many already have. If you do, I can forgive you, but if you continue to support such a tyrant after all this, you’ll have to understand people just like this killed my grandpa and tried to kill my other one, and my love and loyalty to them and the freedom they fought for is too great to allow me to interact with Traitors to this country and humanity itself, who support an ideology born of hate, violence, intolerance, and Authoritarianism.


Walpole, NH



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