Build It Bootcamp Podcast w/ LJ Haywood

Build It Bootcamp Podcast w/ LJ Haywood L.J. Haywood is an Entrepreneur, Veteran, Public Speaker and the Host of Build It Bootcamp!

He has a passion for working with aspiring entrepreneurs frustrated working a job & teaching families how money works.


During our podcast, we will be discussing the topics of solar power, renewable energies, electrical work, and contracting, as well as real estate. As an entrepreneur, Woodrow has been on his journey within these industries and is excited to share his experiences and insights with you the audience. You will learn about the current state and future of renewable energy, as well as the emotional and physical wellness that is necessary to maintain a work-life balance. Woodrow is dedicated to helping people by providing valuable information and this conversation will be no different. By tuning in, will gain a deeper understanding of these industries and how they can be success in them.


Today, we're excited to have a special guest Carla Howard join us to discuss an important topic to many entrepreneurs and business owners - mastering the art of booking paid speaking engagements. Carla is an expert in this field, and she will be sharing her personal journey as an entrepreneur, including the strategies and techniques she's used to book paid speaking engagements and the challenges she faced. She will also introduce her 6-week program, "Get Paid From The STAGE!!!" which is designed to help individuals and business owners, to get paid for their expertise and build a successful speaking career. The program includes step-by-step guidance on how to find and book paid speaking engagements & how to craft a compelling speaking proposal. Listeners will gain a wealth of knowledge on how to monetize their expertise through speaking engagements and also learn how to build a successful speaking career by taking our guest's program. Join us as we delve into this topic and gain valuable insights from our special guest Carla. Tune in and be a part of the conversation, let's inspire and empower each other!

As a self-proclaimed NFT expert (aka someone who has spent way too much time reading about them online), I have to say t...

As a self-proclaimed NFT expert (aka someone who has spent way too much time reading about them online), I have to say that I am extremely skeptical of the recent trend of celebrities issuing their own NFTs. Don't get me wrong, I have nothing against celebrities trying to monetize their content and engage with their fans. In fact, I think it's fantastic that they're finding new ways to make money in the age of streaming and piracy. However, I think it's important to keep in mind that the vast majority of these NFTs are a complete scam, and fans are likely to lose money if they invest in them.

Networking in a virtual age can be a challenge for business professionals, especially for those who are used to in-perso...

Networking in a virtual age can be a challenge for business professionals, especially for those who are used to in-person networking events and the free drinks that come with them. However, with the widespread use of technology and the shift towards remote work, virtual networking has become an important skill to have. So put on your virtual networking pants (AKA pajama bottoms) and get out there! (1) Utilize social media platforms. LinkedIn, Twitter, and other social media platforms are great places to connect with other professionals and build your network. (2) Attend virtual networking events. Many organizations and professional associations now host virtual networking events, such as webinars and online conferences. (3) Use video conferencing tools. Video conferencing tools like Zoom, Skype, and Google Meet are great for virtual networking meetings and conversations. (4) Follow up after virtual interactions. It’s important to follow up after virtual networking interactions to continue building your relationships. .

On our latest podcast episode, we had the privilege of sitting down with Elizabeth, a former inmate who has overcome tre...

On our latest podcast episode, we had the privilege of sitting down with Elizabeth, a former inmate who has overcome tremendous challenges and built a successful business. Elizabeth shared her journey from serving time in prison to launching a thriving environmentally-friendly clothing brand, which is now sold in stores across the country.

On our latest podcast episode, we had the privilege of sitting down with Elizabeth, a former inmate who has overcome tre...

On our latest podcast episode, we had the privilege of sitting down with Elizabeth, a former inmate who has overcome tremendous challenges and built a successful business. Elizabeth shared her journey from serving time in prison to launching a thriving environmentally-friendly clothing brand, which is now sold in stores across the country.

Elizabeth's story is one of resilience and determination. Despite facing significant obstacles, she refused to let her past define her future. Instead, she channeled her experiences into creating something positive and meaningful. Through her art and her brand, Elizabeth uses her journey to inspire and empower others to break the cycle of incarceration and create a better future for themselves.

Her story is a testament to the power of perseverance and the transformative nature of hard work and determination. It's a reminder that no matter what challenges we may face, it's possible to overcome them and achieve our goals. We are grateful to Elizabeth for sharing her incredible story with us and for being a shining example of what can be achieved through hard work and determination.

We hope that Elizabeth's story will inspire others to never give up on their dreams, no matter how difficult the journey may seem. Be sure to tune in to our podcast to hear more inspiring stories of individuals who have overcome adversity to achieve their goals.


In this latest episode, we sit down with Elizabeth, a former inmate who, against all odds, managed to turn her life around and build a successful business. Elizabeth shares her journey from serving time in prison to launching a thriving environmentally-friendly clothing brand.

Through her art and her brand, Elizabeth uses her experiences to inspire and empower others to break the cycle of incarceration and create a better future for themselves. Her story is a testament to the power of perseverance and the transformative nature of hard work and determination.

Tune in to hear Elizabeth's incredible story of resilience and success.

Starting a business can be a daunting task, especially if you don't have any prior entrepreneurial experience. But that ...

Starting a business can be a daunting task, especially if you don't have any prior entrepreneurial experience. But that doesn't mean you can't succeed – in fact, many successful entrepreneurs have built their businesses on the foundation of their corporate experience.

So what can you do to leverage your corporate experience in business?

Here are a few tips:

1. Utilize your transferable skills. Your corporate experience likely gave you a range of skills that are valuable in any business setting, such as communication, problem-solving, and project management. Think about how these skills can be applied to your new business, and don't be afraid to highlight them when pitching your ideas to potential customers or investors.

2. Build on your industry knowledge. If you have experience working in a particular industry, you probably have a good understanding of the market, the competition, and the trends shaping your field. Use this knowledge to your advantage when starting your own business – it can help you identify opportunities and set yourself apart from the competition.

3. Network with other entrepreneurs. Many successful entrepreneurs credit their success to the relationships they've built over the years. If you have a strong network of industry professionals, don't be afraid to reach out and ask for their advice or introductions to potential partners or customers. You never know who might be able to help you take your business to the next level.

4. Use your corporate experience as a selling point. Your corporate experience can be a valuable asset when it comes to marketing your business. Many potential customers and investors may see your experience as a sign of reliability and expertise, so don't be afraid to highlight your background in your marketing materials.

5. Don't be afraid to ask for help. Starting a business is a big undertaking, and it's natural to feel overwhelmed at times. If you're feeling stuck, don't be afraid to reach out to other entrepreneurs or business advisors for guidance. You can also consider joining a startup accelerator or taking an entrepreneurship course to get the support and resources you need to succeed.

In summary, your corporate experience can be a valuable asset when starting a business. By leveraging your skills, industry knowledge, and network, you can set yourself up for success and build a strong foundation for your new venture.

As an entrepreneur, you're probably well aware of the endless debates about different generations and their supposedly u...

As an entrepreneur, you're probably well aware of the endless debates about different generations and their supposedly unique characteristics. But when it comes to Gen Z and Millennials, it can be tough to separate fact from fiction. So let's set the record straight and break down some of the common misconceptions about these two generations.

First up: Gen Z.

This group is often described as being "digital natives," with an innate understanding of technology and social media. While it's true that Gen Z has grown up with access to a wide range of digital tools and platforms, it's also important to recognize that not all members of this generation are tech wizards. Just like any other group, there will always be some who are more tech-savvy than others.

Another common stereotype about Gen Z is that they are entitled and expect everything to be handed to them on a silver platter. But just because this generation has grown up with access to a lot of information and opportunities doesn't mean that they are entitled. In fact, many members of Gen Z are highly ambitious and driven, and are willing to work hard to achieve their goals.

Now let's move on to Millennials.

One of the most persistent stereotypes about this generation is that they are "snowflakes" who can't handle criticism or challenges. But again, this is simply not true. Millennials, like any other generation, are a diverse group with a wide range of personalities, strengths, and weaknesses. Some may be more sensitive than others, but that doesn't mean that they are all "snowflakes."

Another myth about Millennials is that they are all "selfie-obsessed" and constantly seeking validation on social media. While it's true that this generation has embraced social media in a big way, it's important to recognize that not all Millennials are constantly posting selfies or seeking attention online. In fact, many use social media as a tool to connect with others, share ideas, and build their businesses.

So there you have it – a few myths about Gen Z and Millennials, debunked. As an entrepreneur, it's important to recognize that all generations have their own strengths and weaknesses, and it's up to us to find ways to work together and learn from each other. So let's put these stereotypes to rest and focus on building a better future for everyone.

Thanks for reading, and I hope you found this engaging and thought-provoking. Let's continue the conversation in the comments – I'd love to hear your thoughts on the changing business landscape.

As a business owner, it's important to prioritize your values in everything you do. Your values should be the driving fo...

As a business owner, it's important to prioritize your values in everything you do. Your values should be the driving force behind your decision-making and actions, guiding you in the direction that aligns with your beliefs and principles.

But why is this so important? For one, having a clear set of values helps to define your business and give it a sense of purpose and direction. It's a way to differentiate yourself from your competitors and stand out in the marketplace. Additionally, aligning your business practices with your values can help to build trust and credibility with your customers, employees, and stakeholders.

Your values should be evident in every aspect of your business, from the products or services you offer to the way you treat your employees and interact with your customers. For example, if one of your values is sustainability, you might prioritize eco-friendly practices in your operations and offer products that are made with sustainable materials.

But it's not just about being able to articulate your values; it's about living and breathing them every day. This means consistently making decisions that align with your values, even when it might not be the most convenient or profitable option. It also means being transparent about your values and communicating them clearly to your team and customers.

In short, your business values should be at the forefront of everything you do. By doing so, you'll not only create a sense of purpose and direction for your business, but you'll also build trust and credibility with the people you serve

As a business owner, it's important to prioritize your values in everything you do. Your values should be the driving fo...

As a business owner, it's important to prioritize your values in everything you do. Your values should be the driving force behind your decision-making and actions, guiding you in the direction that aligns with your beliefs and principles. .

Self-censorship is a common phenomenon that can hold us back in both our personal and professional lives. It manifests i...

Self-censorship is a common phenomenon that can hold us back in both our personal and professional lives. It manifests itself in many different ways, from the thoughts we keep to ourselves for fear of judgment, to the actions we take (or don't take) because we feel pressure to conform to societal norms. .


What is one piece of technology or tool that you couldn’t live without in your business?


Does Hypnosis Work for…(Fill in the blank)

We are focusing our conversation around the benefits of hypnosis towards self-actualization and dispel many associated myths.
Streaming Live 03 Nov at 2:30 PM EST

Does Hypnosis Work for…(Fill in the blank)We will focus our conversation around the benefits of hypnosis towards self-ac...

Does Hypnosis Work for…(Fill in the blank)

We will focus our conversation around the benefits of hypnosis towards self-actualization and dispel many associated myths.

Streaming Live tomorrow at 2:30 PM EST


In this episode we cover the reasons you should put health first, so that you're better capable of bouncing back whenever life happens. Also, keep in mind that health is wealth! So today's special guest Krystalore shares a 34 minute daily habit that will massively level up your fitness & business results!

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Discovering True Love Based on Core Values

Today guest Elizabeth Jansen impacts and influences
women who do not feel loved and valued through
her purpose driven work.

She recently published the book titled: Bride Doll
available today on Audible and Amazon.

Instagram Handle:


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Discovering True Love Based on Shared Core ValuesOctober 21 at 3 PM EST

Discovering True Love Based on Shared Core Values

October 21 at 3 PM EST


Meta-Data and It's Impact on Your Business & Life. This show will be packed with interesting and new information! (Metadata, Backend encoding all digital Assets, Digital Identifiers, Activation of Portals and much more!)

Fitness Psychology: Re-building Your Mind & Body when Tragedy StrikesFriday, October 21 at 11 AM EST

Fitness Psychology: Re-building Your Mind & Body when Tragedy Strikes

Friday, October 21 at 11 AM EST


We cover the SECRETS to personal branding, tapping into the influencer marketplace, social entrepreneurship and how public relations enhances your reputation within the marketplace.

Special Guest: Zak Abukar

Contact the Show: [email protected]

Public Relations SECRETS Few Business Owners Know!This episode, we cover the SECRETS to personal branding, tapping into ...

Public Relations SECRETS Few Business Owners Know!

This episode, we cover the SECRETS to personal branding, tapping into the “influencer” marketplace, social entrepreneurship and how public relations enhances your reputation within the local community.

Tune in Friday, October 7 @ 11:30 am EST

— with Zakaria Abukar.

Public Relations SECRETS Few Business Owners Know!This episode, we cover the SECRETS to personal branding, tapping into ...

Public Relations SECRETS Few Business Owners Know!

This episode, we cover the SECRETS to personal branding, tapping into the “influencer” marketplace, social entrepreneurship and how public relations enhances your reputation within the local community.

Tune in Friday, October 7 @ 11:30 am EST



Assign the work to your dedicated virtual assistant and while you focus on more important matters, they take care of everything else. You only pay for the actual work, no time being wasted in break rooms, or around the water cooler.

“I have a simple philosophy and that is to keep showing up every day and keep moving forward.”

— Theresa Renee King-Robertson

HIRING A VIRTUAL ASSISTANT SAVES TIME!Assign the work to your dedicated virtual assistant and while you focus on more im...


Assign the work to your dedicated virtual assistant and while you focus on more important matters, they take care of everything else. You only pay for the actual work, no time being wasted in break rooms, or around the water cooler.

“I have a simple philosophy and that is to keep showing up every day and keep moving forward.”

— Theresa Renee King-Robertson

HIRING A VIRTUAL ASSISTANT SAVES TIME!Assign the work to your dedicated virtual assistant and while you focus on more im...


Assign the work to your dedicated virtual assistant and while you focus on more important matters, they take care of everything else. You only pay for the actual work, no time being wasted in break rooms, or around the water cooler.

“I have a simple philosophy and that is to keep showing up every day and keep moving forward.”

— Theresa Renee King-Robertson


You're probably asked yourself...

"Why is my marriage so hard?" And maybe even, "How can I avoid getting divorced?"

You went into marriage thinking that love will overcome all obstacles. But that just isn't the case. Real life problems can drive a wedge between you and your partner.

Would you like the skills and knowledge to make your marriage thrive? You fell in love for a reason. Even if you're struggling, there is hope.

- Theresa DeWit

Would you or somebody you know like to be the next guest on the show?
Learn more by going to:


US Marine Corps Veteran Patch Baker explains why having the "champion mindset" and relentless drive toward winning is a major reason he can successfully run over 50+ companies.

"I want to win. I have a Champion Mindset. I love winning, and I hate losing. I want to win at everything. That doesn’t mean I always win; that means I take my losses with a lesson, and my wins become more frequent. I strive to be perfect and I expect others to be perfect too. That doesn’t mean you can’t make mistakes, but I expect perfection using the information you have at any given moment." -Patch Baker


Virginia Beach, VA

Opening Hours

9am - 3pm


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