When things are quiet on the posting front, know that it is usually due to a full, front-burner, head-to-the-grindstone, commitment to doing the best we can on the projects we are undertaking.
This project is no exception. Sometime late last year, we took this project on with the understanding that it would push and pull my team on many creative fronts, from design to manufacturing an invitation that is unlike any you have ever or may ever see (photos coming), to complementary projects that fit our capability, but were a bit more out of the box when compared to the normal requests we get. (Think printed fabric, custom boxes, white quartz, and LOTS of acrylic.)
This project consumed our timeline from January to last weekend. It pushed our limits well beyond our comfort zone, making me stay up in the middle of some nights thinking if the planning was solid. We covered everything. Project meetings, planning, testing, rework, test, final, it was all there. We pushed a $350k printer to the edge of its capability to create the right spot of color on a sixth ink coverage pass. We brought in material from all parts of the US and worked with long-time team members to new vendors that we've just begun relationships with. We templated and prototyped almost every item produced. Yes, it was that detailed down to the minute measurement.
Sitting last Friday, with the sole person who brought us into the mix, and a few of our collaborators, we were able to see the Bride-to-Be and her family the night before all this came to fruition. It was one of those feel good moments, that I sincerely appreciate, and made all the late nights scouring files headed to that machine, even more worthwhile.
Collaboration projects are just a lot of fun. It’s almost like a melting pot of ideas that spew out from different view points, that concentrate and formulate something unique, new, and different. I felt like each of us played a part in the entire formulation, with one person making sure that vision translated - Jayme.
A BIG THANK YOU to Jayme Galanos and The Darling Wedding Company for including us in this mix. I’m sure she worked as hard as she ever has to translate a vision into reality and she really made it a breeze in working with her and this team.
Here is a quick capture, and I’m sure there will be more coming forward soon from the ever talented, Lexia Frank Photography, of our special “TT” project for 2018!. It’s not often projects come along like this, but when they do, they give you nothing but good vibes, a lot of memories, and a truckload of experience.
Congrats and thank you TT. XOXO