or be bombarded by constant advertising and the Media Brainwash machine join us try it for a week please stop allowig the media to brainwash you WE ATTRACT WHAT WE THINK ABOUT simple concept hard to initiate we attract the very things we dont like simply by stating that we dont like them if you dont like them dont pay them any mind
I got sick and tired of the incessant barrage of
news and advertisements and high speed sales pitches every minute of the day and the gruesome tv series and i thought bloody hell I need a break frm all this crap and why are people so addicted to this type of thing? i believe it causes much of the viloence toward our fellow humans and ocupled with the cynicism that prevails in all media thathas trickled down and infected our real lives and personalities we now raise kids to act this way something that was unacceptable 3 decades ago i decided to check out to turn off the news unplug from the mother ship not only with news but all media that is driven by advertisement and political issues in the end none of it will matter and we will NOT make a difference the only reason news exists is to get your eyes and ears on their report so they can either raise the price of advertising or jusify the rates either way they know man is not as evolved as WE think we are we are still blood hungry animals who love to watch others suffer hardship we hope we never have to encounter yet teh technology avialable to us leads us to the false notion that we are above it all and living in a life that was once fodder for sci fi movies ( thiose sci fi movies by the way were warnings the authors were REAL scientists who were not taken serious just liek today how many will scoff at the notion that we are chained to a screen that force feeds us the hate, violence and fear we all say we are against but cannot get enough of go media free for a week see if you feel different the fact that so many people post happy memes is a sure sign of what i describe and evidence this syndrome exists join us post yu r happy stories and pics here