Last week I sat down with @johnrota to discuss his new book @letgo_letgolf
The full episode is linked in my bio!
@johnrota talking about using Neville’s teachings to improve his golf game and ultimately his life
Full episode is in my bio!!
New episode out now!!
I sat down with a good friend @johnrota to talk about his new book “Let Go, Let Golf” and the universal life lessons that he’s been able to integrate on and off the golf course.
“Let Go, Let Golf is a refreshing reminder that the journey is the destination. Play with joy, simplify your approach, and maximize your precious time on the range.
Whether you’re a seasoned golfer seeking a path-breaking perspective, a weekend warrior, a newcomer, or you just love the game of golf, Let Go, Let Golf promises a compelling journey that transcends the boundaries of the sport.
You might even start seeing the world differently—as one big golf course.”
Head to the link in my bio to listen to the full episode!
When I blame others, or the “outside” world for where I am or how I feel..
When I have things to do, but don’t do them or finish them..
When there is a clear time I should be resting, but don’t allow myself to rest because my “value” has been conditioned based off of how I perform.. Not who I am as a human.
There is a way out of all of these loops.. The first part is being aware of them, and doing your best to notice them without judgment.. The next steps will evolve from there.
Love you all, thanks for being here with me.
#fyp #keepgoing #transformation #innerguidance #surrender #lettinggo #lettinggo
Life has challenges and can truly be very difficult to navigate and “feel” your way through… This seems to be part of the design, and I don’t believe it is something we should be trying to avoid… But…
I am certain that there have been times that I have had the opportunity to allow things to ease up, or open up…. But felt in every cell of my body that this was a threat to the story of ME… and my … “Life Sucks” model….. Its kind of hard to have a “life sucks” model and try to create a life that doesn’t suck…. When things become easier, your life sucks model will be challenged, and you will have to choose the new model you want to live by and expect… It does matter… it does make a difference… There is a way to create a “middle” ground for you to test this for yourself and see how you “feel” about this level of mindset.
Love you guys. Thank you for being here, have the best day 🌀
#fyp #keepgoing #transformation #innerguidance #surrender #lettinggo #selfrealization
Our limitations feel safe to us.. they feel like home.. so how do we break free from them? By understanding that your mind is just a program of data from the past. It was never meant to lead the way… you are ✨
From “Doing, Having, Being….
To “Being, Doing, Having
Your mind operates in loops and it operates relentlesly…. It is also for most the center of where much action is taken in a persons life…. You are not only your mind… You are the one aware of it… There are ways to understand this mind from a new perspective… and listen before we react in this life… You can calm the tension between “your mind” and what it is causing you to feel and repeat in your life… From here you will build a new process for and of your SELF … and this is how the energy and trajectory of your life can change.
We are living lives that are being acted out in many ways from the beliefs of our parents and our parents, parents, and on and on.
With every new generation, we have a chance to understand the limitations we have been living with, and the separation we have been allowing, we can really allow a new filter of consciousness to flow to all, including the younger generations.
Question your beliefs, where they came from, and more importantly be mindful of what thoughts and beliefs we speak to those who are looking to us to figure out how to model a life down here on earth.
Everything we think, feel and act out matters to someone who is a sponge for examples.
It won’t matter how you create dollars, income, or wealth… If there isn’t a plan in place for the currency as it comes to you… It will find a way to leave your possesion…
Manifestation is a fun word.. and there is much truth to the idea of being able to opening yourself to a more abundant life …. I’ve found that it is service to others and a solid foundation of intentionality that has allowed more of it to come to me and stay with me .
#keepgoing #manifestation #manifest #money #abundance #fyp #abundancemindset #responsibility #energy
There is a difference between “believing” and KNOWING … There were many times in my life where I believed that I was something, or someone… I would have sworn to it… But when tested, I wouldn’t make the choice that the person I was saying I was would make..
The choice would be made from a version of me that had some type of core wound or belief system that continued loops of toxic relationships, poor money management, and very violent self talk..
When we do the work on ourselves, and see we will “let go” of whatever we believe is not meant for us any longer… 1 of two things happen… We are either so fed up, and KNOW we are not that person anymore, or…… We will unlock or (notice) a series of events that will seem to come out of “nowhwere” to give us the opportunity to make new choices that will allow us to show ourselves that we no longer respond from the old level of self belief.
#trust #awakening #fyp #spiritualawakening #selfrealization #surrender #letgo #lettinggo #healing
Everytime that I “thought” I had it figured out…. That is when I was the farthest from actually “getting it”
This inner work, can create an experience where a person “believes” or “thinks” they have done something to heal, accept, or transform in some way… but at the core level nothing has changed…
Maybe another book… maybe another podcast.. maybe some more affirmations…
Anything I can do to NOT DO what I know I need to do …
You can only bypass for so long…
But when you understand this and are ready…. When you find a process that works for you… You will then allow yoursef to Do What you “thought” you were doing…. And on the other side of that experience will be some level of clarity, relief, or acceptance that truly can change your life from the inside out ..
#trust #awakening #fyp #surrender #letgo #healing #lettinggo #selfhealing #higherawakening #spiritualawakening
Sometimes there are things we need to let go of… Most of the time what we need to let go of, is the way “we” thought it should be…. We get very attached to wanting to control or manifest..” the way we think it should be” ……
Whether or not we can allow this higher level of faith to be the guiding force in our lives, will ve dependant on many things… not the least of which will be.. whether or not we believe that what the Universe (Higher Self/Divine Plan/Higher Guidance) has in store for us is better than what “we” think is best for us….. This choice is our own to make..
#trust #awakening #fyp #spiritualawakening #selfrealization #manifestation #manifest #letgo #surrender #lettinggo #selfhealing
This content speaks to the aspect of us that is looking to be realized beyond our attachment to “conditions” … Sometimes the conditions we created, which were a reflection of who we thought we were, or wanted to be… change…
Of course there is a process that allows us to gain clarity and deeper insight as to what these experiences may have to show us or teach us… I have found that the paradigm shifts when we are ready to understand what is being asked of us inside of challenging times
#awakening #fyp #spiritualawakening #selfrealization #manifestation #manifest #letgo #surrender #lettinggo
We are all on a path to know ourselves and our life situation… The questions may be far beneath the surface of our daily lives, but for everyone there is a question or two. Why are we here? Who am I? And does anything that I do Matter? Most of the first part of our lives is trying to find the answers to these questions in the “doing” and the “achieving” stage of unconsciously not understanding the answer to either of these questions.
For whatever reason, or whenever we happen to start asking OURSELVES those questions, we begin the process of the “spiritual seeker” stage of the process.
While there are valuable clues along the way that appear in books, and content form… Don’t forget that there comes a point where we dive in and transform. We must do the work, To let go and show faith when it seems impossible.. To trust, when it seems there is no reason new should..and to understand that ego has NO IDEA what you want or need to experience in this life… Live has very little consideration for what ego thinks this life should be .. or “its” life should be.. The more you try to control it, manipulate it, or bypass it,.. it will come back to expose the shortcuts you have tried to make… and the lessons or experiences will need to be looked at again.
We can work with life in the game of preferences, but the theme of you understanding who you are, and why you are here will always be the top priority.. Trust, and let this go.. let it go.. You are ok… it is ok… and you are ready to let yourself experience whatever you have been fighting for so long.. You are ready, and it is ok… There IS freedom in the moments you allow yourself the grace to work with life, and no longer against it.
#selfrealization #selfrealizationjourney #selfhelp #selfhealing #awakening #spiritualawakening #higherawakening #soulawakening #higherself #higherselfhealing #awakeningguidance #awakeningguide #awakeningmentor #selfrealizationmentor #consciousexpansion #ex
There are 3 components we can use to understand what we are experiencing in our lives… both inner and outer.
How you think, act, and feel… These 3 things all work together in an energetic continuum that dictates how we experience and create in our lives..
Starting where you are… If you allow yourself to be more curious about why you are thinking, feeling, or acting the way you are… The more likely you will be to be able to break any of the patterns you are looking to shift.
~If you feel you are close to a breakthrough and would like to book a session to move forward in this area or any others visit links in profile for further resources or booking schedule
#awakening #fyp #spiritualawakening
Are you giving yourself permission to accept more? ✨
#selfrealization #selfrealizationjourney #selfhelp #selfhealing #awakening #spiritualawakening #higherawakening #soulawakening #higherself #higherselfhealing #awakeningguidance #awakeningguide #awakeningmentor #selfrealizationmentor #consciousexpansion #expandingconsciousness #karmicrelationships #karmiclessons
A clip from last week’s powerful free workshop on Breaking Karmic Cycles and Stepping Into Your Full Potential!
#selfrealization #selfrealizationjourney #selfhelp #selfhealing #awakening #spiritualawakening #higherawakening #soulawakening #higherself #higherselfhealing #awakeningguidance #awakeningguide #awakeningmentor #selfrealizationmentor #consciousexpansion #expandingconsciousness #karmicrelationships #karmiclessons
From: You Are The Source Live Workshop:
We live our lives in many ways from the core ideas or beliefs about ourself that have been accepted over time.. Some projected from others.. and some accepted on our own from experiences that we perceived from a certain self perspective..
Either way, we often continue the story of those core beliefs unconsciously… but make many choices from that place all of the time…
Awakening is a certain way of realizing that there is the story.. and also an interesting “awareness” of the story all happening at the same time…
So WHO are you… The one who is aware of the story… or the one living it and telling it?
Amazing things unfold the more we dive into the story and sit with all of its emotional and physical implications… The longer we can use this process… The more powerful the release, and the more powerful the realization….
You are MUCH more than the old story of you would have you believe… And you can safely shift through those layers to sit and express a more powerful and authentic life….
~If you feel you are close to a breakthrough and would like to book a session to move forward in this area or any others visit links in profile for further resources or booking schedule
#fyp #transformation #awakening #selfrealization #acceptance #higherself #surrendering #theshift #workshop
There is freedom from the stories we tell about who we are, and what we can do while we are here… These processes are designed to introduce us all to the “I” that is aware of the “me” ….
The story of you is containing everything you ever learned, experienced or believed about who you are… it is the story of “me” (you) …. According to you..
But there is no denying that there is an “I” that references this “me” … and the more we focus on the timeless space of that “I”…. We are brought closer to the moment….. When we are brought closer to the moment.. we will see that 2 things are available to us ….
1)… The release and acceptance of all of the karmic energy and emotion held in place by the story of “us” and who we have believed we were in this limited separate capacity …
2) Acceptance and Gratitude for the moment and all that it contains…
You are always one moment away from the freedom you have been asking for… It just may not be coming in the form you initially intended 🌀🙏❤️
~If you feel you are close to a breakthrough and would like to book a session to move forward in this area or any others visit links in profile for further resources or booking schedule
Getting clear on the answers to these questions will help you tremendously when navigating your relationships ✨
#selfrealization #selfrealizationjourney #selfhelp #selfhealing #awakening #spiritualawakening #higherawakening #soulawakening #higherself #higherselfhealing #awakeningguidance #awakeningguide #awakeningmentor #selfrealizationmentor #consciousexpansion #expandingconsciousness #karmicrelationships #karmiclessons