We’re here to make a difference in the lives of the millions of people and your voice matters. This is a two-way conversation that comes to life through your comments, insights, and discussion. We aim to provide thought-provoking content that inspires our audience to explore questions, make their lives better, and spark action. We are a community of people representing different backgrounds, and e
ach member of our community has the right to feel comfortable, welcomed, and safe. To ensure this, please keep in mind our community guidelines. Rewire has a zero-tolerance policy towards language that attacks a person or group based on, but not limited to, race, ethnicity, gender identity, religion, disability, sexual orientation, national origin, political belief, or age. We encourage everyone to share their thoughts, comments, and feedback on content. Do not post anything that is libel, slander, or defamation of any kind. Do not post predatory conduct towards minors. Post comments that are relevant to the topic of the page or current conversations. Note that “trolling” comments or comments specifically intended to cause a rise and reaction out of others, hijack comment threads, or throw discussions off-track will not be allowed. Keep yours and others’ personal information (phone number, address, place of employment, etc.) Post information that is accurate and true to the best of your knowledge. Do not post things that could be considered vulgar, offensive or violate platform guidelines. Post original content. Do not repost copyrighted material without explicit permission or attributing the material to the original author or owner. Spam, link-baiting, and advertising is strictly prohibited. Do not post content that displays or condones illegal activity. Failure to comply may result in reporting to local law enforcement. We reserve the right at our sole discretion to reject or remove comments that are not in keeping with our policy and to block or ban users/followers who violate this policy. We will do our best to monitor and act swiftly if someone is in violation of our policy. Audience comments appearing in reply to Rewire social posts or in reaction to content we publish (or otherwise share) reflect the beliefs and opinions of those individual people. The views expressed by these individuals do not necessarily reflect those of Rewire or Twin Cities PBS and do not in any way represent official views of the organization. In addition, by posting on our social media pages, you agree to the terms and conditions set forth by Facebook. For more clarification, those can be found online at https://www.facebook.com/communitystandards/. By posting on one or more of our social media channels, your posts or feedback may be used by us in promotional materials, articles, and more. Because your name, likeness, and social media handle is visible and associated with your post, we may display this information as well. Please contact us for more information or for any clarification. Please note that these guidelines are subject to change. Thank you for connecting and we look forward to continuing conversation with you.