In 1989, Susan Simpson and Diane Welch published the first Learning Language Arts Through Literature book that launched Common Sense Press. Common Sense Press continues to add curricula designed for homeschoolers, traditional schools, and parents who want to enrich their children’s education. With Common Sense Press products, meaningful hands-on activities replace old textbook methods that are det
ached from the learning process. For example, our Learning Language Arts through Literature series incorporate spelling, reading, vocabulary, grammar, writing, penmanship, and phonics in the same lesson. Research shows that language arts taught in this way is much more effective than when taught in the traditional isolated and fragmented manner. Before being published, all of our products must pass two tests. First, because we know just how busy a homeschool mom’s life can be, we publish materials that are complete and require a minimum of planning. Second, we believe that education is more than just getting the right answer on a multiple-choice test. Learning should be meaningful, comprehensive, and stimulating to the student. All our products are offered through select resellers at discount prices or can be ordered from our online store.