@Reeses #ReleaseTheReese release your inner kid 😉 Who else loves reeses 🙋🏾♀️ #mydominosrewards #stitch #relationship #challenge #shopping #Kids #ItsAllGoodChallenge #potterybarn #parenting #relationships #thewayhome
Domino’s #mydominosrewards #stitch #relationship #challenge #shopping #Kids #ItsAllGoodChallenge #potterybarn #parenting #relationships #thewayhome
Domino’s #mydominosrewards #stitch #relationship #challenge #shopping #Kids #ItsAllGoodChallenge #potterybarn #parenting #relationships #thewayhome
Domino’s #mydominosrewards #stitch #relationship #challenge #shopping #Kids #ItsAllGoodChallenge #potterybarn #parenting #relationships #thewayhome
#ItsAllGoodChallenge #stitch #relationship #challenge #potterybarn #shopping #thewayhome #parenting #relationships #kids
I love how im talking about my hair and Vera walks in with her 5 day old hair 😂 #ItsAllGoodChallenge #relationship #stitch #challenge #potterybarn #shopping #thewayhome #parenting #relationships #kids
#itsallgoodchallenge #stitch #relationship #potterybarn #shopping #thewayhome #parenting #challenge #relationships #kids #fun
@Reeses Release the Reese #stitch #relationship #challenge #shopping #thewayhome #parenting #kids #fun #potterybarn #relationships
#stitch #relationship #challenge #thewayhome #shopping #fun #parenting #kids
One on one with vera 🥰#potterybarn #kids #fun #parenting #shopping
How is she 15mo already 😭
Replying to Sylviakabutey#preppair #stitch #relationship #challenge #thewayhome #parenting #blackhair #relationships #shavedhead #family
Im obsessed with her personality 😭
I wish i had her childhood 🥲
COSRX Official #PrepPair i can’t believe he slept through all that🤣 Cosrx is so calming 🥰
Why is the youngest always the wild one#thewayhome #stitch #relationship #challenge #parenting #relationships #shavedhead #blackhair #family #hairgrowth
#thewayhome #stitch #relationship #challenge #parenting #relationships #shavedhead #blackhair #family #hairgrowth
#thewayhome #stitch #relationship #challenge #parenting #relationships #shavedhead #blackhair #family #hairgrowth
#thewayhome #stitch #relationship #challenge #parenting #relationships #shavedhead #blackhair #family #hairgrowth