The Armor Up Study, the armor of God like you’ve never heard it before!
Looking for a study to set your small group on fire for the things of God?! Check out the Armor Up Study: A 40-day spiritual boot camp. You haven’t heard the armor of God quite like this!
God is raising up an army of kingdom warriors, who know how to war FROM rest. That’s right, rest. He wants us engaged in the warfare, taking back ground the enemy has stolen, all while maintaining our peace. It. Is. Time.
We have been broken and torn down for too long. Enough is enough. Jesus needs his front line warriors, equipped and ready to lead beside him. It is time to Armor Up! And you are needed for such a time as this!
ARMOR UP-a study on the armor of God like you’ve never heard it before!
ARMOR UP—the armor of God like you’ve never heard it before!
Armor Up: a 40-day spiritual bootcamp is the perfect study for the women in you community. Complete with weekly videos, daily workbook content, and prompts that lead you to the feet of Jesus this Bible study equips you to face life’s battles and overcome!
God is raising up an army of women who are closed in Christ, are walking in an unshakable peace, and He is calling you to the front lines!
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