For anyone wondering why he had Sweet Baby Ray's sauce as a bookend in the video....You talking about it is why. That video will be played more and more times for that simple fact.
It doesn't matter what the content of the video is, if we see something out of place...as a heard minded populace we'll hear others talking about, then we'll go to seek out either the video or a still image from it. Those links then will create trackbacks and clicks for Meta.
Each time you speak on it, you're doing exactly what they wanted. Even this post caters to their desires. Memes, VR, User Driven Content...it's all part of a "meta-verse".
Anyone with a brand can create their own meta-verse, most already have one whether they are aware of it or not. It's just the general public that is learning of such things.
Your data, your interests, your hobbies, your purchases and even your shared content. All these things drive and help create meta-verses.
So choose wisely on what you promote. We encourage you to really take the time and effort to help your friends, family or other favorite small businesses in building and driving their meta-verses.
Shared content and word of mouth is king in the meta-verse, you have the power to nurture or destroy those kingdoms. How do you want to rule?