Had some fun last night and pulled up an older 2018 mix that I did for an amazing client and old producer friend of mine. Contemplating remixing this now and putting it to (Atmos) for a release if possible. This is my favorite song on the whole album.
Ronnie Eaton Aaron Dick
Still working out some I/O issues but so far so good with using the SSL sigma in my (Atmos) rig. The plan is to use the SIGMA for stems that route to my atmos template. Then the stereo out of the SIGMA will come back in as the stereo print. The SIGMA only does left and right even though I can break it out to an object bed. That is where the manipulation happens for the atmos.
I need to calibrate my LYNX as I think the trims are off. I see accurate levels on the SIGMA (inputs) but the levels back in Pro Tools are off. Baby steps
Solid State Logic (SSL)
Another short first impression from the new song in Atmos By CITRA
Dolby Avid Pro Tools Solid State Logic (SSL)
CITRA - Way Oh atmos
CITRA stopping by to listen to their new (Atmos) song for the first time
Way Oh - CITRA
Working on a new one from Denver’s own CITRA. I have to say I admire these guys and how they do their work. They’ve always been methodical with what they want to put out and their attention to detail should be recognized. This one they have engineered and produced everything themselves and it is great. Lots of ear candy, and the song is pretty bad ass. I really wish that bands would do more singles and focus on making the best they can versus having the idea that they must do a full album. If you are just starting out, I highly recommend pushing singles every couple months until you’re following us bigger. Citra has done it very well in the past, and it seems to work for them. Mad props.
#mixing #atmos #immersiveaudio #DolbyAtmos
Finally caught 1 of 4 commercial spots I did last month for DrinkLMNT. This was the Bradley Beal one for March madness. Good fun.
Time to clean up the room, run some sound tests, dial in the height speaker delays and start mixing. It’s all finally coming together.
Focal Dolby #atmos
Studios coming apart quick.
Crazy stuff. It's scary and exciting
Mixing some.more from Jason Welch
Mixing mixing mixing
AVID Control & VCA Spill (Track Folders, Quick macros, Pro Tools)
Coming Soon - trailer for the upcoming AVID Control App and VCA spill workflow that Monument Sound is creating. The video series will go over creating and maintaining a template that can easily go between different parts of the session with a touch of a button. I will touch on folder views, how to create them, quickly update them, and implement them in the session.
Midnight Mix Prep
Getting ready to mix some super simple bluegrass type stuff. This particular session is using all outboard gear into the SSL Sigma.
1. Bass - Warm Audio WA73-EQ into a Retro Instruments Doublewide
2. Vocal - Warm Audio WA73-EQ into Retro Intruments Doublewide to a Chandler Zener Comp
3. Guitar - Warm Audio WA73-EQ - Joe Meek Comp
4. Mandolin - Warm Audio WA73-EQ - Joe Meek Comp
5. Dobro - Warm Audio WA73-EQ
6. Fiddle - Warm Audio WA73-EQ
All runs into the SSL Sigma then to the SSL Fusion. On the Fusion I have the SSL compressor as a insert PRE EQ stage.
Printing back into Pro Tools
Solid State Logic (SSL) Warm Audio Retro Instruments, Inc. Chandler Limited #mixing #mastering #monumentsound
SSL SIGMA Mixing - Part 2
Coming soon! Monument Sound is working hard to get new material out. With the new Pro Tools 2020.3, we have unlocked even more new abilities with the SSL Sigma, Fusion and our hybrid setup - Stay Tuned and subscribe to our YouTube Channel