Well, we are so happy to finally be able to share our first documentary with you all today! Our first doc, “Rattled: Conserving Snakes in Appalachia” is a work of sheer joy. We spent seven days in the Appalachian Mountains with a group of reptile conversationists & experts hiking, climbing mountains (with gear), and searching for these snakes!
This conservation group known as, The Orianne Society has determined one apex predator to be of vital importance to the Appalachian region, yet it is facing tremendous challenges towards its conservation. It is an animal that we have felt threatened by, and have demonized for centuries, compromising our own capacity for understanding them. This animal is the Timber Rattlesnake.
Overall, it was an incredible experience! We want to shoot way more animal docs, and docs about people that care for animals.
If you want to watch it, we're leaving a link below.
Let us know your thoughts! If you have any questions, we'll be happy to answer them.
For Your Viewing Pleasure:
The Orianne Society has determined one apex predator to be of vital importance to the Appalachian region, yet it is facing tremendous challenges towards its ...