In Cow Town tonight. Pudd is a runner in the Ft Worth Rodeo Calf Scramble. She’s gonna try to catch a calf for calf & scholarship money. Yes I’m seriously anxious but also excited. It’s gonna be so funny… unless she loses teeth … 🥴 and then I might have some “REGERTS” 😂. Please send up prayers she catches 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻.
I love watching this colorful litter of 7. Momma’s doing great. #breederlife #hollandlops #seven #inlove #adorable #youth #gamblingman #colorful #godpaints #animallover #animalsofinstagram #animalphotography Bolingbabiesrc
Our Sweet Litter of 7 is still hanging in there. Momma is doing a GREAT job!! When we breed two buns together, there’s always a lot of thought put to the pair. Whether color, body, strengthen lines, her “fix the ear & dont screw up the body” project🥰. Sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn’t but the thought & work goes in & God does the rest in his timing.
She’s finally got a couple broken black otters. I’ll post a couple pics in the comments. This is gonna be such a fun litter to grow out👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻
BB’s “Gambling Man” - solid black otter from our
Cody black otter we named “Coming In Hot”
Bred to
Cammack’s “Gertie” - massive black&white broken- brood doe bought for Carlie’s color program convention 2023.
There’s one solid otter I thought was Blue but now Carlie thinks is a shaded “martinized” something??? Not sure. I’ll have to look at the pedigrees and see what’s back there but we’re excited to watch this little bundle. #Littermates #seven #colorful #hollandlops #breederlife #youth #adorable #inlove #gamblingman #godpaints
BolingBabiesRC’s “Fish Naked”
Showing is everything!! Why he’s never left over the others who showed & placed???
This buck Doesn’t show well compared to the others but if we need to add shoulder & width to a line… Fish Naked is our go too boy!
Shelbie had this buck born around the same breeding as 20X, Carpenter, SteelShot, Buckshot, & Oak & we’d just got Queen’s Lariat & Salted about the same time not to mention QC’s “City of Lights” & then came Laymon’s “Monday”. You can see why it was hard to pick anyone to rehome. Over time we have too make room for the next gen but this boy doesn’t ever need to show… what he produces earns his spot! Sometimes these guys are worth more than those that show.
When folks are breeding hollands, what you want to add to your program has WAY LESS to do with “if they’ll win”. What does your program need?? Does the animal you’re looking at have it?? If you’re looking and have the option to add a show animal that can win you some points VS a herd or brood animal
That can change your generation and move the whole program up a notch… that’s my choice EVERYTIME. Gotta have patience. Listen to your great mentors who’ve proven themselves & be coachable.
#coachable #breeder #youth #animallover #hollandlop #show #genetics #keeper #takestime
BolingBabies “The Man”🥰 (He’s Such a Flirt)Young senior Buck now. He was on Carlie’s Ft Worth “Alternate” list because he’s young; almost a year old. The girls have had some really great bucks for a couple years now but the bucks born with Shelbie are all around 3 now so we’ve been holding back a few Favs to step into some BIG SHOES and take the torch from them in the next year. It’s really making for “A FULL HOUSE” to hold bucks when they already have a LARGE SSB show team. #bolingbabiesrc #practice #animallover #youth #breeder #hollandlopbunny #youngbuck #fwssr #show #madeit #flirt #yesplease #lovehim #homegrown #showlife #madewithlove #upandcoming #nextgeneration
BB’s “Dance Naked” - one of my Favorite does. She rarely leaves the barn but I’m hoping Carlie shows mom&daughter at the Ft worth stock show. I showed a video posing her Daughter yesterday & I swear these two are so much alike, except little bit has more “spice”😂. #loveher #poser #diva #Youth #breeder #animallover #bunny #hollandlopbunny #practice #molting #bolingbabiesrc
This little TUDE finally made her debut
This little girl made her Debut Friday night in Killeen. She’s out of BB’s Dance Naked & she is spicy!! A toot Carlie said needs practice; (or attitude adjustment)😂 she’s right about that!! She’ll sit but she ain’t gonna sit right AND she loves to stand straight up on her hind legs and stare are you😂😂. She cracks me up.
She got 2nd Friday Night for SJD. Not a bad first time out. Carlie wasn’t there when she got judged to see how she did & hear judges comments but not a bad start for Miss Tude! #bolingbabiesrc #posing #practice #Tude #attitude #diva #youth #breeder #hollandlopbunny #debut #junior #doe #spicy #loveher #bunny #bolingbabiesrc
Time for Bunny Baby Fun👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻.
PART 1 : this baby had the zoomies and distracted us from work. Carlie has a couple litters I’m kinda obsessed with. #thisisone #zoomies #babybunny #ilovebabies #animallover #breeder #youth #colorlover #toomuchcuteness #hollandlopbunny #hollandlopsofinstagram #distractions #bolingbabiesrc
Part 2: distracted by babies
What’s the sex ??? HOW did I not notice Carlie Singing until after I watched the video back🫣 #starspangledbanner #why #YES #Finally #yes #thisisone #zoomies #babybunny #ilovebabies #animallover #breeder #youth #colorlover #toomuchcuteness #hollandlopbunny #hollandlopsofinstagram #distractions #bolingbabiesrc
MOLLY’s Custom Silver has done it again. They’re so much prettier in person!! Hand crafted, No 2 are the Same. Buckle & buckle colors, wording, stone colors; make winning 2 = 2 different buckles for your trophy shelf. I hate there’s so much going on tomorrow but sure thankful for Guarantee Bank in Royse City for sponsoring OR 1st BULLDOG BUCKLE BASH.
We are ready and excited to see everyone tomorrow morning. See flier for details. Late registration is taken at the door & Carlie cannot compete being a board members kiddo but she will be there to help put county kids rabbits on the table.
For all Collin county kids who made Sale, send your buns & pens with anyone. If they cannot stay, let us know at the door and we have Carlie & other volunteers to get them on the table for you. It’s your chance to DOUBLE DIP on your pen and compete again for more buckleS. 🎉🎉.
Meat pens will kick off the show at 9am. The numbers are very low so they should not take long to judge then they’ll be given awards & buckles THEN & released. Should go fast. 😉.
Good Luck to all the kids competing tomorrow🐰🎉
Gambling Man
BB’s “Gambling Man”Young Sr Buck from Cody’s “Coming in Hot” X DC’s “Patsy Cline” (patsy cline is a solid black doe from BB’s “SteelShot”. First homebred otter holland that Carlie has liked enough to make her show team. Gambling Man placed 10th at convention as a young, & pretty small, solid jr buck. Praying he keeps developing. Hollands can ROCK the table as a junior and NEVER compete as a senior🫣. Shelbie took these first two pictures; trying to make me look bad🧐. (video is my crappy attempt). #poser #youngbuck #youth #breeder #hollandlop #rabbitsofinstagram #show #animallover #otters #colorlover #finally #lovehim #sweetheart #bolingbabiesrc #capcut