MLBB Equipment Changes. . . 🔥👏
Greetings everyone! I'm Arnold, the designer of battle experience and hero balance. Today, I'm here to talk about the changes planned for the next new season. Trust me, it's gonna be really exciting.
Since the launch of Mobile Legends, we have been cautious about equipment tweaks. As a fundamental part of the game, every minor change to the equipment may impact players and the battlefield in any way.
However, as new battlefield mechanics and various new gameplay were introduced to the game, we have received more and more feedback regarding equipment optimization. After evaluation, we believe that the impact of minor fixes on the equipment ecosystem is much limited. Instead, a radical overhaul is needed for a comprehensible equipment system. It should not just offer a variety of options but also easier to understand. Here, I'll share our core plans and ideas for the changes.
1. Integrate Jungle, Roam, and Movement items. This adjustment aims to save an equipment slot for jungle and roaming players through reasonable simplification. Players can choose other advanced equipment more freely with the extra slot now. At the same time, we'll make optimizations to the bonus reward rules for jungling and roaming to make the current rules easier to understand.
2. Provide better skills for roaming players. Currently, roaming players bear too much responsibility for the whole team. Despite their effort and sacrifice, they can hardly have their highlight moments, let alone carry the team and win great respect. In this regard, we will retain "Encourage" and "Conceal" and introduce new skills. Healing-type Support heroes and engage-type Support heroes will have new exclusive skills. Therefore, there'll be a total of 4 skill options for them to choose from. Most importantly, roaming players can get these skills through roaming or assists without using any gold. There is also an opportunity to continuously enhance the skill effect later in the game.
3. Optimize the rest of the equipment systematically. We will make major and minor adjustments to nearly half of the advanced equipment items, hoping to achieve the following goals: 1. To make each piece of equipment have a distinct application scenario and provide attributes that are compatible with it; 2. To create a contrast across different equipment items and balance out each other. Hope this will improve the strategy of equipment selection and game sense.
We are very well aware that this massive project will have lots of challenges and difficulties await ahead. Hence, we will be conducting long-term testing in the Advanced Server. We are looking forward to receiving your suggestions and feedback to help better present the changes to you on the Official Server. It is your support that helped us get this far.
Enjoy yourself in the game and let's make MLBB even better! All the best in ranking!