Streaming is quite possibly the only business that is completely free to support. You don't have to buy a product, you don't have to pay for anything, simply hitting a button is the greatest and easiest form of support. While I don't speak on it, I see everyone who hits the like button on a post, or leaves a comment, or saying hello in stream, and I am always grateful for those who do. It's amazing to see who consistently shows support and I can't thank you enough for that. It's also amazing to see those who don't. Nobody owes me anything, and I'm clearly aware of that. Thank you to those who support me, in any way possible, especially the free way of hitting "like".
I've been doing this for nearly 4 years and I love every aspect of it. I am going to do what I can to push myself this year, because I want to make it, and I still feel like I can. Let's be honest, I can't get there without you.
To you true Classholes -- thank you. You, Pam, and myself are going to make it.
Happy New Year's to you and yours. Let's accomplish 2024 together.