Ep. 48: Legislative Session ‘23- the year of courage, correction and a return to protecting the People
Kim and Carolyn talk to Rep. Walt Brooks (UT-75) about legislation he's working on including a bill to restrict the use and enforcement of vaccine passports by businesses.
Newcomer Rep. Katy Hall (UT-11) joined Kim and Carolyn to speak about her proposed legislation that restricts the use of ranked-choice voting (RCV) in municipal elections.
- https://www.waltbrooks.com/
- Vote Katy Hall
Ep. 46: They’re baaack! GOP establishment versus GOP resistance
Multiple rounds of voting and McCarthy can’t secure the US House speakership, an attempt to oust Ronna Romney McDaniels. Salt Lake County GOP Chair Chris Null joins Kim and Carolyn to discuss the fight for the heart of the Party.
- https://slcogop.com/
- Salt Lake County Republican Party
Ep. 44: Utah's stop on the Fast Track to Global Starvation
Ep. 44: Utah's stop on the Fast Track to Global Starvation
Democrats’ plan to energy-starve Utah and grab more land, because 67% is not enough. Rep. Ken Ivory (UT-39) joins Kim and Carolyn to talk about the impending Biden Energy Emergency declaration.
- https://www.voteivory.com/
- Ken Ivory
Ep. 43: The Political Industrial Complex of Utah's Homelessness
Failed liberal policies, waste, fraud and abuse have prolonged human suffering in our capital city. Kim gives a brief history lesson on the failure of Utah to effectively address homelessness resulting in a revolving door for addicts and the mentally ill. Then, Kim and Carolyn are joined by Dawn Armstrong who is a stalwart advocate for homeless youth.
Ep. 42: Record number of ballots discarded in RCV in 2021
Ep. 42: Record number of ballots discarded in RCV in 2021
Utah statistical scientist Jiri Navratil joins Kim and Carolyn to discuss Ranked-Choice Voting (RCV) and Instant Runoff Voting (IRV). His curiosity led him to uncover shocking problems in a number of Utah municipal races that used a piloted RCV- as many as 70% of ballots not counted toward the outcome.
- https://bit.ly/UtahRCVElections
Ep. 39: Are libraries an essential service? More government lunacy ensues
Ep. 39: This week's SLCo Drunken Sailor Report.
Kim and Carolyn discuss two tone deaf uses of your money- creating a far-from-essential new high paid position and growing a far-from essential service with a 30% increase in your taxes to cover it. Quick! someone tell them it's not 2018 anymore- we're in a recession!
David Alvord, Dea Theodore and Richard Snelgrove remain sober.
Ep. 38: BREAKING! A referendum on JSD’s monstrous tax hike
Ep. 38: BREAKING! A massive army of citizens have gathered to defeat JSD’s monstrous tax hike.
Kim and Carolyn share the latest developments on the citizen referendum against the Jordan School District's 26% property tax hike.
- JSD Tax Hike Referendum
- https://stopthejsdtaxhike.nationbuilder.com/