Josh Pavano

Josh Pavano What's up guys?! I'll be posting cool videos, travel tips, motivation, and highlighting sweet give back organizations! What's going on guys?! So don't be shy!

My name is Josh, I founded Jonas Umbrellas in 2013; a company that funds clean water wells in Uganda through the sale of limited edition umbrellas. In 2015 I started video editing as a way to tell the story of my journey in entrepreneurship and travel, while also highlighting the amazing non-profit organizations and people I was meeting! This page is going to have stuff from motivation, to tips, t

o my thoughts on life. I want this to be a place where people can share ideas openly and ask for advice. Shoot me a message or comment!


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We buried $100 in the woods for you to go find! If you are within driving distance of Connecticut, want to go on a beautiful treasure hunt hike, and potentially find $100 - send me a DM! I have a Bublup folder full of clues to help you guys find the money!
Big shoutout to my buddy for joining me on the adventure. We did this to promote healthy lifestyles and to encourage people to explore their world outside of their cellphone.
This is a part of my “SUPER AWESOME WICKED KIND” series on YouTube where I do random acts of kindness for people! So if you dig it don’t forgot to follow me here and subscribe on YouTube ✌🏽


If you want them just shoot a comment down below or send me a message!! Everyone have an awesome weekend!! 🤙🏼


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“The greatest things in life live on the other side of fear” -
If you continuously avoid fear you’ll always be circling dreams, joy, and breakthroughs. Don’t let fear hold you back. You are the only one who can decide if you can or cannot do something.
Fear is only the gatekeeper to success, pay your toll and keep it moving! Love you guys! Have an awesome week!
COMMENT WITH YOUR BIGGEST FEAR below. Let’s get through them together!


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There is so much fake “wokeness”. People proclaiming a higher understanding of the universe. I think it’s used as a way to intimidate others, show dominance, and discourage others from challenging you. I am not “woke” so I guess it’s hard for me to say what is fake and what is real, but I’m a listener and a learner and those two things have afforded me the exposure to a lot of perspectives.
“Wokeness” is not travel, it’s not some fancy notion of “reality”, it is not accumulating things or years, it is not conceited and it is not stubborn. It is not one sided because it understands the gray.
Enlightenment to me is sympathy and empathy to others, kindness, and your willingness to humble yourself to the endless perspectives, cultures, and human experiences that you’ll never have the time to live or understand.
How do you find your own sense of inner peace, enlightenment, “wokeness”, whatever you want to call it? I wish I could tell you, everyone’s life and journey is different, and I struggle with my own purpose daily. But, what I do know is getting out of your comfort zone will lead to more perspective, which will lead to greater understanding. That allows you to shift your balance from disconnected to sympathetic to empathetic. So I think if you could do one thing daily it is push to find discomfort, in conversation, in action, in creativity, and in relationships. Keep on keeping on my friends.


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Show of hands who’s life has dramatically increased since we got an extra hour of light!? Seriously, I am freaking pumped. I keep itching for the, the first river tubing adventure, the first beach trip *kinda, I’m not the biggest beach guy*, the first concert, just the windows down and the sun in my face as I head to the park to eat my lunch.
This Saturday and I will be doing our first outdoor adventure of the spring. TBD on what it is, I’ll update you via the stories! But, I am so pumped to shake off the winter blues with my best friend.
ANDDDD thank god we have this awesome cooler from . In full disclosure this is an . That being said this cooler is pretty bad ass. It’s definitely going to be a staple for and my adventures; both of us run the risk of hanger, so we try to avoid that with tons of snacks. If you want 20% off your own subscription box (they have some super cool stuff for dudes) check em out and use promo code: “BOXOFAWESOME”


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New Tech 90s Rules: This is the first episode of a new series I’ve written that takes current technology and sends it back to the 90s! If you are a 90’s kid share this with someone who remembers the struggle of the dial-up! COMMENT below some of your favorite 1990s things!
If you ever have a project that just doesn’t seem to fit your current style, but it just won’t leave your brain. Don’t shy away. Jump in it. Accept the flow! I appreciate you guys!
Big thanks to & for their appearances. As well as Tom DeCicco for the theme song.


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You ever wanted to try a new thing?! Just put yourself out there and start that baking company, create that food blog, learn how to fly, but you’re engulfed in fear that paralyzes you. You listen to the everyday conversations of “How much do you make?” “What’s your job title?” in silence wishing you had the guts to pull the trigger. YOU ARE NOT ALONE. It’s a pressure everyone making their own way feels.
I had the amazing pleasure of working with Karri Lee Designs an unbelievably talented and successful artist who has found her way as a business women. She’s just crushing it, but she started right where you are. She had some words of wisdom that I made a video about. This is a glimpse into that video.
Check out the full video LINK in Bio.


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4 years ago I picked up a camera for the first time. I had no idea what I was doing and I knew nothing about editing. Now I get the absolute privilege of spending these amazing days with couples as they commit their love to each other.
You are powerful. Just start, because before you know it, the thing you’ve always wanted to do will be happening all around you.
A very big congratulations to my friends and on this beautiful wedding.


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Since coming home from my travels I’ve felt this kind of weight on me. That I lost my sense of adventure, that I wasn’t finding a balance between all out ADVENTURE everyday, career, and personal time. Balance is hard, I think that is what people mean when they say adulting; it’s this big juggling act of activities and emotions.
So when my buddy Devon asked me if I wanted to go chase some northern lights for the weekend it gave me that sense of adventure I’ve been craving. We didn’t think we’d be able to find them with all the cloud coverage we had, but on the last night, we threw one last Hail Mary effort and drove 2 hours to a break on the radar to find this. Holy crap the world is so magical, who would have thought the sky could be green?!
Your adventure doesn’t have to be hoping on a plane to Iceland. Adventure is what you make it, it’s something I’m working on. Finding balance is adulting and you aren’t alone in your struggle to find it. But! We are all in it together so keep on crushing it!


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So Iceland day one was eventful and I loved every minute of it. We couldn’t get out of the rain. We were fighting off raindrops on lenses, freezing cold wind, and darkness. Culminating in Devon dropping two lenses and his camera into the ocean! I’ll tell you about that in the next vid.
This video was my attempt at making a rough travel day way more glamorous 😂


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“Love isn’t perfect. It isn’t a fairy tale, or a story book, and it doesn’t always come easy. Love is overcoming obstacles, facing challenges, fighting to be together, holding on and never letting go.”


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It’s okay for things to be good. It’s okay for things to be not complicated. It’s okay for things to be drama free. It’s okay to be satisfied where you are. We often get pressured to push for more. We are told things can always be better, and in doing so we forget to be grateful for the most important things around us.
Reflecting a lot this last week and I’m learning to chill out. To be happy with myself and happy with my amazing situation. Sometimes I get caught up in the HUSTLE and forget all the things I’ve learned from people around the world.
Be grateful for everything you have. Be at peace with calmness and satisfaction.


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Life is made up of moments. Some you wish you could take back. Some you wish you could relive over and over. But, it is only in the moment that you get to have that experience, make those choices, be with those people. Don’t take for granted the moments you have with the people you love spending those moments with.
Don’t make decisions that disrupt your happy. Get out of your own way; don’t be the reason for your own misery. You have control. Be your best you. Love as best you can. Because if you don’t you’ll miss the chance to appreciate the way you should have. @ Flower Bridge


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I want to do ALL the things. Do any of you ever feel that way? I want to learn to fly, I want to run my own business, I want to find my artistic voice, I want to volunteer, I want to give back to charities, I want to spend time with friends, I want to have a family, I want to keep traveling... the list goes on and on, becoming more and more micro, swirling around in my head.
Sometimes thinking about it all gives me anxiety. It never seems like they’ll all fit in one lifetime. So I start to panic. I start doing everything at once, as much of it as I can before time runs out. I think that’s the wrong approach. Trying to do too much leads to doing a lot of things poorly. I think I need patience. I need balance. That’ll keep me going. It’s okay to find new passions and goals, but time is a funny thing - you can speed it up, you can slow it down just by how you approach your day. There will be enough time to do it all you just have to create balance and instill patience in your day.
OKAY. End incoherent rant. Can anyone relate to these feelings of wanting to do EVERYTHING? And fearing that there is never enough time?!


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Laziness. Lack of action. Those are your worst enemies. Those are your walls to success. Stop pushing blame onto others, accept your responsibilities and commit to your goals.


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Don’t let anyone tell you what you can and cannot do. Just do. Prove them wrong with your actions.


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Enjoying the vacation days in Charleston South Carolina. You can’t keep putting out. You have to recharge all those creative juices. Stay fresh my people.


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Thank you for all the birthday wishes yesterday. I’m so very appreciative of all of you! If I didn’t get back to you I apologize. I am doing my best to unplug.
I turned 30 yesterday. I just want to say life is too short not to follow your dreams; to do everything in your power to help others and be happy. You might be thinking, I have time, I can do that later. But, you’re going to wake up one day and ask where all the time went? and what the hell have I been doing?
DO MORE. THINK LESS. Don’t over think it, just take one small step towards your goals. Life is happening right now. Open your eyes and hearts, start living.


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I just want to share my thoughts on priorities. I’ve had the most messed up priorities over time. I don’t regret it because it’s allowed me to find what I feel is important in my life and what fulfills my purpose. I am someone who loves work, who loves growing in my craft, always wanting to learn new things, and discover new places. Those things are great, they make up what I’m passionate about, but they are not who I am and what is most important.
It’s hard to be mindful of that priority sometimes. My priority has been to show up for people around me when they need me. Consistently commit to what you say to people, allow them to lean on me and work through struggles together. My priority since coming home has been my friends and family. I’ve made mistakes and fallen, but I come to peace with those moments and try to be better.
What is your priority? It’s your journey and each part of your life will be different. Don’t be ashamed of your priority no matter what it is. Own it and lean into it. @ Flower Bridge


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So and I like to joke around during these photo shoots cause I mean come on, you can’t take yourself that seriously. In order to get the second shot, I told her she got a new puppy (something she badly wants) and then it got hit by a bus. 😂 Sorry I know, I know it’s horrific, but it did get me that amazing shot.
Don’t take things so seriously. You have to have fun or what’s the point? Anyone have any good photography directing lines I can use in the future?! You gotta have something funny to share! Haha @ Flower Bridge


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People. They are inspiring. I started a documentary on this girl, .lee.designs, artistic journey. Her art is inspiring to me. Her drive to make her art her livelihood is inspiring to me. And her willingness to share her journey is inspiring to me.
I always come back to similar topics. But, the one that I lean into the most is, you can travel all over the world, but you won’t find the inspiration unless you look into the eyes of someone else, into their soul, and realize our infinity ability to overcome and achieve dreams. TAG SOMEONE WHO INSPIRES YOU BELOW. I want to feel inspired today!


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If you want things to happen you have to take risks to make them happen. If you wait around thinking that opportunities and dreams are going to be handed to you, are just going to fall into your lap, your wrong.
Actively move towards your dreams. It may take a while, it may seem like a step back, or an I fathomably risky move. But, the first step is all it takes to set you on your way.


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ESCAPE OFTEN. I just vibe with that. It’s not about getting away from problems. It’s about running towards yourself. You find yourself when your uncomfortable. When you’ve escaped from your comfort zone. That’s when you find out what you are capable of, what truly matters to you, and who truly matters to you.
Where do you guys love to escape to? I find myself escaping to nature. Just me and my camera. Working on my craft. Taking it this amazing world.
( If you guys dig the hat. Use promo code: JoshPavano website for 15% off they got some cool leggings ladies.) @ Flower Bridge


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Creation is a roller coaster of emotions. Starting something it’s this rush of energy and excitement. Your shooting it, you feel it’s amazing. You see it in post production... you’re disgusted. You feel disappointed you lose momentum. Then you power through and you realize in the end it was all worth it as you release it to the world!
I just dropped one of my favorite YouTube videos ever [Link in Bio 👆🏽]. I talk about how to make an amazing Instagram Grid. I want to thank all the amazing creators I spotlight in the video and thanks to for dropping his that helped motivate me to finally release this series.
Life can be a lot like creation. Ups and downs, but you have to lean into the process and enjoy your journey. If you watch the video comment and let me know what you guys think! I’m super proud of it, I’d love to hear your thoughts!


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1. Bri pick that apple!
2. Throw it to me. Uhh No, that didn’t work.
3. Okay don’t be upset, you still look pretty, try again?
4. Yes!
I took my first day off in weeks to go do all the fall things we’ve missed while traveling. We ate cinnamon cider donuts, picked pumpkins and apples, drank cider, and sat by a fire and drank wine. It was seriously one of the best days I have had in a while.
We need to recharge. You have to remember that you can’t contribute and give to others if you aren’t first giving yourself what you need. Take a break. @ Lyman Orchards


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NO ONE IS GOING TO FEEL SORRY FOR YOU - So stop feeling sorry for yourself!
I was talking to my brother today who was feeling sorry for himself. It sent me off on this wildly passionate response about how we all have it hard, whether it’s physical disability, family troubles, haunting pasts, or mental disability. But, you have to face your reality, whatever it may be. Look your life square in the face and say this is mine. No matter what anyone says, no matter what has happened to me or is happening around me I am going to dominate this s**t. It’s your choice to sit around and feel down and out, like you got dealt a s**t hand, or you can get up and make something happen. Learn something new, ask for help, try a new activity, take a damn stand for yourself. It doesn’t matter what it is! TAKE RESPONSIBILITY FOR YOUR LIFE. NO EXCUSES. DO IT!
*insert meme of Shia LeBeouf here*
On a lighter note. This is my first drone photo. See, trying something new! I am pretty proud of myself. Thanks for giving me a drone, you’re a legend.


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I missed fall the most. I haven’t seen a New England fall in 2 years and I dreamed about colored leaves, sweatshirts, hot cider, pumpkin picking, and apple cinnamon donuts! So to kick off October we went to the most fall event in New England, The Big E. It was freaking so much fun hanging with friends just enjoying the beautiful night and ridiculously caloric food!
As they say. There is no place like home! I’m curious, what is the thing that most reminds you of your home? Comment down below and let me know where you are from!!
Also if you want to experience the Big E go watch the mashup I made on YouTube ✌🏽


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Since I’ve been back in the states I’ve felt this unproductive feeling wash over me. Like I’m taking one step forward and two steps backward everyday. I’ve been trying to resolve my purpose and find my new goals. It hasn’t been easy. As soon as I feel some momentum building - bam - something comes out of nowhere to derail the progress.
I guess I’m sharing to say. I can relate. Things get crazy for all of us. People pass away, family goes off the rails, then work is unstable, you can’t find a sitter, your relationship gets messy, and all of a sudden you feel overwhelmed. It’s all happening, swirling about in your head and in your heart. But, it’s OKAY! I just look to the center, to the calm. I see me and the ones I love and I just say we are alright. I can do this. I will find my way through this chapter. IT’S EASY TO DWELL IN THE THINGS THAT AREN’T GOING RIGHT AND FORGET ALL THE LOVE YOU ARE SURROUNDED BY.
I also wanted to say thank you. So many of you have read my posts and liked my photos for a long time. You’ve seen me grow. You’ve seen me happy, in love, and excited. You’ve seen me depressed, broken hearted, and scared. I’ve shared it all as honestly as I can with you and you’ve never judged. I just want to say thank you, you are amazing, I love you and we are all in this together.
I’d love to hear the positive going on in your life. The comments are reserved for positivity and love so let me hear it!


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When something is hard it’s not a reason to quit.
When you start out you’re going to suck. It’s probably going to be embarrassing. You’ll have to ask a lot of questions and that may not be fun. But, you have to decide whether you love it, whether you are enjoying the people you work with and if you feel you are completing personal goals. Don’t let the difficulty of something stop you from trying.


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Fall is in the air back home. But, my mind is still in the streets of Colombia. Missing the beautiful people, the sunshine, and the historic architecture.
As we change seasons here in the States, I want to challenge you to set your intentions for the end of the year. Is there something you’ve been contemplating, but haven’t pulled the trigger? Is it going to the gym, is it volunteering at the local shelter, is it moving on from your job to your passion? Whatever it is, no one else is going to make it happen except for you. Stop letting your desires sit in your mind, turn them into action.
ACTION. Comment down below with your goals for the end of 2018. If I can help you, I will!

How To Get To Tayrona National Park & Cabo San Juan Beach

I go over in detail how to travel from Santa Marta, Colombia to Tayrona National Park where the famous Cabo San Juan beach is located. If you have questions throw them in the comments below. Consider Subscribing for more travel tips and fun projects!

Connect With Me!

List to my Affiliate Links if you’d like to support me!

Panasonic GH5 Camera:
Sony RX100 IV Camera:
Panasonic Lumix G X Vario II 12-35mm Lens:
Rode VideoMicro Compact Microphone:
Joby GorillaPod 3K Kit:
Macbook Pro Laptop:

▶ Subscribe:


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I showed my little brother this and he goes No WAY you’re the Flash⚡️ So that’s a win. I know some of the things I’ve posted lately have been a bit different than my original content. Probably different from when you hit follow. But, Instagram has always been my way of expressing myself, showing the beautiful people of the world and encouraging others to love themselves and others.
So I encourage you to try new things. Explore your creativity and find your light. It’s hard to accept change or even force it, but it’s important to always be growing. Always be looking to better yourself and those around you. Giving is your greatest asset.
Comment below and let me know if you like some of the new video posts and hyperlapses or if you prefer the old stuff. Also check out the full video LINK IN FIRST COMMENT.

Small Creator Mail Time (Parody)

This is a joke around creators doing videos opening mail. It is meant to make people who watch YouTubers on a regular basis laugh. I hope you enjoy!

Subscribe on YouTube:

List to my Affiliate Links if you’d like to support me!

Panasonic GH5 Camera:
Sony RX100 IV:
Panasonic Lumix G X Vario II 12-35mm Lens:
Rode VideoMicro Compact Microphone:
Joby GorillaPod 3K Kit:
Macbook Pro Laptop:


Josh Pavano's cover photo


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This is Volcán de Fuego in Guatemala. My friend took this shot on our overnight hike up nearby Acatenango volcano. Last month this volcano erupted devastating the area of Antigua. Over 1.7 million people have been affected by the eruption, 113 are confirmed dead and 197 are missing. My heart goes out to this amazing community of people. It was one of the most beautiful things I’ve ever seen in my life and now it has destroyed so many lives. Timing is everything and life has its ways of humbling us.
If you want to help financially you can check the list of verified campaigns compiled by GoFundMe:


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The last few years have been an interesting time to be in the United States. Everyone seems to have something negative to say about our current state of affairs. But, I’m so very proud to be American. I’ve been in countries with “democracy”. Rigged elections that lead to riots that are then put down by government backed military. I’ve seen constitutions amended and countries renamed all so a “democratic” president can stay in power forever. I’ve seen “democratic” presidents win their third seven-year term with supposedly 98.79% of the vote. There are laws that don’t allow the sale of alcohol before or during an election to suppress expected riots, rather than allow a fair race. Our democracy may have its flaws and I or you may not always agree with the results, but I am proud to live in a country where I can speak about my disapproval and cast a vote that is heard in a real way. I’m proud to be a U.S. citizen. Happy Fourth of July everyone - go celebrate that Americanism with a nice cold one! 🍻 🇺🇸


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Moments are fleeting. That can scare the crap out of you or it can give you peace. I find peace in knowing that when things seem bad those moments are only temporary and when things are good I find peace in the idea that I’m in that moment, it is mine, and then it is gone.
Experience your highs and lows. And take some calmness from each moment isn’t forever. You will find your way to the next moment.


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Can you see the Penguins? Yaa probably not they are too far away and I’m really not supposed to be taking this so I was sneaking it. If you ever want to see some amazing sunsets and watch penguins return to their nests you have to get out to Phillip Island outside of Melbourne Australia. Keep traveling my people - anyone have a trip planned?? I want to know 👇🏽



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