የልሳነ ብርቱ ጋዜጠኛው Sadik Ahmed Osman አስገራሚ ንግግርን ያድምጡ። የኢትዮጵያ ዋነኛውን ችግር አምጪ የፖለቲካ ክፍል እና ለኢትዮጵያ ችግር መፍትሔ ያላቸውን የፖለቲካ ምሁራንን የዳሰሰበት አጭር ቪዲዮ ። ይስሙ ይፍረዱ!
የደሴቱ መሪ አብይ አህመድ እና ጠቅላይ ሚኒስቴር መለስ ዜናዊ ልዩነት
የደሴቱ መሪ ኑሮን የሽቅብ እየነዳው ይገኛል::
የዋጋ ጭማሬው ተምልከቱ!
የጋዝ ዋጋ, የውሃ ዋጋ, የማብራት ዋጋ , የቴሌ ዋጋ የትራንስፖርት , የባንክ አገልግሎት ዋጋ, የፓስፖርት እድሳት ዋጋ ጭማሪ ተደርጓል::
ከስድስት አመታት በፊት ጀዋር ለአማራ አክቲቪስቶች የሰጠው አስደናቂ ምክር እና የአሁኑ ሁኔታ
ያለአግባብ የግለሰቦችን መኖሪያ ቤት እያፈረሰ ሳር እና ቴራዞ ለሚተክል መንግሥት::
ፍቅርን ኖራ እጅግ በሚያምር ቃላት የገለፀች ውብ አፍቃሪ! ክብር ይገባሻል! ዘመናትን በአብሮነት ያቆያቹ !
The killing of poor migrants and innocent civilians of Ethiopian origin by ethnonationalist and fanatic religious groups in Somalia has unfortunately become a recurring occurrence. In the past month alone, over 35 migrants have lost their lives in various parts of Somalia. What's alarming is that the call to harm Ethiopian migrants and refugees is not only endorsed by ethnonationalist groups but also by self-proclaimed imams, both within Somalia and among the Somali diaspora in Western countries.
The Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) signed between Ethiopia and Somaliland does not explicitly address its enforcement on poor migrants.
This morning, a Ethiopian woman fell victim to a brutal attack in Mogadishu, where mobs wielding sticks, stones, and knives carried out the ruthless act. The deliberate brutality, using sticks and knives in a country known for rampant of AK 47 and other rifles shown the level of hate against Ethiopia in the country . Islam instructs to kill without inflicting pains even to animals.
Notably, the Somali Qur'an differs from those of Muslims worldwide, allowing the killing of members of other Somali clans for the faults of a fellow clan member.
Somalia stands as the only place in Africa where the project of modernization has regrettably failed. Disturbingly, reports suggest that some politicians in Somalia collaborate with Al Shabaab to eliminate competitors during election times. In Somalia, elections are conducted by clan representatives, who choose individuals aligned with clan interests.