Gotta new one for ya…it’s an emotional one but in a good way, well at least it’s getting there 💗 always a work in progress, right? 😊
Full episode on Apple, Spotify & my Buzzsprout link in Bio.
#jeniszenish #podcast #newepisode #selfhealingjourney #loveandunderstanding
New Episode: Swept Under the Rug. Clip below…please consider subscribing it really helps a girl out💗 #jeniszenish #NewEpisodeAlert #podcast #selfheal #lifestyle #conscious #lovelife #growthmindset #beyou
New Episode is live- small clip below…Hear the rest on Buzzsprout or wherever you enjoy downloading podcasts #jeniszenish #spiritualpodcast #selfhealingjourney #podcast #newepisode #leapoffaith #lifecoachingworks #wellbeingjourney
New Episode is live- small clip below…Hear the rest on Buzzsprout or wherever you enjoy downloading podcasts #jeniszenish #spiritualpodcast #selfhealingjourney #podcast #newepisode #lawofattraction
New episode is up! Here’s a clip for your listening pleasure 😂 You can hear the full version wherever you get your podcasts or click link in my bio #jeniszenish #podcast #newepisode #spiritualjourney #selfhealing #spirituality #spiritualpodcast
New Epsiode! Hear the full episode on Buzzsprout, or wherever you enjoy your podcasts #jeniszenish #podcast #clip #wellbeing #selfcare #journey
Listen to the full episode- links in bio #enlightenment #selfhealing #wellbeing #jeniszenish #podcast #newepisode
Click my learn more button to hear the full episode
Also available on Apple and Spotify
We can learn a lot from plants
Change to adapt, change to live. #jeniszenish #quickie #plantsaremagic #spiritualgrowth #selfcarematters #wellbeing #ExplicitLanguage
Who shook the f*cking jar?
I love the differences in people, I am good with me so it’s easy for me to accept everyone for who and what they are, relate too, etc. but if it’s a difficulty for some…maybe ask yourself…who actually shook your jar?
Lil Miss Positive will never rescue Captain Miserable
Don’t mirror moods. Just don’t. #jeniszenish #spiritualgrowth #miserylovescompany #quickie #wellbeing #selfcare
Badass Gramma…here I come 😂
I’m just sayin….emotions are meant to be felt. #jeniszenish #quickie #spiritualgrowth #water #wisewords #emotionalwellness #selfcare #100years