Come join me live on T!kT0k at 955pm to shake off this Tuesday and Wednesday & enjoy some vibes.
Collective Card Pull || July 14th
July 14th || Don’t be your own boogeyman
Collective Card Pull || July 14th
A collective card pull letting us know we do not need to fear the boogeyman we created, and that if we listen to our lesser heard voice, we can shed the baggage and shine a (painful) light on what really should be the weight we carry or what we’ve genuinely feared for so long.
Sometimes, all we need in life is a reminder that hard things aren’t permanent, and we have more resilience in us than we know.
Don't forget! If you can't get a full reading from myself or one of the other readers tomorrow at the East Texas Psychic Fair, stop by my table & come get yourself a handwritten tarot reading from yours truly! Each reading has the intention or concern on the outside of it and will have 1-4 cards. When you need a reading, simply open the envelope! Once you break the wax seal, you'll see the tarot cards that were pulled for you, as well as the written interpretation.
I can't wait to get to sit & share space tomorrow & see what the cards have to say!
It's a gloomy day in this mystic's neck of the woods, but it doesn't change the power of today's holiday. As the wheel of the year turns, we turn to embrace #imbolc as a reminder of the returning light. Winter solstice was the birth of the sun, as days start to get longer. Today, however, serves as a very important reminder. That even as the light grows, it's okay to need hope to keep going, to feel yourself able to move forward.
Blessed imbolc, friends, and may it be magical AF.
#imbolcblessings #witch #wheeloftheyear #magicalholiday
War! Just Add Water. A DIY War Water product
Here's the upcoming availability for thr week ahead! #professionaltarotreader #professionalwitch #easttexaswitch #thewitchofrosecity #witchesofinstagram #tarotreadersofinstagram #folkwitch
Don't forget to come see me tomorrow at the East Texas Psychic Fair (@easttexaspsychic) at the Marriott in Tyler TX #tarotreader #metaphysical #psychicfair #professionaltarotreader #professionalwitch #lenormand #spiritualcommunity #spiritualjourney #tarot #divination #easttexasevents #folkwitch