I’d like to change this conversation.
🚨 🔻🔻🔻🔻🔻🔻🔻🔻🔻🔻 🚨
We always talk about the benefits of leaving the umbilical cord attached after birth. We say it gives a baby all these extra things (like the infographic here)
Optimal Cord Clamping- changing the conversation
Leaving a baby attached to their lifeline (cord and placenta) does not give them EXTRA things. It gives them the biologically normal components that are apart of the 1/3rd of their blood volume still circulating at birth. We often hear birth advocates talking about benefits of optimal cord clamping and all the extra a baby gets. But in reality we need to be changing the language to reflect the facts that not doing this, comes with risks and deficiencies.
🗣 All of these “extra” benefits are actually the normal amounts a neonate is intended to have. Immediately cutting a cord and depriving them of their blood volume and all the biologically normal components that come with it (the benefits in the infographic), take away these important factors and makes them deficient in these areas.
🗣 Immediately clamping and cutting a cord comes with risks. Risks of oxygen deprivation, low iron levels, low blood cell and white blood cell count (because they are missing a 1/3rd of their blood volume) and low levels of stem cells.
Often times when we are trying to change a routine practice, we want to make it seem like there are all these benefits and convince people of why it should be done by glorifying it. When in reality, we need to talk about the risks and issues that come with not changing the practice because the current practice is damaging.
I’d like to see memes and info graphics say these points 👇🏼
▶️ If you immediately clamp and cut the cord 👉🏼 The baby is deficient of 60% of THEIR blood cells.
▶️ If you immediately clamp and cut the cord 👉🏼 The baby does not receive all of their iron stores how nature intended and will not have adequate levels through the first year.
▶️ If you immediately clamp and cut the cord👉🏼 They do not get all of THEIR white blood cells they are intended to receive at birth and this can lead to being more susceptible to infections and unable to fight them off as adequately.
▶️ If you immediately clamp and cut the cord 👉🏼 They do not receive all of THEIR antibodies in their blood volume and are lacking the adequate antibodies to protect them.
▶️ If you immediately clamp and cut the cord 👉🏼 They do not get all of THEIR intended stem cells, this will effect their bodies natural function that helps repair their bodies and can be damaging.
But I’d take changing it to this at the very least🔻
▶️ Instead of “if you delay cord clamping for 90 seconds they get 60% more blood cells” 👉🏼 If you leave the cord intact as it should be, the baby receives 60% of THEIR blood cells.
▶️ Instead of “they get enough iron to last them through their first year” 👉🏼 They received all of their iron stores how nature intended and will have adequate levels through the first year.
▶️ Instead of “they get white blood cells to fight infection” 👉🏼 They get all of THEIR white blood cells they are intended to receive at birth that leads to fighting infections more adequately.
▶️ “They get antibodies” 👉🏼 all of THEIR antibodies are transferred in their blood volume to protect them.
▶️ “They get stem cells to repair the body” 👉🏼 They get all of THEIR intended stem cells that will help repair their bodies and greatly benefit them.
🔹Post words, information and credit Cari Samuelson, Sacred Sage Births
🔹Image information Dr Alan Greene 🔹Creator of image Moomysmilk