VFW Post 4748 Tuolumne CA

VFW Post 4748 Tuolumne CA Meetings every second Thursday at 7pm. POC Commander Richard Pauly


"Mr. Vice President, Mr. Speaker, Members of the Senate, and of the House of Representatives:
Yesterday, December 7th, 1941—a date which will live in infamy—the United States of America was suddenly and deliberately attacked by naval and air forces of the Empire of Japan.
The United States was at peace with that nation and, at the solicitation of Japan, was still in conversation with its government and its emperor looking toward the maintenance of peace in the Pacific.
Indeed, one hour after Japanese air squadrons had commenced bombing in the American island of Oahu, the Japanese ambassador to the United States and his colleague delivered to our Secretary of State a formal reply to a recent American message. And while this reply stated that it seemed useless to continue the existing diplomatic negotiations, it contained no threat or hint of war or of armed attack.
It will be recorded that the distance of Hawaii from Japan makes it obvious that the attack was deliberately planned many days or even weeks ago. During the intervening time, the Japanese government has deliberately sought to deceive the United States by false statements and expressions of hope for continued peace.
The attack yesterday on the Hawaiian islands has caused severe damage to American naval and military forces. I regret to tell you that very many American lives have been lost. In addition, American ships have been reported torpedoed on the high seas between San Francisco and Honolulu.
Yesterday, the Japanese government also launched an attack against Malaya.
Last night, Japanese forces attacked Hong Kong.
Last night, Japanese forces attacked Guam.
Last night, Japanese forces attacked the Philippine Islands.
Last night, the Japanese attacked Wake Island.
And this morning, the Japanese attacked Midway Island.
Japan has, therefore, undertaken a surprise offensive extending throughout the Pacific area. The facts of yesterday and today speak for themselves. The people of the United States have already formed their opinions and well understand the implications to the very life and safety of our nation.
As Commander in Chief of the Army and Navy, I have directed that all measures be taken for our defense. But always will our whole nation remember the character of the onslaught against us.
No matter how long it may take us to overcome this premeditated invasion, the American people in their righteous might will win through to absolute victory.
I believe that I interpret the will of the Congress and of the people when I assert that we will not only defend ourselves to the uttermost, but will make it very certain that this form of treachery shall never again endanger us.
Hostilities exist. There is no blinking at the fact that our people, our territory, and our interests are in grave danger.
With confidence in our armed forces, with the unbounding determination of our people, we will gain the inevitable triumph—so help us God.
I ask that the Congress declare that since the unprovoked and dastardly attack by Japan on Sunday, December 7th, 1941, a state of war has existed between the United States and the Japanese empire.”



Women Veterans Memorial Dedication Twain Harte CA November 16th 2024. Project Organizers Manager and Creator Frank Smart.This video Produced byRasmussen-Bate...

The Union Democrat is looking for Veterans to recognize for this years Veterans Day Edition. Please give us suggestions ...

The Union Democrat is looking for Veterans to recognize for this years Veterans Day Edition. Please give us suggestions of veterans you know in the community; note the following list of veterans have already been recognized in the past:


Hal Mayo (WWII)
Lee Dauster (Korea)
Jon Cavaiani (Vietnam)
Ron Colombani (Vietnam)
Erik Andal (Army, Cold War era)


Matt Stewart (Iraq)
Bill Withuhn (Vietnam)
Gerald Schutz (Navy, Vietnam era)
Melvin Reitz (WWII)
Edward “Ed” Soares (WWII)
Paul Smith (Vietnam)
Tom Christian (Vietnam)
Sherman Hay (Vietnam)
Ric Ryan (Vietnam)


Jeffrey Mann (Iraq)
Ellen Hulett (Korea)
Bill Nabers (WWII)
Bill Dunlavy (Korea)
Dave Zahniser (Vietnam)
Reunion story: Joe Bick (Iraq), Kevin Reiman (Iraq)
Mike Tuttle (Vietnam)
Tom Diermier (WWII)
Francis Watson (Gulf)


Carlo De Ferrari (WWII)
Joe Huante (WWII)
Alvin “Al” Ohlau (WWII)
Richard Hansen (WWII, Korea, Vietnam)
Jacob McCown (Iraq, Afghanistan)
George Sanderson (Korea)
Marvin Byrd (WWII)
Pierce Jensen (WWII)
Lloyd Kramer (WWII)


Max Kernaghan (WWII)
Charles Hill (Korea)
Jay Hennell (Vietnam)
Aaron Rasmussen (Iraq)
Austin Edge (Afghanistan)
Dan Brown (Vietnam)
Jesse James (Korea)
Bob Boyd (WWII)


Kim McLawhorn (Army, homeless)
Ray Ladd (Vietnam)
Veterans of Modern Warfare: Marvin Pierce (Afghanistan), Sean-Pierre Fox-Wilson (Gulf)
Forest Service, Yosemite employees: Charlie Brooks (Iraq), Marion Roubal (Navy), Cullen Tucker (Coast Guard),
Ryan Dills (Marines, active “veteran in the making”)
Millie Taplin (Navy WAVES)
Sara Jane Clouse (WWII)
Black/Montgomery family:


Larry Hartsock (Vietnam)
Neal Watts (WWII)
Bill Gunn (Navy, post-WWII era)
Gary Secora (Vietnam)
Sean-Pierre Fox-Wilson (Gulf)
Chris Henningsen (Iraq)
Jason Penrose (Iraq)


Raymond Basacker (Iraq)
Alan Leeman (Marshall Islands atomic cleanup)
Frank Salas (Army)
Ken Finigan (WWII)
Tim Tuomey (Marines)


Jess “Frank Verbeck Sr. (Vietnam)
Horses of Warriors: Jamie Franklin (Army)
Debora Esque (Air Force Reserve)
Billy Peek Sr. (WWII)


Michael Kenitzer (Iraq)
Erik Andal (Army, Cold War era)
Jennifer Ives [née Potter] (Afghanistan)
Robert Allen Phillips (Gulf)


Zane Orr (WWII)
Clarence “Mo” Molinari (WWII)
Ronnie Hobb (Vietnam)
Jill Main Paterson (Iraq)
Sarah Guyer (Army, military r**e victim0
Colton McCurley (Afghanistan)


Denny Thompson (WWII)
Al Cepeda (Vietnam)
Paul Osborn (Navy)
Robbie Kravan (Army, post-9/11)
Eugene “Gino” Mangaoang (Vietnam)
Kristopher Albrecht (Coast Guard)


Susan Escalier (JAG, retired brig. gen.)
William “Bill” Callison (WWII)
Louis Ainslie (Vietnam)
Renee Strmiska (Iraq)
Caroline Schirato (Navy)
Christine Wilkinson (Air Force)

Krysta and Kurt Wolken (Navy, Afghanistan)
Gabino Valdez (Marines, Afghanistan and Iraq)
Jerry Fuccillo (Navy Seabees)
Paul Armitstead (Coast Guard, Vietnam era)
Bill Edwards (Civil Air Patrol)

Catch us every Wednesday night at Tuolumne Concerts in the Park; our bake sale fundraiser has made over $2200 so far thi...

Catch us every Wednesday night at Tuolumne Concerts in the Park; our bake sale fundraiser has made over $2200 so far this summer! AND we got two new members last month!Remember tonight is our meeting at 6pm!

Its hard to explain how special this is.Only available during concerts in the park, Wednesday nights at West Side Memori...

Its hard to explain how special this is.
Only available during concerts in the park, Wednesday nights at West Side Memorial Park in Tuolumne during the summer.

History we must not forget. The Tuolumne Veterans Memorial Hall, started from a local effort, was alway intended to be a...

History we must not forget. The Tuolumne Veterans Memorial Hall, started from a local effort, was alway intended to be a Veterans Hall first and foremost.
(Ref. Tuolumne Sesquicentennial 2004)

Volunteers Needed:Luc's Run is in need of more volunteers along the course on May 18th . Anyone interested will get a sh...

Volunteers Needed:
Luc's Run is in need of more volunteers along the course on May 18th . Anyone interested will get a shirt; please provide your Name and Shirt size.

We also do a small color guard for them. Luc was a Summerville High Graduate, his F-16 crashed over the Mediterranean in 2013.

11th Annual Luc's Run is on Saturday May 18, 2024. It includes the following events: 10K, 2 Mile, Kids Run (10 & Under only), Virtual 1/2 Marathon, Virtual Run - 10K, Virtual Run - 2 Mile, and Virtual Run - Kids (10 & Under only).

Remembering Incarcerated Veterans:We had a similar donation from our local incarcerated Veterans from Sierra Conservatio...

Remembering Incarcerated Veterans:
We had a similar donation from our local incarcerated Veterans from Sierra Conservation Center this past year.

It's really amazing to receive such a great donation from these Veterans, that honestly are easily forgotten in the system. I look forward to visiting them soon and thanking them personally for their support.
- Aaron Rasmussen, Post Quartermaster

A VFW Post in California works together with a group of incarcerated veterans who have devoted themselves to serve the veterans and local communities outside of the prison.

Last USS Arizona Survivor Passes Away in Grass ValleyLouis Anthony ConterBorn: September 13, 1921Died: April 1, 2024    ...

Last USS Arizona Survivor Passes Away in Grass Valley

Louis Anthony Conter

Born: September 13, 1921
Died: April 1, 2024

Louis Anthony Conter was born in Ojibwa, Wisconsin, on September 13, 1921, to Nicholas Anthony Conter and Lottie Esther Milligan. Conter had one older and one younger sister. He and his family moved from Wisconsin to New Mexico in 1922, so his father could assist with building Route 66. In 1924, the family moved again to Denver, Colorado. Conter moved to Stockton, Kansas in 1927 and at the age of 7, he was hunting rabbits in order to provide meat for the family supper.
The family moved back to Denver in 1930, where they lived on a farm. Upon finishing school, Conter began working at the same company as his father, Swift & Company. This was partially because of his father's good work ethic. Conter kept pace with the older men even though he was only a teenager
Conter enlisted in the United States Navy on November 15, 1939, shortly after he turned 18, and completed basic training in San Diego, California, getting $17 per month. He was assigned and boarded the USS Arizona on January 24, 1940, with the rank of Quartermaster 3rd Class. USS Arizona returned to her base at Pearl Harbor on December 6, 1941, where she would permanently remain.
In the early morning of December 7, Conter was assigned watch on the quarterdeck station between the third turret and the main deck, when the ship was suddenly attacked by a squadron of Japanese torpedo planes and bombers at 7:55am. Roughly five minutes later, USS Arizona was struck by a 1,760 pound bomb between the first and second turret, sending the bomb through the decks which ignited the ship's ammunition magazine deep within. At the time, there was roughly 1,000,000 pounds of gunpowder stored below within the magazines.
The following explosion blew off the ship's bow and lifted the 31,400 ton battleship’s front end 30’-40’ out of the water. When the big blast hit, Lou was knocked forward to the deck as others were blown off the ship completely. Lou stated that “everything forward of the mainmast was on fire.” As the ship burned and started to sink, she was hit by more Japanese projectiles. “Guys were running out of the fire and trying to jump over the sides,” Conter said. “Oil all over the sea was burning.” Meanwhile, Conter was doing everything he could in aiding fellow wounded sailors, keeping them from jumping in the burning oil covering the water's surface.
When Conter was already knee deep in water, the captain gave the order to abandon ship and Conter took to the lifeboats. USS Arizona sank in 9 minutes, taking the lives of 1,177 of her crew. Her 334 surviving crew struggled to escape the burning ruins, of which Conter saved several men by pulling them out of the water into his lifeboat before rowing to shore. Following the attack, Conter spent several weeks helping to put out fires and recovering the bodies of the fallen in Pearl Harbor. The rusting wreckage of the USS Arizona still lies where it sank. More than 900 sailors and Marines remain entombed within the bulkheads and decks of the ship.
Following the entry of the United States into World War II, and as a direct result of the Attack on Pearl Harbor, Conter was selected for and entered naval flight training as a Naval Aviation Cadet. He received his Naval Aviator wings as an enlisted Naval Aviation Pilot in November of 1942, participating in several nighttime bombing raids flying a PBY-5 variant the Consolidated PBY Catalina with Patrol Squadron Eleven, then known as the Black Cats, in the South Pacific.
He was shot down twice over the Pacific during his Navy flying career, but managed to use a raft to row to shore on both occasions. The first time he was shot down was near New Guinea, where he had to avoid sharks. Later commissioned as an Ensign, Conter went on to serve in the New Guinea campaign and in the European theatre at the end of the war. During this time, he reached the rank of Lieutenant and was a recipient of the Distinguished Flying Cross and the Navy Commendation Medal with Combat "V" device.
Following the end of the war, Conter returned to California where he had completed his basic training back in 1939, and joined the Naval Reserve. Recalled to active duty during the Cold War, Conter saw action again during the Korean War in the 1950’s, serving on the aircraft carrier USS Bon Homme Richard. Conter then decided to remain on active duty. In the late 1950’s, he was made the Navy’s first SERE officer, an acronym for survival, evasion, resistance and escape. He spent the next decade training Navy pilots and crew on how to survive if they’re shot down in the jungle and captured as a prisoner of war. Some of his pupils used his lessons as POW’s in Vietnam. Lou retired from the Navy in December of 1967, having achieved the rank of Lieutenant Commander.
After his retirement from the Navy, Conter pursued a career as a real estate developer in Northern California. Conter wrote a book about his life titled The Lou Conter Story in 2021 and turned 100 years old that same year. In his later years, Conter became a fixture at annual remembrance ceremonies in Pearl Harbor that the Navy and the National Park Service jointly hosted on the anniversaries of the 1941 attack. When he lacked the strength to attend in person, he recorded video messages for those who gathered and watched remotely from his home in California.
Following the death of Ken Potts in April 2023, Conter then became the last known survivor of the sinking of the USS Arizona. Conter had been getting weaker and weaker in recent months and was hospitalized for 10 days in February of 2024. Unfortunately, Lou passed away due to congestive heart failure in Grass Valley on April 1, 2024, at the age of 102. His family plans to bury him in Grass Valley, next to his late wife Valerie, who passed away in 2016 after they had been married for 45 years. Lou is survived by his daughter Louann, sons, James, Jeff, Tony and Ron, as well as many grandchildren and great grandchildren, nieces and nephews.

-Louis Anthony Conter Collection

The Mt. Havilah Cross,In the Township of Tuolumne. The age of this Cross is unknown, it could be as old as the first set...

The Mt. Havilah Cross,
In the Township of Tuolumne. The age of this Cross is unknown, it could be as old as the first settlement in the 1850's. Each year townsfolk have been meeting at the base of the Cross for "Resurrection Sunrise" since its existence. The Cross sits on the eastern side, opposite to the WW2 Veterans Cross that sits facing west across the center of the Township of Tuolumne.

The Veterans Cross, another staple the Township is known for. Everyone that drives into town from all four roads at night, will at some point see the light above Tuolumne Township. Many Veterans state they cried once they saw the cross apon returning home to Tuolumne from War.

Keith Dale Wann was a Summerville High Graduate during WW2. After graduating he joined the Army Air Core, and was shot down over Franch. In His honor and all those who gave their lives for our countries freedoms, the Tuolumne American Legion Post built the cross in 1945. That same year the Veterans of Foreign Wars established Keith Dale Wann Post 4748 in the 1936 Tuolumne Veterans Memorial Hall and currently holds the "Mt. Havilah Cross Fund". This fund is supported by donations from townsfolk, which pays for the electric bill and maintenance responsibilities.The Veterans of Foreign Wars Department California, Keith Dale Wann Post 4748, is currently listed on the PG&E Bill, along with a 1945 handwritten easement right to the very top of Mt. Havilah, where these two Crosses stand.

Wikipedia Note:
Havilah (Biblical Hebrew: חֲוִילָה, romanized: Ḥəwilā) refers to both a land and people in several books of the Bible; in the Genesis creation narrative, the one is mentioned in Genesis 2:10–11, while the other is mentioned in the Generations of Noah (Genesis 10:7).
In Genesis 2:10–11, Havilah is associated with the Garden of Eden. Two individuals named Havilah are listed in the Table of Nations as descendants of Noah. The name also appears in Genesis 25:18, defining the territory of the Ishmaelites. Extrabiblical literature mentions Havilah as the source of precious jewels used by the Amorites.The exact location of Havilah is debated, with various scholars suggesting southwest of the Arabian Peninsula or northern Somalia.

- Aaron Rasmussen
VFW Post 4748 QM

Ruck March Update:This past weekend we raised $2000, and a car load of items for homeless Veterans. Thank you for suppor...

Ruck March Update:
This past weekend we raised $2000, and a car load of items for homeless Veterans. Thank you for supporting our 4th Annual event!

4th Annual Vets Ruck MarchThis Saturday update:*Due to weather dress for rain and mud. We are hoping for a good break in...

4th Annual Vets Ruck March
This Saturday update:
*Due to weather dress for rain and mud. We are hoping for a good break in weather like we have been blessed in the past.
*Sign-ins will be in Hall Kitchen 9-945am. The VFW room will be open to gather in. There is a Craft Fair in the Hall so we are a little spread out this year.

"If it ain't Raining we ain't Training"

Funeral Honor Guard Volunteers Needed:If you served in the military and live in Tuolumne County we need your help with M...

Funeral Honor Guard Volunteers Needed:

If you served in the military and live in Tuolumne County we need your help with Military Funeral Honors.

Veteran family members are also welcome to volunteer. Uniform costs can be reimbursed; Military uniforms or standard white and black uniforms.

Funeral Service requests very and notices are usually short notice. Funueral procedures are simple and easy for all to follow. The rewards of honoring our nation’s heroes are priceless and supporting their families is our duty.

Please contact Tuolumne County Honor Guard Team at [email protected]


18375 Fir Avenue
Tuolumne, CA


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