For us long-time advocates of a ban on sewage sludge as fertilizer, this article in today's New York Times is like finding big new present under the tree.
The E.P.A. Promotes Toxic Fertilizer. 3M Told It of Risks Years Ago.
New York Times – Dec. 27, 2024
By Hiroko Tabuchi
Read the article:
The PFAS (forever chemicals) crisis has recently focussed people's attention on the sewage-sludge-as-fertilizer issue, but this is the first major news reporting which also refers to the other many contaminants in sewage sludge ("biosolids") besides PFAS which we've been screaming about for years.
A few excerpts, but the whole article is worth reading and sharing.
..Betsy Southerland, a former director of science and technology in the E.P.A. Office of Water, which oversees biosolids, said the program had been hurt by staffing shortages as well as an arduous process for setting new restrictions [on known toxic contaminants of sewage sludge]. Action has been slow, she said, even though E.P.A.’s surveys of sludge had shown “all kinds of pollutants — flame retardants, pharmaceuticals, steroids, hormones,” she said. “It’s the most horrible story,” she said...
..“These are highly complex mixtures of chemicals,” said David Lewis, a former E.P.A. microbiologist who in the late 1990s issued early warnings of the risks in spreading sludge on farmland. The soil “becomes essentially permanently contaminated,” he said in a recent interview from his home in Georgia...
..“There are other ways to dispose of excess waste from the cities,” [Oklahoma Republican state legislator Jim] Shaw said in an email. “Contaminating our farmland, livestock, food and water sources is not an option and has to stop.”...
Immediately impose a state-wide emergency moratorium on approving all pending permits for land application of sewage sludge! No more sewage sludge on ag land in Washington.